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More Brothehood problems


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This has got to be the most difficult mod I've ever tried to play through. After going thru A WHOLE lot of problems with the mod I finally think I'm gonna get through it when at the end where Shadow defeats her master and Solomon trades his life to resurect her friend, he lay's dying and a new cut scene appears with Shadow looking out over the horizon and then... THE GAME CRASHES!!!! I've tried new saves and auto saves and the same thing happens. Anyone out there had this problem I would REALLY like to see how this all ends!!


I found the patch 1.05 for Brotherhood and install it but I still have the problem.

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I've had a bunch of problems with that mod too. Like when i was in the cave and then if you walked backwards the same cutscene would happen then transport you to the modified ebon hawk layout. The mod i think had the right idea behind it but had too many flaws for my taste. I did like the character that said "forever i am your shadow" though, that pc was cool.

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  .:Lord Revan:. said:
Never had that happen before, what other mods are you running??


Thanks for responding, I'm running the Jedi Fight Training mod along with the Carth Bastila Romance mod. This is the first time playing out this mod and all I can say is that I really like it but would sure like to see how it all plays out. I was thinking about uninstalling then reinstalling using all the patches that I found and see what happens after that. What would you suggest?

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Hey, judging from where the game crashes I'd think the bug lies with Kobayashi, seeing as he is supposed to speak after you see Shadow observing the view. When you get to the point where Shadow is looking over the horizon (make sure you have cheats enabled) hit the tilde key then type "warp" into the console, without the quotes, to force quit the conversation. When you regain control of your character try to find Shadow and then look for Kobayashi. If Kobayashi looks funny or is just plain not there, the crash may be due to something wrong with him.

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  Fallen Guardian said:
Hey, judging from where the game crashes I'd think the bug lies with Kobayashi, seeing as he is supposed to speak after you see Shadow observing the view. When you get to the point where Shadow is looking over the horizon (make sure you have cheats enabled) hit the tilde key then type "warp" into the console, without the quotes, to force quit the conversation. When you regain control of your character try to find Shadow and then look for Kobayashi. If Kobayashi looks funny or is just plain not there, the crash may be due to something wrong with him.


I'm assuming you mean to go into KSE game editor and enable the cheats then simply skip that dialog and resume the game from there. Am I correct?

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No, I mean enable cheats using the swkotor.ini file in the game directory folder. Then, when you're in the conversation and Shadow is looking over the horizon turn on the console and type in "warp" without the quotes, which will force the conversation to exit. Then use your character, find Shadow and see if there's anything wrong with Kobayashi, as he's supposed to talk when your game crashes.

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  Fallen Guardian said:
No, I mean enable cheats using the swkotor.ini file in the game directory folder. Then, when you're in the conversation and Shadow is looking over the horizon turn on the console and type in "warp" without the quotes, which will force the conversation to exit. Then use your character, find Shadow and see if there's anything wrong with Kobayashi, as he's supposed to talk when your game crashes.


Alright I went into the swkotor.ini file typed in EnableCheats=1 went back into the game, got to the cut scene, then hit the (SHIFT)tide key(~) and nothing happens. I'm certainly doing something wrong but I don't see the "console" or where to type warp. What am I doing wrong?

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  Fallen Guardian said:
You only hit the tilde (~) key, and it'll come up with something that looks like this:




In the top right corner of your screen. Also, make sure EnableCheats=1 is under the [Game Options] heading in swkotor.ini.


Okay I found out what I was doing wrong; I typed in Enable Cheats = 1 as two words not one! Now I have a new problem... after warping through the dialog I can not longer interact with any of the characters and if you try to leave and go back to the Korriban Waste ( the exit that was blocked and the message " you can not go until you confront Maltilda & Solomen ) or words to that effect, I see Maltilda's head (no body ) in the passage way leading out to the Korriban Waste and I can't do anything else. The first time I warped (from a saved game) I saw Solomon standing in the passage way, then I started from the auto save and that's when see the Maltilda head. But Miltilda is still intact where I left her. Now what?

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Well, the main point of warping out of the conversation was to see if there was anything wrong with Kobayashi - not to leave the area or anything. Try looking around for Koabayashi, and see if he's there. But from that point, since I didn't make the mod, I wouldn't really know what to do so if you're still experiencing glitchiness with that area I would just find a save from before your character ever entered that area - that includes the time Shadow went out there to chase Solomon down - and (making sure to backup both the modules folder and override folder before doing this) reinstall BOS in its entirety. Then load the save and see if you can play from there without glitches.

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  Fallen Guardian said:
Well, the main point of warping out of the conversation was to see if there was anything wrong with Kobayashi - not to leave the area or anything. Try looking around for Koabayashi, and see if he's there. But from that point, since I didn't make the mod, I wouldn't really know what to do so if you're still experiencing glitchiness with that area I would just find a save from before your character ever entered that area - that includes the time Shadow went out there to chase Solomon down - and (making sure to backup both the modules folder and override folder before doing this) reinstall BOS in its entirety. Then load the save and see if you can play from there without glitches.


