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Jedi Outcast Enemies


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We know for sure now that there will be Stormtroopers, Officers, Grans, Gamorrean Guards, Rodians, Probe Droids, the dark Jedi with ponytail,and according to a few pics from PC Gamer, a bounty hunter-looking character.


Who else would you like to see make an appearance?


Personally, #1 on my list would be some Noghri, they sound so vicious in the books.


Second I would like to see Dark Jedi as regular enemies in some levels(not bosses). It would add a lot to the depth of the game and since Raven is focusing more on the lightsaber, I'm hoping they are planning on it.


Lastly I want to see some never before seen enemies from Raven and Lucasarts themselves.

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Above any other enemy i wanna see the Sith stone statues from Dromuund Kaas. They have got to be the coolest enemy ever. I loved them in MOTS! It was so cool you run into a room and their sabers ignite. THAT WAS SO COOL! We have got to have these enemies again!


They would be so mad in JKO!


[ October 01, 2001: Message edited by: Darth Lunatic ]

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Krayt Dragons.

So as to give Rancors a rest...


The 'Vicious Teddy Bear' from _Splinter Of The Minds Eye_.


The Xim War Robots. Ten different kinds of death from grapnels to disruptors to heat beams to acid sprays. About 3.5 meters tall.


The Lizard Man 'gunman' from _Han Solo At Stars End_ (you could use the Star Trek lizard guy from the duel where Kirk 'rediscovers gunpowder' as a base model).


Killer Wookies, complete with crossbows.


Creatures who, close or far, are either BIGGER than our characters, both wide AND tall, or which move (very quickly) more like say a gecko going up a wall rather than simply bipedally.


Massed Stormtroopers as from Ep.4SE where Han Comes around the corner and 'They They Are' lined up in column rank.


Military Unit doctrine is always and _all_ about MASSING fires. Such that if you set off an alarm, you should find yourself facing not a 'flying squad' of angry snow men, not just 1-2 more, scattered about.


Creatures which flew would be nice too, provided my Sabre Throw could be 'guided'. There are quite a few of the Ep.1 background creature arts which are quite neat and not necessarily 'birdlike' (flying carpet, tiny dragon-moths etc. etc.).





Kurt Plummer

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I would like to see Jedis as enemy 's too.

Dark or not ..dosn't matter.


Something like Clooned Jedi-- (cannon fooder--

not at all)


with different ranks.....


and the most loved...Grimorean (Pigs)

Yeah the Stoney ( :D ) Sith Jedi were nice too.


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First off, I trust Raven to come up with some really creative and original alien enemies. Hopefully they will do the same with some of the buddy allies that have been talked about.


I agree with a lot of the other suggestions already mentioned - although it would be a tall order to include them all.


My own picks would be...



A War Beast of Onderon

Mandalorian warriors


Of course, they would all have to be resurrected, but I like the look of them in the Tales Of The Jedi graphic novels. :D


Mostly, I hope that Raven give us a good variety of different species to interact with - from rat size all the way up to AT-AT size. ;-)

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Originally posted by SlowbieOne:

<STRONG>Isn't Boba Fett dead at this point in time?


It would be cool to run into him and his crew(Bossk, Dengar the Drunk, Zuckuss, and IG-88's long lost brother?) :p</STRONG>


He survived the sarlaac pit, its stated at


the offical starwars webpage


i think it would be rather cool to fight boba fett, since han actually finds out he's alive around this time (everyone starts to know boba fett is alive by the time han solo does), it would be cool to fight him (not kill him!), heh could be a challenge as he would be fast with his jetpack.


[P.S] Damn slowbie, whens the last time you went on the zone? i wanna play you sbx ver2!! :)

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Our Intrepid Hero™ beat Boba Fett once before (Dark Forces), and that was without the Force. Between that experience and tangling with Luke, one would think the poor clown would steer WELL clear of Kyle Katarn, Jedi in general, and most especially a Jedi Kyle Katarn. :D


Not that slapping him around again wouldn't be amusing, to be sure. ;)


[ October 02, 2001: Message edited by: Denise ]

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All I want are new enemies, not the same enemies w/ better graphics. I've blasted enough Rodians and Gran to last me a life time.

