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Drunken Time Travelers of StarWarsKNights.com

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Hey guys. I went back and took over Lucasforums but something weird happened when i got back. There were Gizka everywhere. and they had missle launchers and blaster rifles.


So...any thoughts or suggestions on how to deal with this little problem.

*Grabs lightsaber and customized blaster rifle and hops in the time machine*

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Fifteen seconds later

Get back! get back! *throws a grenade through the time portal*

They have lightsabers!

*Grabs a Mandalorian heavy repeater and runs back into the portal*

Briiing It Onnn!!!!!!

*explosions are heard throught the portal*




*Jumps out of a time portal four minutes later*

The Gizkas managed to get the time machine! Don't ask me howthey did it but the gizkas have the time machine! I'm gonna need some more ammo.

*Grabs chaingun, Double-bladed lightsaber, a rocket launcher and jumps back into the time portal*

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*jumps out of the time portal*

Hey I'm responisble! these Gizka are just a little smarter then me thats all. I'm trying to contain them before they contaminate the timeline. Who needs a TARDIS when we have me?

whoops hold on

*Throws a plasma grenade through the portal*

Take that ya wee beasties!

*Jumps back into the portal*

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*Jumps out of the portal smiling*

I got the Keys to the time machine!

*Holds up the keys. A gizka comes hopping out of the portal and holds up a picture of the Handmaiden*

*Stares and starts to drool*

*While drooling over the picture the gizka steals the keys and jumps back through the portal and takes the picture of the handmaiden with it*

*Narrows his eyes* Oh...Now its on!!!

*Jumps in after the gizka*

Give me back that Picture!!!! and the keys!

*the portal closes after Chev jumps in after the gizka*

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Well, after hitting a police box I um, borrowed, with a wrench enough times, I seem to have somehow gotten a working TARDIS. Now, for reasons I don't quite understand, I'm off to save Chev from the mess he's gotten himself into!


*checks spatio-temporal coordinates on the portal, enters them into the TARDIS controls.*


*The TARDIS begins to dematerialise.*

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*running from the Dalek*

I couldn't have caused this! I shouldn't even know what a Dalek is! Who else was mucking around in the past?!

*Shows CQ sitting in a time machine. Upon closer look, we see that it's a future version of CQ with evil eyes and an Evil Gizka perched upon his head.

*Hits the: Bring Daleks to our universe button.*

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