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The ending of mi2


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I'm really confused about the end of mi2. Is lechuck really Guybrush's brother, and what happened between mi2 and comi? They should put a movie at the start of comi showing what happened at big whoop, or even make a game on that part? I think they should, instead of having it mixed up with plot holes and confused people.<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm36.gif" border=0>



That's the 2nd biggest monkey head I've ever seen... hey wait, that is the biggest monkey head!

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Yeah, LeChuck was messin' with Guybrush's mind, and isn't really his brother. He gets him to go to Big Whoop, but he escapes by hopping onto a bumper car to escape LeChuck. Unfortunately, now he is floating out in the middle of nowhere. Which is where CMI begins...

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BUT, Ron Gilbert says in an interview, on IRC when asked that:


"He is, but he isn't if you know what I mean". Wierd... knowing that Ron have everything inside his head, and that he may very well take the secrets to his grave, kills me. I want his MI3!!!

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Well, how do you explain the part where Elaine is wondering why Guybrush is taking so long.


There WAS going to be a third Monkey Island, as Ron Gilbert has said, or at least hinted. He said he already had the story worked out for MI3 in his head after MI2, and he still keeps it stored. Damn that he left LucasArts before they made it.

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No, LeChuck isn't his brother. The whole ending, beginning in the underground tunnels, was an illusion because LeChuck put a curse on Guybrush to make him think he was back to a child, but really, LeChuck just wanted Guybrush to ride the Big Whoop so he'd be another undead minion. Ever wonder why the game is called LeChuck's revenge? The end when Elaine says about hoping Lechuck hadn't put a voodoo curse on Guybrush was real, and that was Ron Gilbert's point. REmember the dream sequence when Guybrush gets K.O'ed on Booty Island from falling off the tree? He has a "dream sequence" where he sees his parents' remains do the bone song, then LeChuck comes on screen and tries to kill Guybrush (ooh that part always freaked me out :D )... Well I think that was an illusion from Guybrush's subconsious... Pretty wierd considering that later in the game he saw his parents' remains and zombie LeChuck.... So maybe on some voodoo magic-like level, Guybrush and LeChuck are connected in some way...(music to Twilight Zone begins)


Oh well, my brain :explode: just thinkin' bout it....



"It just occured to me that mixing alcohol with medicine is really stupid and possibly lethal. If I were a real person instead of a lobably inept cartoon character with the potential for a few more sequels, I wouldn't even think of it. Skoal!" ~ Guybrush Threepwood

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But if you think about it- they must be related, remember when Guybrush made the voodoo doll of LeChuck? and he needed a bone so he took his fathers head (or his mothers- I cant remember who's skull he took) I just think that if they weren't related- then the voodoo doll wouldn't have worked :) Then again that's logical thinking hehehehe, besides I think it's funny when lil Guybrush screams "Chucky tried to kill me" tis a pity the game wasn't voice thingie. Wasn't Ron Gilbert also making fun of the whole StarWars thing? Kinda like the "Luke, I am your father" but instead it's "Guybrush? I am your brother"

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Originally posted by Natty

But if you think about it- they must be related, remember when Guybrush made the voodoo doll of LeChuck? and he needed a bone so he took his fathers head (or his mothers- I cant remember who's skull he took) I just think that if they weren't related- then the voodoo doll wouldn't have worked :)


Finally, another person who sees that. I always use this argument to make clear that Chucky IS indeed Guybrush's brother (...I think.)


Oh, and I thought it was his father's head ("Dad seems a little looser")

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I've thought that a lot too... But I think that when he turned on the lights the illusion started. Maybe LeChuck rigged the underground passage to confuse Guybrush and maybe Ron Gilbert made it that way to fool us.... My theory is that LeChuck can turn into other people. In the underground passage, when you take the elavatorand you go back to the alley in the 1st Mi, don't you remember Fester Shinetop talking to Guybrush in the alley in Monkey 1 , ad later you see that Fester is really LeChuck? Obviously Melee Island and Monkey are connected, which explains Ozzie and LeChuck disposing Guybrush so easily. Maybe this relation thing will be cleared up in MI5.... Or maybe Ron wanted us all to suffer with the consequences of him leaving LucasArts..... And yes, They were trying to make fun of Star Wars.:D because Guybrush and LeChuck have the same dialogue as Luke and Darth Vader do in The empire strikes back. But personally, I think that Monkey Island was better than Star Wars... (please don't send me hate mail for that:)

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ok heres my oppinion: everything was a curse, including guybrush's dream, because LeChuck wanted Guybrush to go to the BigWhoop, so gb would get stuck, AND BELIEVE U ME, THE BIGWHOOP IS CURSED, U CANT ESCAPE SUCH EVIL!!!!!

uh, anyways, guybrushes dream was controled by LeChuck, and the voodoo doll ddnt really work, it was LeChuck again, so guybrush would fall on his BigWhoop curse.


bsides ppl, the connection between MI2 and MI3 is explained in the introductory cutscene of MI3, while guybrushe floats in a bumpercar dreaming of Elain and a chicken on a barrel of grog.


n Ron (in my oppinion) dont know either

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Originally posted by Haggis


Finally, another person who sees that. I always use this argument to make clear that Chucky IS indeed Guybrush's brother (...I think.)


