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Favourite Quote?


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  • 2 weeks later...

My favorite quote from CMI:






"That's a duck!! They should call it Duck Island, not Skull Island!"


"Well, if you tilt your head sideways, and squint your eyes a little.... A horrible skull!!"


"If I tilt my head and squint, it looks like a rabbit."




"There's no such thing as a soul! It's just something they made up to scare the kids, like The Boogie Man, or Michael Jackson."

  --Bart, The Simpsons


[This message has been edited by brief (edited August 10, 2001).]

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I thought it was funny in CMI when Lechuck left guybrush in the elevator thingy with the bombs and guybrush says,


: Hah, it's unlocked!


I'm not sure why I just thought that was funny hearing him say that and then watching a little kid walk out of the elevator thingy.



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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My favorite CMI quotes:


Of course the intro when he's complaining about not having stuff while it's all floating by him.


When Guybrush is backstage in the theater and you tell him to pick up the donkey head. "I don't wanna look like a jackass .... Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking, so knock it off!"


When King Andre deals the cards, Guybrush says "No whammies, no whammies!" You gotta be old to remember Press Your Luck.

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Many of the favorite quotes that come to my mind are the ones from the mouth of Murray, such as "If I could just get my hands on that gunner... If I could just get my hands period!" and "...I wasn't laughing at anything particular...". Hilarious stuff. :D

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I love the quote in CMI when you select "drink spiked drink" in the Goodsoup Inn/Bar, when Guybrush says:


"Considering that mixing alcohol with medicine is highly dangerous and possibly lethal, if I weren't a lovably inept cartoon character with the potential for a few more sequels, I wouldn't even think of it. Skoal!"


I just can't get over that one.


I also love the dialogue between Guybrush and Murray in the first act:



"You're about as scary-looking as a doorstop."


"Is it a really EVIL-looking doorstop?"


"I don't think you're getting my point, Murray."


But there are many more to choose from.

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When Guybrush is backstage in the theater and you tell him to pick up the donkey head. "I don't wanna look like a jackass .... Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking, so knock it off



Yep, the mask is from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. The best Shakespeare work, in my humble opinion...

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Guybrush and Murray:


Guybrush: Can I call you bob?

Murray: No you may call me Murray the all powerful evil demonic talking skull




Murray: Soon I'll be stridding through the gates of Hell

Guybrush: Striding?

Murray: Walking through the gates of Hell


Latter. . .

Guybrush: What are you doing up there

Murray: I'm standing as a steamid (I think trhat what is was)

Guybrush: Standing???

Murray: I'm hanging as a tesimid. Must you take the fun out of everything


abd whho ould forget: But it pink

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  • 3 weeks later...

My favorite is Murray and Guybrush's talk at the entrance to the Voodoo Lady's shack. Murray is on a pike or something (haven't played it recently).


Murray: Soon I'll be striding (or walking?) through the gates of Hell! MWAHAHA


Guybrush: Striding?


Murray: Alright. Rolling! Rolling through the gates of Hell!


Laugh out loud humor. What I love best about the Monkey Island series.

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At the time I played CMI, I was dating a guy who was obsessed with chickens (don't ask). When I got to El Pollo Diablo, I just fell out of my chair laughing. As soon as I could stand up I called this guy and told him. El Pollo Diablo became one of our favorite jokes for a long time.


Other than that... I really don't know. I guess I have to agree that the Guybrush-Murray banter is some of the best, but it's all great. :)

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this has to be my all time favorite.

"hey, the quicksand is sucking all the cool stuff out of my pants... now there's an odd sensation."


oh, and it's not a quote, but i love the fact that before your eaten by the snake, if you hover your cursor over all the stuff at the snake X-ing part, it's all ordinary, then when your eaten by the snake and do it again, it's all stuf you couldv'e used on the snake if you weren't inside the thing. that's just great.

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"It just occured to me that mixing alcohol with medicine is a really stupid and possibly lethal thing to do. If I were a real person instead of a lovably inept cartoon character with the potential for a few more sequels, I wouldn't even think of it.





Skoal!" - Guybrush Threepwood from CMI

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Horatio:"Worst of all I told him abou the Utimate Insult, the voodoo talisman that can turn men into mice!"

Guybrush: "Remind me never to tell you a secret."


Voodoo Lady: "Sorry about the mess, the children were here playing with their voodoo dolls. Would you like to see pictures?"

Guybrush: "For all that is good and holy, NO!"


Murray: "It's not even a real anchor! ...I'm a real talking skull."


Murray: Do not forget your arch nemesis Murray! Muahahahahahaha! .......This is so unfair...."

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