I'm hoping for:

* smarter stormtroopers (for lovers of Rainbow 6) that use something like RL tactics.

* more variety of aliens, friend & foe

* realistic health/ powerup placement. The med droid in the last game was good but used too sparingly imo.

* Rebel troopers that also act/react smarter. The troopers in Mysteries of the Sith were just in the way.

* Scaled down wpns. I've played Q3 w/ its huge guns already - give me a break. :rolleyes:

* A lightsaber that is actually deadly in one stroke :D

and speaking of the saber - better Saber moves would be great!

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Originally posted by stunnedtodeath:

All I want are new enemies, not the same enemies w/ better graphics. I've blasted enough Rodians and Gran to last me a life time.


I agree to an extent...but at least in those recent screenshots they provide a good contrast between the capabilities of the two engines.


What I would really like to see, though, is a Gran or Rodian as a buddy or NPC, and not just cannon-fodder.


Furthermore, I think it would be cool if they talked to you in their native tongue, and a subtitle translation appeared at the bottom of the screen. That would truly give it the classic Star Wars feel, IMHO. ;-)

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Originally posted by Denise:

<STRONG>Our Intrepid Hero™ beat Boba Fett once before (Dark Forces), and that was without the Force. Between that experience and tangling with Luke, one would think the poor clown would steer WELL clear of Kyle Katarn, Jedi in general, and most especially a Jedi Kyle Katarn. :D


Not that slapping him around again wouldn't be amusing, to be sure. ;)




Nah, boba fett was always picked on by lucas, (**shakes his fist at lucas*Damn lucas!!) he didnt get a decent death/near death scene in return of the jedi :\. Heh i think he shoulda put up more of a fight, guess george needed to cut some time or something. Why? Cause, if the mandolorians are supposed to be all high and mighty (jedi killers), then why and how did han easilly *poke* the jetpack throwing fett over. Bad script i tell ya!! Also, boba could train and become better, and i think boba shoulda won that fight with kyle in DF, (not really a hardcore fett fan, but, he deserves a decent scene FOR ONCE! STOP PICKING ON FETT!!!!) ;)

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how about a varity of aliens, and you dont know if their friend or foe.... maybe they wouldnt start shooting at you right away, maybe even give you some useful info, then when you turn around to leave, they whip out a pistol and blast you in the back... the only people who walk around with guns out all the time are security guard-types, and stormtroopers. so, your average alien wouldnt have a gun out, unless they knew you were coming, and had orders to kill you. the normal people you see should all have their weapons holstered...


the fact that they dont know your coming, and that you cannot tell who is the enemy would be heightened by more non-linear levels... one of my favorite LA levels is Sanctuary in Outlaws, simply because its not linear at all, its a damn town!! even the nar shaddaa level in jk was linear, if you could make levels that were huge rolling landscapes, or cityscapes with multiple building to enter, elevators, multiple floors to visit, subway (or equivalent) systems, that would make finding the true enemy all the more great, and gameplay and replayability is heightened...

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I agree with stunnedtodeath, im sick of blasting moronic rodians and blasting stormtrooper after stormtrooper can get a little tiring(after a long time).


What i want is an exotic enemy, like the Noghri or some of those crystal creatures that Han and Chewie encounter on Kessel. in general better baddies, and some new ones would be refreshing.


But isnt it a bit to late to be thinking of what kinda badguys to stick in?

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Okay, here are a few more (quirky) ideas for enemies...


Mouse droid bombs that target you and chase you around the level - instant panic. ;-)


Some BIG fast fish...anything from Naboo would do.


Jawas with Ion-canon...who can destabilize your personal shield generator (and weapons) and make you vulnerable to attack. Of course, if you capture an Ion canon, you can have some serious fun...


A Swoop gang, on swoops, firing at you. Then you can do the trick with the lightsaber and cut their front ends off.


A Hutt on an armoured Repulsor sled constructed from salvaged Droideka parts (including a working shield generator) as an end-of-level boss.


A Crimson Guard cult.


Guess that's it for now...

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