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Doesn't look like OUTCAST is following MOTS...


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Are you sure Kyle turned to the dark side?


I find it highly unlikely that Kyle became a Dark Jedi, however temporarily. He already faced the dark side in JEDI KNIGHT, when he was tempted to murder Jan, cut his ties to anything good in his life, and to take the power of the Valley for himself. He didn't turn. He stayed true to the light side. The game said so between the cutscenes, and I don't think Justin Chin would lie to me. :-)


I was not convinced by Kyle's turning to the dark side in MOTS. We didn't even *see* it happen. He just jumps to the dark side and back.


I also find it highly questionable whether or not Kyle actually turned in MOTS. I don't think whoever wrote MOTS had any idea what the Sith was. They depicted it as just another Force using religion. The creators probably didn't know the Sith were the Dark Jedi until THE PHANTOM MENACE came out.


MOTS is vague and sloppy on these points; Kyle's supposedly turning over to the Sith, the status of Jan Ors, the various aesthetics, like the sabers, and the lack of continuity with the rest of the Expanded Universe. The game isn't even sure what the Sith is. For those reasons, I think MOTS should be ignored. (And I think that it is. They aged Kyle for OUTCAST, but he's back in his regular clothes and out of the MOTS black uniform.)


I don't like the gray temples... but admittedly, Kyle is ten years older than he was at the end of JEDI KNIGHT.


I hope that OUTCAST disregards MOTS, but what I think will happen is this: OUTCAST will not refer directly to MOTS, but will not go out of its way to contradict it, either. It will probably go against MOTS in order to keep continuity with other Expanded Universe stories, and it probably won't refer to anything in MOTS like the events on Dromund Kaas or Mara's training, but it will refer to a vaguely defined event in which Kyle almost turned to the dark side -- leaving it to the discretion of the individual gamer whether it was almost killing Jan or joining the Sith.


So, I'm guessing that if we ask the creators whether MOTS happened or not, the response will be, "Up to you."


- Ibrahim Ng

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I agree, MotS is like its own story solely based on star wars ideas. JK was derived off of Dark Forces' story which will be expanded into JK2 hopefully.



Also I'm glad JK2 isn't following MotS. Go read Mara Jade books instead if you're into that stuff.


[ October 22, 2001: Message edited by: Bart-=[JCS]=- ]

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COnsidering Lucas seems to be making this stuff up as he goes along it isn't suprising if the sith in MoTS vary from the ones in TPM. Although the ones in MoTS seem more in tune with the original movies, not something you could ever acuse TPM of being ;)


I don't think that just because Kyle didn't kill his best friend in JK that means he is now immune to all temptation from the dark side. The idea of a place being strong in the dark side (and even facing yourself there) comes directly from the movies... although they never really explained it then either...but it was definately something that could be expanded on.


The kyle thing is basically a copied Vader deal, good jedi turns bad and then returns to the light side when a good jedi friend refuses to fight him. Seems well in the feel of starwars to me.


It would have been cool if it had branched too... and allowed mara to join him, or maybe even strike him down and take his place as an evil jedi... but i guess it was only and expansion pack, and all these branching storylines play havoc with trying to get some continuity between novels.


And since the only bit of plot we know about explicitly refers to Mots (giving up saber and becoming recluse because of turning to the dark side, hence having both side's powers) i don't see how you can assume that they are gonna ignore it.


I seem to remember somewhere that EB or some other store was gonna bundle together JK and MoTS so people could catch up on all of Kyle's backstory.

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in the PC Gamer:


"Jedi Outcast cover the period of my career beginning about eight years after the events chronicled in Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith. If You'll recall, I had narrowingly averted losing my sould to the Dark Side of the Force, and had vowed to never again use my considerable Force powers. I'd even handed my lightsaber over to Luke Skywalker."


it does follow MOTS. thought you oughta know




Philbo - The Lightsaber-Welding, Sombrero-Throwing, Semi-Italian Low-Level Government Worker!

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Ok Im new but not to JK or MotS.

The idea that MotS sucked is a little crazy most who say they dont like it never played it or liked using guns more than sabers.I dont know why MotS is so unpopular but from a game perspective it was more lightsaber orented and force push and lightsaber throw...mmm those are in JKO(the force powers and MP experince was much better in mots than in JK.BGJ and Oasis sucked for sabers i mean all that space is for force speed n Conc. killings.Any how MotS is better gameplay and MP the classes are awsome scouts jedi Bounty hunters and soliders oh my..it made for better ballance only thing i hate is the carbonite gun that was dumb.Mara is cool.period.and read the latest stuff mots isnt forgotten other wise how would he be a jedi outcast and remember luke is his master....Thanks for reading goto www.futurelooks.com for cool stuff like the xbox and gamecube hands on reveiws...

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I fully agree with you I man!


I found the single player experience of MOTS contained a lot more hardcore Jedi lightsaber action. I almost never use guns in MOTS. To top that off the last level you could only use your lightsaber, since your guns wouldnt work on Dromuund Kaas. That was the best level out of all Jedi Knight and MOTS combined IMO.


Even multiplayer MOTS was more fun. With the inclusion of saber throw, lightsaber fights became even cooler. I always played cloud city gantry (where vader cuts lukes hand off) multiplayer, more than any other level.


Yes, and Kyle has stopped using the force, because of the events on Droumuud Kaas, where he succuumbed to the dark side of the force. So the backstory of JKO is heavily related to MOTS.





[ October 23, 2001: Message edited by: Darth Lunatic ]

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