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Not much in the news lately.


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Ya that's true. It's just that I kinda got used to getting some intresting news about JK2 at least once a week. It just seemed kinda quiet. I'm sure there will be a fluery of activity when that article comes out. I won't have to buy it im sure because all the info well be on jkii.net.

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If there's going to be an October issue of PC Gamer, they probably have a deal with them and so they aren't going to release anything new until the issue hits the shelves. The game is a ways off yet, so there's plenty of time to get more details. A new ( real ) movie would be nice though.

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Originally posted by Rancor:

<STRONG>If there's going to be an October issue of PC Gamer, they probably have a deal with them and so they aren't going to release anything new until the issue hits the shelves. The game is a ways off yet, so there's plenty of time to get more details. A new ( real ) movie would be nice though.</STRONG>


Yeah, that would be cool. I must point out that the October issue of PC Gamer is already out. They release them a month in advance. I know I'm being a nitpicker, but the JKII article will be in the November issure of PC Gamer, which will be released at the beginning of October.

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Originally posted by Tre Lightshadow:

<STRONG>With our luck, the only thing we'll get out of this drought is news that the game is being moved to X-box. :rolleyes:</STRONG>


'Perhaps you think you're being treated unfairly?' ;) j/k


Originally posted by matt-windu:

<STRONG>*holds up October issue of PCGamer*

Yeah. Right. Sure. bah...November.....


oh crap

*runs away*



*StormHammer uses Force Pull to drag matt-windu back*


You can't get away that easily. :D


As for getting some new information about the game, yeah, I suppose it's due. But I don't really want too much more information before the game's release. Maybe a video, some early concept art, a couple more screenshots to build up my appetite for the game - other than that, I hope they don't fall into the trap of hyping it up too much. ;)

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As StormHammer said, it ruins a game when you know too much about it--it takes away from the immersiveness.

Would Kyle know what enemies he's going to face before he goes into battle.

(Someone tells me that he could use Force Vision from Empire)

Shut up! He's not using the Force anymore, remember!


I would like to see more screenshots, but I really feel that the feeling of not knowing what you're going up against is better than going into the game knowing all the levels off by heart.

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Guest Hannibal
Originally posted by Hitman:

<STRONG>I would like to see more screenshots, but I really feel that the feeling of not knowing what you're going up against is better than going into the game knowing all the levels off by heart.</STRONG>


There's no way that Raven would give away extreme detail about the levels before the game came out. They might describe locations (ex. imperial base) but they're professionals. It would be like a filmaker telling you the ending of his movie. I agree with you though more screenshots would be great. It be cool if they did it like the Ep II selects (a new one every Thursday).



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