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*watches Darth Kill's head roll onto floor and out the door* :eek:


Would you like a band-aid for that? j/k ;)


On a more serious note, it's hard to judge, although possible. The reflection on the floor seems to suggest a head-lopping in progress, and decapitation is nothing new to the SW universe (ESB).


I wouldn't rule it out in that screenshot - but I also wouldn't expect the finished game to have decapitation if they are aiming for a certain rating.

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i reckon they should have like a violence mode, like in DN3D, where you could activate stuff like Decapitations, not that i am into the violence thing, its just i remember in JK when on the very odd occaision, you could lop and arm off, which looked pretty cool, and there wasn't any blood there.

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Well, in the PC Gamer article they DO say there WILL be dismemberments. However, they also say that there will be no blood in order to get a more acceptable rating on the game. I'm not especially worried about the blood part, but, I do revel in the idea of lopping a Jedi's lightsaber arm off. I suspect that this will only be for single player mode, though, or that it will result in an automatic kill, because I don't see much sense in having a lightsaber multi game and having one guy run around without his lightsaber (and arm) until he gets killed.

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I dont think it will be included in the game, not visually anyway. But with the Ghoul 2 system if you shoot them in the head they will die instantly. I wish Raven would give us an option for Gore or no Gore. That way young children playing the game could have no gore which could be turned off by the parents, and we could have lots of Gore.....like the gore levels in games like Unreal Tournament and the Half Life Trilogy.


With regard to the rating, I think it will be quite high anyway....15+, so gore wouldnt effect that rating anyway. And hey, if you can cut arms off, then i think you should be able to cut other body parts off :)

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well, using a saber to cut off an arm or a head wouldnt produce bool anyways... it cauterizes the wound. i think the only reason that there was blood in ANH was because that creatures arm was hollow, not filled with muscle, bone, and fat as most other creatures are... i dont know if this was the desired effect, or if george just made a hollow arm, hoping people woulnd notice and just assumed it was a normal arm...

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE:

I wish Raven would give us an option for Gore or no Gore. That way young children playing the game could have no gore which could be turned off by the parents, and we could have lots of Gore.....like the gore levels in games like Unreal Tournament and the Half Life Trilogy.


I'd like to see that child-lock option too, like they had in SOF. Although I think the only time I'd want to see gobbets of flesh and blood spraying everywhere in JK2 is if you use a TD or other explosive device.


When it comes to saber cutting, I think the blood mist is fine, and you should be able to lop off hands, arms, legs, a nice mid-section slice (Maul/Maw style - funny coincidence ;) ), and probably the head.


With regard to the rating, I think it will be quite high anyway....15+, so gore wouldnt effect that rating anyway.


I hope you're right about the rating. :cool:

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Lets hope the arm doesnt come off randomly though. Sometimes on JK you would hit their legs, and their arm would fly off. If only their arm comes off, it seems kinda pointless in having anything coming off. Either all or nothing in my opinion. I just wish theyd give us an option for gore or not.

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Gore would be great as an option. Think of all the different colours of blood aliens have. I'd also like the models to have skeletons and some organs, similar to in Half Life but better, so bodies will consist of skeletons if a powerful weapon like a rocket launcher was used. But gore would only occur with impact weapons like rockets. Energy weapons would cause a wound and seal it at the same time. But decapitations and dismemberments would be great, you could collect storm trooper heads.

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Decapitation is very StarWarsy.. I hope they include it somewhere!


Btw, they could still include blood and retain a "Teen" rating. Lots of games have done that in the past (been rated "T" but still contained bloodshed).


I'd much rather see some more hackability with the limbs before I'd like to see blood flying (or mist). Like cutting in half, cutting off arms, legs, and head (in both single and multiplayer). Turn it off as an option, and have severed limbs disapear over time to prevent lag choking.


My point is that it could be included and wouldn't detract from the rating, or make it less Star-Wars like.




[ November 05, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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well, using a saber to cut off an arm or a head wouldnt produce bool anyways... it cauterizes the wound. i think the only reason that there was blood in ANH was because that creatures arm was hollow, not filled with muscle, bone, and fat as most other creatures are... i dont know if this was the desired effect, or if george just made a hollow arm, hoping people woulnd notice and just assumed it was a normal arm...


Lol.. nice try. ; )

If he had no fat, muscle, or bone in his "arm" then how could he ever hope to do anything with it? It would be impossible for him to draw a blaster with it. That and Maul's "red mist" seem to indicate that saber cuts could produce blood. And if not, I'm sure explosives and other cutting devices surely would.




[ October 31, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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Cutting of limbs is fine by me if done right. Blood? I think that "red mist" might be the only decent way to introduce blood in a SW game and after that dismembered limbs should come off with cauterized wounds(no pools of blood, al thought it might be more realistic). Guts and sticking out bones? Definitely not. We want a game that gives us a good idea what kind of damage a lightsaber can do, but we don't need to see added ultra-realistic "shock" effects; they would draw too much attention to themselves and make keeping JK2 purely adventurous action game much more difficult. I guess LucasArts is quite tight when it comes to these kind of situations in their games, so we shouldn't worry too much... :D


[ November 04, 2001: Message edited by: Lord_FinnSon ]

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Quigon's tunic showed a dripped streak of blood as the sabre came back through and out.


Don't think for a minute that they didn't include Robots so that you could see the effects (some quite graphic in detail if slowed down) of these weapons without pulling an R rating.


The way Maul actually takes the cut and the pull-away flip as the body comes apart with an actual chopped scene as it tumbs goes to show that Lucas is so daddy-obsessive that we will likely /never/ see anything more than 'suggestive' of either blood or full body cut gore.


Which is both good and bad since even the Katana has some pretty much cleaver-nasty effects and while it's unlikely that you would /always/ dismember the body through the torse especially, the fold-and-flap (in the breeze) elements of drawing cuts would leave a LOT of liquid in only part cauterized wounds which would indeed spit and gush as the flesh tore further.


I have no idea how the Young Jedi are trained because fight globes are useless for offense and robots lack insight but it would be exceptionally foolish to go up against a child gifted with the Force but not discipline after handing him a 3.2foot unbreakable razor blade.



Kurt Plummer

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I figure they could just train with regular fencing weapons. The weight is neglable, and you have very little risk of injury (with proper protective garments).


Just an idea anyway....



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I never really noticed it in JK. (I seen it before.) because I never used the lightsaber because its pretty useless.


So you killed the Dark Jedi with guns and bombs? Interesting...



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