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Expansion Possibility

Vader's Apprentice

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I dunno if this topic has ben brought up before but I reckon that If there's going to be a chance of lastability your gonna need one - Look at it this way jk1 got MotS so why not give an expansion.Although it will probably take a year or less to make it - like MotS.


This would give the game more lastibility.


And then Lucasarts would probably re-release JK & MotS.


And knowing Lucasarts there will probably be a patch to help support Multiplayer Games.


What do you think?



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Guest ZeroXcape

Hopefully once JKII gets out the door, Raven/LEC will start on an expansion right away. I rather they wait until the release though so that can see what gamers want added.

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I think an expansion pack would become redundant if they could implement what they are planning for SOF2 - a mission generator.


The idea is to generate a mission with different objectives etc., each time, to keep you on your toes.


Or perhaps they could make the mission generator into an expansion pack, if it's not planned for JK2. It would certainly extend playability, in my view, as would the implementation of some really good MP bots for those of us who don't (or can't) play online all of the time.


In terms of having other levels to play on, I think that will be taken care of by the Mod community.


In some ways, MoTS was a great expansion pack for JK because it went a lot further than simply giving you some additional levels to play on. They added coloured lighting, lots of ship models for eye candy, a different character to play, and even allowed you to walk around in disguise for part of a level. In fact, I think MoTS was somewhere between an expansion pack and a full game, and suffered somewhat for not being the latter.


If there are features missing from JK2 that we want, and that are feasible, and if they have some other cool story ideas, then I think they should go the whole hog and make a full JK3 game.


In fact, I would hope to see a JK3 in the works a lot sooner than 4 years down the line, although I can respect the fact that developers can often get tired of making the same types of games year in year out.

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I doubt a mission generator would be able to generate a good storyline and interesting new characters though.


I'm all for expansion packs. a few new story based levels to tide you over untill they crank out a sequel.


Personally, I'm still all for Lucasarts remaking and updating Dark Forces (and maybe JK, although it's probably too much to ask for) as an expansion pack. (HINT!!! HINT!!!!!)

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Raven will do fine. The add-ons they came out with for Elite Force added a lot of nice variations on the basic game. I think there are a lot of possibilities for expansions that would be excellent.

I'd still pay good money for an add-on program that allows you to create decent quality maps really easily. Something with libraries of textures and elements that can be put together like building blocks or those rollercoaster builder programs. That mixed with bots would keep JK2 popular for a long time.

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