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hey Hassat ... another update??? my goodness ... :hattip:


if u remember I recently installed 1.8.3 ... I'm quite satisfied with it till now.

I'll download all this again hopefully next weekend ... not right now.


Would it be safe to just overwrite previous 1.8.3 M4-78EP modules folder files with the ones from this update (650DAN, 804DRO, 805DRO and 809DRO)?


I haven't reached those modules in my current playthrough btw ...


thx a lot, AGAIN ...:thmbup1:

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Yup, as long as you do it in the proper order of course (TSLRCM first, M4-78 second).

thx a lot. Will be downloading this ASAP ... :woo:


P.S. so ... Hassat ... is this ...

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add-on fully compatible with this last 1.8.3 update I suppose? :raise:
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So I am about to start playing the game tomorrow with this mod installed. I loaded it up tonight just to make sure it starts, which it does, but I do have one concern: I noticed that this mod restores Nihilus with the dancing Twi'leks in place of Sion. I am not a fan of this Easter egg because I feel it diminishes the foreboding tone of the title screen. What do I need to do in order to remove this one feature and restore Sion on the title screen?


It should be noted that I was editing the swkotor2 Notepad document to alter the Sith Lords on the title screen, which is how I came upon this.


[Edit] I also would like to enable small fonts, but every time I do so (by editing the line "Use Small Fonts=0" to "=1"), it causes the opening movies to not load and the game crashes. KOTOR 2 doesn't have a way to change the font size in-game (via the options screen) like the first game does, either. I suppose one work-around would be to disable movies, but then when I start my game it won't have movies in it.

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I love trim and m4-78 they two of the mods I use in every play through because they enrich the game so much. Thank you for updating it with what would say is a frequent update schedule. Are you guys planning on adding or refing any thing else in the game? I was just wondering since I feel everything you've added is wonderfully put together.

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