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JK2 compared to SoF 2


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I must completely disagree with you, violently if necessary. In fact, just as I read this, I was about to post a message saying how good it was going to be! My point was going to be that nobody had said anything bad about it. It is great, the development staff loves working on it and gives us frequent update (For which we all appreciate them), and again, nobody has said anything bad about it. It's been under development for 6 months and everyone still loves it. Except for you of course.


I do appreciate the way you said it though, which made it sound like an opinion and not a fact. "Does anyone else think" as opposed to "This game is going to suck." I thank you for that, but I also heartily, HEARTILY disagree with your opinion.

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Huh, I have no idea what you are talking about. SoF2 will probably be cool both visually and technologically, but I have no interest in playing it.


Truth is, we have heard so few details about JK2 that there really isn't a huge amount to comment on.


But...for people who saw it at QuakeCon and reported back to us..they seemed fairly amazed. That's enough for me.

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if one is looking for purely graphics, or best fragging ever... this may not excite you, but as most of us are avid star wars fans, this entices us even more... people wanna be jedi, i mean, look at all the jedi questions comeing about in SWG. this game allows us to be jedi, with much better gameplay and graphics than our present game...


theres always gonna be the BBD, guys know that... i mean the bigger better deal... with the rate technology is expanding jkii will be passed w/in less than a year easly, and how can one base this on two games where all we have are heresay, and some screenshots, early screen shots...


its just too early to tell, but jkii will always have a special place in my, umm... game shelf...

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You must be tripping dude.. even if they just re released jk with newer graphics, im sure alot of us would gobble the game up immediately. Sof2 my end up lookin a bit better, but just runnin around shooting all the time gets borin, being a jedi theres so many ways to play the game.. saber, force powers, saber, guns.. which also adds to the multiplayer, plus the new **** theya re hoiping to add, makes the game sound all good, the 1st any of us can judge the game , is when we play the demo on our computers... :D or maybe some awesome video gampelay demo os somethin :rolleyes:

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When they showed SoF2 at quakecon my jaw dropped. I'm going off the streaming videos from review sites. When i see JK2 it just doesn't excite me very much. You see breaking glass in sof2 very very well made then shooting in the leg and what not. Long video btw or demonstration. JK demonstration rather short and teasy. I wanna see hard rock proof that this game is gonna kick ass like they showed for SoF2. Otherwise it will turn out to be a sidejob for Raven and SoF2 is their main attraction in my eyes and it will forever scar my poor little brain. :confused:

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Interesting, but obviously the view of PC gamers. I happen to play _very_ few PC games because the general consensus seems to be that Realistic = Cool.


Well, I happen to know that occasionally real life gets a bit tired...you know the score...take out the garbage, go to school, go to work, feed the dog. Now that would be an uber realistic simulation--I don't want anything remotely like that. Of course I'm exaggerating a bit, but perhaps you get the point.


Now take the console market. You end up with quite a bit more novelty and innovative type games. Some of it is crap, but at least they are trying something different. I mean, what could be cooler than a preview I saw of a japanese game where the whole point is to walk a dog, trying to stay close to a preset course, but still allow the dog to see things it likes so it stays happy. Sure it's a weird concept, but at least it isn't rehash number 100 of every other game.


So, I'm sure SoF2 will be a brilliant game to many. It already looks to have great visuals and a new level of technology. But, in trying to take realism to the next higher level, it seems less and less like a game. And that bores me.


Give me a lightsabre or give me death.

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I believe there is a fine line between pursuing realism, and making a realistic game.


A realistic game, in my view, is like a simulation, where everything in the game world is based on things in the real world. Mostly that type of game does not really appeal to me, although I really enjoyed playing SOF, and I've no doubts that I will enjoy playing SOF2.


However, a game can still have many elements of realism, such as lighting, physics, etc., that make the environments and characters look real, even if they are fantastical creations that have never existed in the real world. I believe Jedi Outcast falls into this category, and personally I hope they can make the game appear as real as possible while not compromising the fun of the gameplay.


JK2 and SOF2 are different animals, so I don't think it's really fair to try and compare them. I look forward to both games, although I suspect I will probably enjoy playing Jedi Outcast slightly more than Soldier Of Fortune 2.

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Yeah, I guess I've been out of it awhile.


First my PC went on the blink again - lost all my cookies when I had to reformat the HDD and reinstall everything.


Since then, I've had some pretty bad asthma attacks, unfortunately, so I haven't really been up to doing much.


Both me and the PC are better now, though (*crosses fingers*). ;)


Good to be back, and thnx for the welcome!

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Guest ZeroXcape

James: Great to hear :)


Even though I also plan on purchasing both, I'm sure most of my hours will be spent in JKII.

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Guest Kurgan

While SOF2 will supposedly focus on "realistic" style military combat, JK2 will focus on fantasy weapons and force powers.


I guess I'm more of a sci fi guy, so that's got my attention now. I never really got into SOF either... doesn't mean it won't be a good game, I just probably won't be getting it.



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