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Guest Krayt Tion

... and may there be many more posts to come. :)


For some twisted reason I'm looking forward to this place post-game when we are flooded with people. More work, but more community.

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Originally posted by Krayt Tion:

<STRONG>For some twisted reason I'm looking forward to this place post-game when we are flooded with people. More work, but more community.</STRONG>


And a great deal more strife, when people realize that the final product is less than perfect (as they invariably are). Hearing all about precisely which weapons are useless, and how clan ABC can't stand clan ZYX. How certain bugs can be exploited in multiplayer, and "how could such a thing get past the testing process?!". Storytelling geniuses spouting off about how they could have written a much better plot. Complaints that people can't use their steering wheels to control the lightsaber competitively!


Sounds like loads of fun! I can't wait! :D

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Guest Krayt Tion
And a great deal more strife,


hence more work ;)


Hearing all about precisely which weapons are useless, and how clan ABC can't stand clan ZYX. How certain bugs can be exploited in multiplayer, and "how could such a thing get past the testing process?!". Storytelling geniuses spouting off about how they could have written a much better plot. Complaints that people can't use their steering wheels to control the lightsaber competitively!


I guess I've been viewing this kind of stuff too long, but most of that just makes me grin, if not smile. If anything that is a sign of a community abuzz.


When clans talk smack, it is often highly humorous; even though it got heated and nasty I still look back fondly on the whole jk.net MoD fiasco, where perhaps one of the better groups of players ever assembled for JK demonstrated they had the mouths to match. And then there was that other clan that existed for the sole purpose of 'destroying jk.net' or something... tee hee... I don't remember their name.


Bugs, so long as they don't release any major ones (which we have a definite right and obligation to stick it to them for), aren't that bad to hear about, to me it's just a sign of people exploring the game, up to a certain point.


Some of those Storytelling genuises might be right, we'll see :p


I understand the tone of your post and agree with you that there is always the highly unreasonable, reactionary, knee-jerk crowd among the 'hardcores' out there ready to preach fire and brimstone after the initial release. However, I'm usually too giddy about the game to care much. Even if I wasn't there will be a slew of good on the forums to balance out the bad.


It's going to be about 5 years since fans got a taste of some official new pc sw fps action and when the game finally boots up there will be rejoicing by many. Those with the bad taste of the *bi-wan fiasco still lingering will finally be able to wash their mouths out on top of that. People loved to answer level questions when jk was released- there will be plenty of that as people are reminded of the fun and challenging parts of single player that we should be getting. For every couple 'This gun sucks' there should at least be one 'This gun is saweet!'

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Guest Krayt Tion

PS- I hear Vagabond uses a Force Feedback Can Opener. I remember when Cambell's new Chunky Soup didn't make use of the FF... it was a move he has supposedly not forgotten to this day.

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Pssst! Krayt!


It's a humor post. Don't take it so seriously. Or did you really think I planned on leaving once all that fun stuff got started? ;)


Oh, P.S: No, I've never actually heard of someone trying to use a steering wheel for a FPS. Purposefully damage/rewire their joysticks so that the up/down axis becomes the throttle, sure. Steering wheels, no. :)


[ October 18, 2001: Message edited by: Denise ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

I am fluent in over 6 million forms of humour and I must tell you the possibility of successfully withstanding my caustic remarks is approximately three thousand, seven hundred and twenty to one.


Quit while you are behind. :p

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I am fluent in over 6 million forms of humour and I must tell you the possibility of successfully withstanding my caustic remarks is approximately three thousand, seven hundred and twenty to one.


Quit while you are behind.


I assume that attempt wasn't one of the 6 million forms. :p


And humour? When did you become British?



[ October 18, 2001: Message edited by: OnlyOneCanoli ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

I think the low female presence amongst GI JOE action figures is going to hurt you this time around, Denise. Knowing is half the battle.


I'm about as British as Benedict Arnold. It's kind of like one foot in, one foot out of their International boundaries every time I need a word to sound fancier than it really is.


That and too much listening to Peter and the Test Tube Babies.



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At any rate, if you want to do such things by Star Wars quotes you have to know how to choose the better material. Control, control --you must learn control!


Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational sense of humor.


<img src="http://www.th3b4r.com/smilies/cwm18.gif" alt="And I even have better smileys than he does. Hee hee.">


Anyway, we've hijacked the topic, here. Much as I enjoy a battle of wits I fear I'm assaulting the unarmed, and such things are best suited to something like ICQ. Even if all in good fun. ;)

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Guest Krayt Tion

Perhaps it should have been moved right away, nothing truly says celebrate forum milestone like a good padlock. ;) Didn't want to alter the mood, but since this thread serves absolutely no JK2 related purpose anymore...


Force Move Silly Thread!

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