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I'm back in town... and my baby is born !


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Hi everybody...


so imagine my surprise... i come back from a three-week trip and find a Senate-forum !!


Very nice of course...


I'll be posting a rather large lay-out on the voting and Senate-formation this week; if all goes well, we'll be having our first official Senate-meeting in November !!





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Hey, its great to hear your back :)

Its good to have you back, maybe now you can bring order to all this chaos! :D

BTW WHAT did you do on your leave of absence? :mon:

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Guest Tie Guy

Hey Leo, long time no see


I trust you will get things going smoothly again, but look at out member numbers, they skyrocketed, so a couple things will need to be changed.


Also, you should get the demo of GB right away if you haven't already.


BTW, am i the only one in the entire board that calls you Leo and not Leon? Oh well, just a thought.

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I was on a 23-day trip across the South of Africa - South-Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe... Bit of safari, rafting, hang-gliding.. the lot. No computers, no music. Not even phones !


My girlfriend doesn't have a baby (not that i know of anyway

:D ), but she's doing great thankyouverymuch.


Glad to see the member-amount... we're going into nominations and voting NEXT WEEK !!! Mark that week in your calendars and get ready..


I just got my first slice of GB-action with the demo. I'll leave the feedback for another forum.



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I lived in Cape Town! Did you vist Pinelands at all (errr...has pine tree's everywhere ;) )


And you missed out on the museum's......the one in Cape Town is awsome....and the one at Olifant (You did vist Olifant right? its my favourite park ;) ) is tiny, but pretty cool :)


But I guess it's A choice between that, and the kruger......you proberly made the right desision ;)

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Guest Luke Skywalker
Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

Welcome back, Leon... I've changed ;)

Yah but your still posting nothing basically. No lol :p Yah Leon hes changed quite a bit. I would (if I was a mod) nominate him for senate. So give him another chance lol :p

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Guest crazy_dog

Me is running for a senator of the smilies. No, no jokes man, my job will be to report rude smiles to the mods who will have them banned ( Suckers! :p ) and look look out for new smiles that people make.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Is that your only goal? It seems like it is because thats all you say you'll ever do. Lol:p And besides Thrawn and Eets'chula share the smiley making thrown :D

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