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My Patrick Stewart Rant

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So there I was, sitting in the dark for no reason, where I got to thinking: Patrick Stewart really is the awesomest man to ever live. Know how I know? Because **** you. Him > You. I'm hoping to get into Oxford, just so I can take the course he teaches there. I'm not even sure what it is, but I bet it's something awesome, like "How to Be Really Awesome 1001". Not 101. 1001. He's just that awesome.


You know what's really great about him? His voice. I could listen to that man talk about absolutely anything for the rest of my life. Tone, timbre, rhythm, inflections, the whole bit. If his voice were a drink flavour, it would be Kickass Orange Peach Mango Banana Lesbian Sex, and it would come in bottles shaped like him, and would cause orgasms in people above the age of 13. In Patrick Stewart years - that means **** you. Everyone would have orgasms.


Patrick Stewart created everything. Even all the ****ty stuff, like country music, goths, telemarketers, child actors, football, ducks, electric guitars, department stores, armpit hair, bath salts, bees, fast food, Dodo birds (good riddance), Facists, the Sun, potheads, baby carrots, Mountain Dew, birds, midgets, and tawts who wear socks with sandals.


Here's how it went down: Patrick Stewart got bored one day, and decided to create Life. So he let his hair fall out, so that it could become the Swedes - though it also had the effect of making him even more awesome. The Swedes then tricked God, Patrick Stewart's little brother, into creating everything. Patrick Stewart, not knowing that God's Universe wasn't strong enough to take his awesomeness, accidentally destroyed it by blinking too hard. He then smacked God across the head and grudgingly recreated everything, this time better.


A list of some of the things Patrick Stewart created:


- Facepalming

- Engaging

- Making it so

- Beef Jerkey

- Sex

- Doctor Who

- The Wheel

- Evolution. No wait, that was Satan.

- Internet


And that's just a few. Yeah.

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