Oh, and I thought it was his father's head ("Dad seems a little looser")


Or maybe voodoo dolls don't work like we think they do :p I just think that whole thought is waaaaaaaay too logical- maybe they are related, but not in the way we think? Who knows? I love adventure games with plot holes :D

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Maybe everything was real in the tunnel and the voodoo doll only works up close (The voodoo lady said that something was wrong with Largo's voodoo doll and would only work really close to Largo) because the skull wasn't really LeChuck's ansestor but Guybrush thought so, so the doll partially worked. Then as Guybrush finally knocked LeChuck ove via leg rip, LeChuck thought fast to escape and made himself look like Chuckie and cursed Guybrush.


But LeChuck may be Guybrush's brother (Chuckie, LeChuck) because LeChuck was acting like Chuckie in CMI at the carnival ("Bring me my bride!"). Acually LeChuck was acting like Chuckie from the movie.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't read the whole topic, so it could be some1 has already made a reply like this 1...


there is an Monkey Island 2.5.... the problem is that is ugly like hell (MI 1 looks better) and that it isn't made by LucasArts... (ofcourse not, LucasArts would never make such an ugly product)


I think somebody just made it, so you can see a links between 2 and CoMI....



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Originally posted by Tonnic

I didn't read the whole topic, so it could be some1 has already made a reply like this 1...


there is an Monkey Island 2.5.... the problem is that is ugly like hell (MI 1 looks better) and that it isn't made by LucasArts... (ofcourse not, LucasArts would never make such an ugly product)


I think somebody just made it, so you can see a links between 2 and CoMI....




What's wrong with MI1's graphics? I had that game at my website at one point, if you run into my old sites maybe you'll find it, but it's more of a spoof and the author told me he hates it (fair enough).



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Yup there is a MI 2.5, but does it sux. I can't seem to play it. Either my download got screwed or something else. But anyway, that game sux. The real mystery is MI2:


I don't think Ron, the man himself, knew what was gonna happen after MI2. If I'm wrong, then slam the evidence in my face :D Since Ron Gilbert has all left us in the dark, it is our job, to join up the loose ends and make some sense out of it all. The guys who made MI3 and MI4 (and those making MI5 (hopefully!!)) did a pretty good job at explaining a lot of things, but they couldn't explain the dreaded ending at BIG WHOOP. (That ending still gives me the creeps).


So, firstly, LeChuck HAS to be Guybrush's brother, 'cause otherwise the voodoo doll thingie couldn't have worked. Well some guy has posted saying that it could be some close relative or something making a voodoo doll, but not one with optimum ingredients. That is probably a pretty good explanation. As for the rest of it, as I figure out, the dream/curse started when the Guybrush got close to LeChuckafter tearing off his leg. When Guybrush got close, LeChuck cast a nasty spell on him, making him think that they were bros, and somehow made him small and see illusions of his 'brother' and parents. (LeChuck makes Guybrush a kid in CMI also, meaning that he has the ability to do that). However, once LeChuck had gotten rid of Guybrush, he set back fixing his body, maybe his gang (largo and others) helped him out and he set after Elaine again hoping that guybrush would die on his treacherous roller coaster.


BUT somehow, which I donot even know, Guybrush escaped from the Carnival of the Damned, allegedly on a bumper car (maybe the car bumped too hard and flew off the island) and once away from monkey Island, the curse broke. Well, the escape part didn't make for much of an exciting story. I hope they clear this thing up in MI5.


One last point. To support the idea of the curse/dream, we hear Elaine saying that 'she hopes LeChuck hasn't put a curse on Guybrush' hinting that LeChuck HAS put a curse on our hero.


I guess Ron never thought of making another sequel and just left the game's ending a puzzle and didn't even think up of a future story.


Man, big Whoop still gives me the creeps.....

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eeeeewww, my brain hurts - could some1 start from the beggining and explain the relationship between LeChuck and guybrush? pleeease?

Um, I thought the voodo doll was for that mean bloke in the hotel room. And i remember thinking "what in the name of all things chimpy is going on?!!" - at the end of Monkey 2.

Ugh im getting a headache and if i don't stop pondering, this frown will become permenant. sum1 PLEEEAASE shed some light - in a simplified way for the dumbasses of the board :D

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