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Hi.... im new here...

Wraith 8

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Well Dutch is nothing like german.


Dutch has 'some' simmular words but a lot of words in German means a totaly other thing in Dutch. But if some guy wrote me a letter or talk to me in German.... i could understand it.... But i cant speak or write German THAT good.


But just last time when i was talking with my friend Dark Sad Shadow and he was talking about slang. well in my language that word means: SNAKE... so...



A totally other thing... I just got a call today from mexico..

From that same guy..... DARK SAD SHADOW... He called me with his cell phone. Realy cool you know.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Ohhh, show off, well I speak English and French and not American. Believe me it should be its seperate language of its own. Aand then have sub languages for texans ect. Lol :p, eh? hehehe I guess Canadian deserves its own sub language...

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Guest Tie Guy
Kuk Javel! (anyone know sweedish? )


nine! :D



Ego loqui Latinum


I i know Latin, actually speaking it is much harder, but ican do it some. Of course, i know english, and have no real accent, neutral, you might call it.

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