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Limited Weapon Carrying Capacity


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You mean like one or two large weapons (stormtrooper rifle, sniper gun, etc) on your back, one or two sidearms and a couple of granades. That would be more realistic than carring 30 weapons.

They did solve that pretty good in Elite Force, with a transporter buffer to put all your stuff in :)

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Yeah, the transporter buffer in EF was a great idea. Unfortunately there's no similar technology in the Star Wars universe.


Personally, I do like the idea of limiting the amount of weapons you can carry at one time. There should still be 10+ weapons in the game, but maybe it would add to strategy if you could only carry, say 4-5 at once. Certain weapons might only crop up in particular missions, meaning you had to make a choice as to which weapon you dropped to make room in your inventory.


On the other hand, if this was not well thought-out, it could just end up being annoying and frustrating. Still, Raven dreamt up the idea of the transporter buffer in EF, so there's no reason why they shouldn't dream up an equally good technology for Kyle to use in JK II...

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I'd like to see the interior of Kyle's ship in between missions, where you get to pick out your weapons which are all arrayed on a wall. You should be able to take 1 heavy weapon, one medium weapon, 1 pistol and your sabre, along with a mix of mines and grenades (including some plasma grenades as well as the Dermal Thretonators).


So you could get out the Concussion Rifle, The Repeater Blaster, the Bryar and your sabre or the Railgun, the stormtrooper Blaster, the Blastech and your sabre. Or any other combination.


Then the sprite of Kyle could show him with whatever weapons he was carrying.

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Yea that would be a real good idea. So instead of being able to collect all weapons you would have to think more tactically of the weapons you would need. Of course, lightsabre would have to be carried. In STVEF Raven got around this by saying the weapons were held in some kind of transporter buffer i think it was called.

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I never really liked the limit to weapons thing. I know it adds to stratagy but I think it's funner to just run around with all the weapons and blow people up. But it doesn't really matter to me because I'll probably just use the saber and the sniper.


Actually what about inventory stations and different armors witch carry different amounts of weapons like Tribes.


Another idea would be to be able to carry more depending on your skin. EXP-If you were Chewie you could carry 5 but if your Leia you could only carry about 1-2 ;)

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well, some times limited weapons dont bother me, and sometimes they do, it depends on how they impliment it. and with chewie carring more, i agree, and i think chewie, should be able to weild double cuncussion(or maybe not that big, but bigger guns anyway) and leia could only have double pistols. of course, then everyone would be a wookie. but that would be more real. of course leia would be WAY faster. maybe this would just cause problems... i dunno, thats why i'll leave it up to raven to decide...

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Guest Krayt Tion

Just put it in the SWAT Crow, kinda like someone said. Or have Jan fly in every time you need a weapons change in an outdoor area... naw ;)


Deus Ex style, even. I wouldn't mind something like this but for every yin there is a yang... and some is bound to oppose it. Especially since JK/JK2 doesn't look to be as strong in the roleplaying elements as far as inventory is concerned :)


There are lots of ideas here that would be very interesting to attempt to implement. With LEC so desperate to please, will we get really that much more innovation in JK2? Or will they and Raven play it safe? Multiplayer aside, the leap from DF to JK was pretty damn big. Will JK2 measure up? Will this be an evolution in JK game play instead of more of a revolution?


It is hard these days with so many good team based mods, and class-based mods, that are so damn good. Deathmatch will never be the same for me after these. I hate to say this, but perhaps part of JK won't be for me in that respect. Single player is wonderful, but if you are going to part MP in at all, I need something these days a lot better than classless Team-based CTF.


Okay, okay... way sidetracked. With all these new ideas I'd just thought I'd comment on the chances of dramatically new core ideas coming to JK2. This would include some kind of more advanced weapon storage and transport process that we are discussing here.

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