Hey... thanks for all your input it's nice to know that I'm not alone and that people out there are willing to take the time out to answer questions even dumb ones like mine.

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  .:Lord Revan:. said:
I recommened doing making a save before the glitch, then uninstalling the mod....also take off jedi fight trainng that mod gave me problems with some of my other mods. Reinstall the mod with the patch, then load your game save. Try that and let me know how it goes :)


Correct me if I'm wrong (and I usually am) since most if not all the mods are installed to the override or modules folder. then by deleting these would I also be uninstalling most if not all of my mods? I'm asking this because just last week I copied and removed both of these folders. Then I reinstalled Solomon's Revenge, played from a saved game before the problems occured but still found the game would crash at the same point in the story. Most of the mods don't have a uninstall feature built into them. So trying to identify which files have been changed or replaced can be rather difficult. I had the idea of uninstalling Kotor then reinstalling but I would then lose all my saved games in the process so I haven't done this yet.


But If I do this and install the mods one at a time I just might find the one that's causing the conflict, do you agree? This would be a last resort cause I'd have to play out the entire game all over again.

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You come to a point in the uninstall process that says "do you want to keep your saved games and system files" or something like that, but in the end the uninstaller would never uninstall anything that didn't come when you downloaded the game(like the mods). Basically what I am saying is that you can keep your saved games, but I wouldn't because if any of your mods are doing something when you saved your game, then you will have problems when you load the saved game without the mods. Also when you uninstall it, you have to go into program files\lucasarts and you will see a knights of the old republic folder. Now you need to go in there and delete the folders that have your mods, it usually leaves those behind after the uninstallation, but remember if you kept your saved games then you shouldn't delete those :) And for now I would just start with solomons revenge then add mods later :) Hope this helps

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Don't try to just delete the Modules folder outright, that contains modules needed for the regular game as well. The override is completely deletable, as far as issues with the main game go. Any mods will be completely shredded by a deletion of the override, however. Yet at this point I think deleting the override, reinstalling all your mods and then loading a save from before you got into that glitchy module would be your best bet.

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  Fallen Guardian said:
Don't try to just delete the Modules folder outright, that contains modules needed for the regular game as well. The override is completely deletable, as far as issues with the main game go. Any mods will be completely shredded by a deletion of the override, however. Yet at this point I think deleting the override, reinstalling all your mods and then loading a save from before you got into that glitchy module would be your best bet.


I'd like to thank you, Fallen Guardian and Darth Reven for your comments BOTH have been very helpful. And I'll take them under advisement. Darth Reven makes a very important point in saying that the possible fault lay in the saved games and I believe he is correct since I have already done as you have suggested and still got the same crash. I should have considered that any corruption might be SAVED in those saved games even after deleting and reinstalling the mod.


What I didn't know is that the uninstall doesn't uninstall everything! I'm going to uninstall Kotor, check the files for any remaining mods, then reinstall Kotor, Brotherhood, then finally Solomen's Revenge without any other mods installed. I will of course reinstall all the updated patches (BoSSR 1.1), (Brotherhood 1.7) and (Kotors updated patch). Let me know if I left any patches out but that's all that I've found so far. If that works then I'll try adding the other mods one at a time. In "theory" I should be able to determine which one is causing my glitch, providing of cause that both mods play out without any problems. It may take me some time to get back to that point in the game where I first got these issues. Thanks again for your support!!

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  Fallen Guardian said:
Don't try to just delete the Modules folder outright, that contains modules needed for the regular game as well. The override is completely deletable, as far as issues with the main game go. Any mods will be completely shredded by a deletion of the override, however. Yet at this point I think deleting the override, reinstalling all your mods and then loading a save from before you got into that glitchy module would be your best bet.


I agree I wouldn't delete the folder......unless you uninstall, cuz im pretty sure last time I did the it has folder called "saves" or something like that. And I personal would uninstall (I wouldn't keep save files just cuz of the possible glitches of reloading them, and don't forget to go and delete the files left behind after the uninstall), reinstall, install kotor patch (witch actually I don't have and my kotor runs fine), install BOS:SR, install BOS:SR patch, play through and report back :D


Hope it works!!

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  .:Lord Revan:. said:
I agree I wouldn't delete the folder......unless you uninstall, cuz im pretty sure last time I did the it has folder called "saves" or something like that. And I personal would uninstall (I wouldn't keep save files just cuz of the possible glitches of reloading them, and don't forget to go and delete the files left behind after the uninstall), reinstall, install kotor patch (witch actually I don't have and my kotor runs fine), install BOS:SR, install BOS:SR patch, play through and report back :D


Hope it works!!


Thanks that's just what I plan to do I'll keep you updated and keep my fingers crossed!

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