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Game of 2002?


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We all know that JK's brilliance was achieved through novel ideas(lightsaber, great level designs, etc.)

So, what JO needs to do to separate it from the pack in 2002, IMO, is throw in a couple of great original ideas.

Stating the obvious, yes.

Here's the part you're going to give me hell for.

I think Raven/LEC should wait another couple of months after its scheadueled release date of spring. Not only would this make JO tie in with AOTC, but it would give Raven time to properly utilise any ideas they have, because frankly, right now, JO is sounding like a rush job.

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Yes, it does sound as if JK2 is on the fast-track - but Raven pulled it off before when they made Heretic II (one of my favourite games).


As for achieving the status of Game of 2002, well I'm not sure. There is going to be some very stiff competition, not least of all from Unreal II, Soldier Of Fortune II, Medal Of Honour (now delayed until approx. Feb 2002), New World Order, Star Wars: Galaxies, Duke Nukem Forever (if it doesn't materialise this year). There's even a rumour (and I mean, rumour) that Half-Life 2 has been in development for a while and might be appearing in the next 6 months (though I won't hold my breath ;) ).


I think JK2 is going to be a great game - but whether or not it will really appeal to the masses (like Half Life) is unknown.

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I don't think that the game is being rushed at all, I think they're just being realistic about the time-frame in which they think it will be released. They are using the basic code from an existing engine(Q3A), they may be using code from Q3TA and EF, they are using the GHOUL 2 system(which will be used for multiple games) and they are working within a legally limited storyline. These elements are but a few of the reasons why this game won't need any more time.


It's hard to say whether or not JK2 will be game of the year, but anything is possible. I would say that it is a potential game of the year though. We'll just have to wait and see.

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I dont think it will make game of the year though....look at the competition!!!Unreal 2, nothing will compete with that.


So certain are you?!-Yoda


sorry guys, had to.


Well, my take on the situation is this: I believe that the people at Raven are proffesionals, and will give us a great game named JK:O. Or they would get hell from all of us SW fans for years. No pressure, no pressure.

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I dont think anyone need worry about Raven producing a rushed job, they've always produced quality work so far, so I dont expect this, one of their biggest license ever to be rushed out.


[subtle hint]but coop would be worth the wait[/subtle hint]


[ September 10, 2001: Message edited by: mostly harmless ]

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But, -WD- ToRMeNt,would you not prefer to wait a little longer to get the full product for the same price without waiting an hour and a half for a patch to download?

I know I would.

And I'm not doubting Raven in any way shape or form. A lot of you seem to think that, and its not true. I would just like to get a top-quality product straight off the shelf, no downloads necessary.

And I also know it will get stiff competition. But, when you think about it, Half-Life is heralded as the greatest game ever, and if the sequel doesn't live up to people's high expectations, well...

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downloads is what we need to keep games fair and program codes flowing. Needless to say I think Jedi Knight could use some patchwork hehe


If the game testers fail then we're going to have many patches. If they do a seamless job with no mistakes and they pick up every little tid bit.....(highly unlikelY) then patches won't be needed.


Chaos is inevitable...

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Yeah a new patch for Jedi Knight (or better yet, Mysteries of the Sith) would be a nice gesture.


There's the whole cheating deal (not being able to kick people who use high ascii/spaces, etc without downloading Kicker Helper; and files bypassing the checksum just because they have the same FILENAME as the hosts files), and a few miscellaneous bugs (jump off a cliff with IR goggles on, when you respawn, they're still on! the whole sith grip/pull/etc people complain about; repeating falling bug in MotS, etc).


I was just wondering, though, what is AOTC and why should Raven take notice of it?





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I see.. AOTC sounded like some new JK mod project, which is why I was confused.


Heck, it took awhile to get used to "TPM" or as some people were first calling it 'SWE1TPM'. ; p



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Originally posted by Hitman:

<STRONG>But, -WD- ToRMeNt,would you not prefer to wait a little longer to get the full product for the same price without waiting an hour and a half for a patch to download?

I know I would.

And I'm not doubting Raven in any way shape or form. A lot of you seem to think that, and its not true. I would just like to get a top-quality product straight off the shelf, no downloads necessary.

And I also know it will get stiff competition. But, when you think about it, Half-Life is heralded as the greatest game ever, and if the sequel doesn't live up to people's high expectations, well...</STRONG>


UHHH patches IMPROVE the game, like netcode, if you had q3 you'd understand, q3a didnt have very many bugs when released (if any at all) but still got patched, improving graphics, gameplay, features, netcode. im gonna have to agree with Torment. Patches only improve a game, id rather wait a 3 hour download to improve my game, than sit there with a game that gets boring right away and is not supported by the people who made it.

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You're going to have new patches released for the game no matter how good it is upon release. No game is flawless and I would be disappointed if Raven/LEC didn't release patches to improve the netcode, bugs or just new levels, and so would most people. Patches aren't negative things, they are things to improve upon a game. All games could use a little improvement.


I hear you guys that are talking about a new JK patch. It's long overdue and I can't believe that they have ignored our cries for this long. It wouldn't even take that much time to patch the damn thing.

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Originally posted by bsbuckeye21:

<STRONG>This particular opinion of mine won't be too popular around here, but I think DNF will be a better game than JKO, minus the lightsaber and SW theme. :)</STRONG>


Not surprising, since Duke Nukem Forever will be better than any other game released around the same period (my guess is Q1-Q2 2002), with the remotely possible exception of a Half-Life 2.

I just scrutinised the DNF E3 video and '99 screenshots for the umpteenth time again this afternoon and I'm still amazed at the unbelievable potential for greatness 3D Realms' baby has.

However great JK 2 may turn out to be (despite the fact that I *do* think it's looking like something of a rush job) it will have to humbly bow down before the almighty Duke.


Hail to the King, baby!

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Speaking of patches, I'd like to see Raven do what they did with Heretic II, and release an enhancement pack. It gave you a couple more moves, and allowed you to choose your own skin while playing the SP game. It fixed bugs, but it gave the game a bit more functionality as well.


Of course, if they released a few bonus packs with additional maps, skins, etc., that would be excellent. ;)

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