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Which Characters Should be in JK2


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I was wondering what people thought abaout the characters that should be in JK2. We know that Kyle and Jan are in it, but who else from films or books should be included.


I think you should be able to buddy-up with Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade in some levels. Lucasarts mentioned that Kyle is friends with Luke and Mara was in MOTS, so it would be good to see them again.


What do you guys think?

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I would like to see Jan Ors as Kyle's buddy AI in levels which are swarming with enemies: while Kyle(using his saber) slashes down stormtroopers who are in close range, Jan shoots up approaching enemies, who are still a stone's throw away. Also, Luke would be another excellent buddy AI when you need to team up two jedis againts a powerful Sith Lord. :D


[ October 07, 2001: Message edited by: Lord_FinnSon ]

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And maybe unlock these friendly characters for certain levels when you complete the game.

I'd also like to see Talon Karrde, Bel Ilbis, Wedge + Rogue Squadron and Wookies to team up with.


And amybe some cool killer-Ewoks who took too much Ewok herbal-medicine and are now drugged out of their mind and think trees are Stormies and Stormies are cuddly teedy bears and helmets are drums and you are some idiot who they shall offer as a sacrifice to Lord Threepio...


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And maybe unlock these friendly characters for certain levels when you complete the game.

I'd also like to see Talon Karrde, Bel Ilbis, Wedge + Rogue Squadron and Wookies to team up with.


And amybe some cool killer-Ewoks who took too much Ewok herbal-medicine and are now drugged out of their mind and think trees are Stormies and Stormies are cuddly teedy bears and helmets are drums and you are some idiot who they shall offer as a sacrifice to Lord Threepio...


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Guest Vagabond

Ya, I agree. In the SP game, it would be cool to at least see or maybe even interact with some of the more famous characters in the Star Wars univers. Imagine how cool it would be to see Han and Chewie on the Falcon...maybe they give you a lift to one of the missions in the game...that would be excellent. Or maybe a cut scene has you playing a game of Sabaac with Lando in some fancy, exotic casino, as he gives you some vital tip you need to complete your next mission.


Seeing some of the famous locales with some of the more famous locals - well, that would just be extremely fun, in my opinion :cool:

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Having Jan Ors with a sniper rifle taking out people attacking you would be cool for one level. (Bit like in Long Kiss Goodnight.if you have seen it.)


Mara, Luke, Karrde would all be cool.

And of course thrawn and some nogrhi

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Guest Krayt Tion

It is common for many purist fans to look down upon the Expanded Universe, which some consider to be anything except the 4 movies themselves. In this Expanded Universe there resides a slew of "non-cannon" material, from the numerous novels, to video games, to ccg, to other various SW product endorsements.


Within those, the novels are accepted by most as the closest to movie cannon and truest expansion of the Star Wars Universe. Video Games like those of the Dark Forces series are considered a step down from that. Even the 'play the movie' video games ala TPM are usually thrown down into the Video Game Cannon tier. Video Games appear to many as story driven only to support some kind of 'action button-pressing fluff.'


To a certain extent I agree with these sentiments, especially where more arcadish Star Wars games are concerned. However, other Star Wars video games certainly have the depth and immersiveness to match any good SW EU novel. SW RPGs like the upcoming KOTOR are the best example of this and I believe Dark Forces and its ilke are also strong contenders in this department. Please note I am not in support of a SW FPS that plays like a novel, that would lend itself to a more constricted and forceful game progression, kind of the polar opposite of games I love like Warren S's latest gem. I do believe rather that there are enough storyline and game play elements that could be developed, even above all the action, to give FPS video games like JK2 a more respected place in th EU community.


Fear not, my previous EU commentary is not all for naught but rather a pretext for my definite thoughts on the inclusion of characters from the books and movies for JK2.


I am torn between two approaches to this: supporting the increased inclusion of more mainstream movie and novel SW characters as have been mentioned -OR- ensuring that characters exclusive to the video game itself always continue to take center stage and are decidingly more prevalent as supporting characters than characters we already know from the movies and novels.


On the one hand they could include more movie/novel characters in JK2 and this could perhaps give us a better link (and ideally better SW immersion) to the original SW universe and the most popular EU portion of it, the novels. Unfortantely, at this time, when such mainstream characters are placed in SW FPSes, their appearance tends to be laughed at and often completely disregarded by many EU fans. An unquestionably stronger role of mainstream characters in JK2, supported by great depth, game play, and continuality that actually makes sense (not that the novels don't have their own continuality errors), could put these nay-sayers to rest for good.


On the other hand, am I extremely proud of some of the SW characters created for Dark Forces games themselves; as certain EU supporters bash the Dark Forces characters and events I take it all in stride. In a way, events and characters exlusive to the Dark Forces series make them that much more special to me. Their dividing wedge thrust between EU Novels and EU Video Game Universes only creates a place, in the end, that I am that much happier to be a part of. I stopped reading the EU novels just as they were becoming sadistically popular and video games will always be my first love in the SW EU.


In summary, if they are going to put any big-time movie or novel characters in, they must be well thought out and linked with the rest of the Star Wars EU better than they have in the past; otherwise they lose some of their appeal to me and are made laughing stalks by others. If not, I would be more than happy to only play around with new characters exlusive to the video game, as these will always be the most dear to me. Either way I recon we will still see some exclusive new video game foes, which is great- even better if they can throw in some already established and popular characters that actually carry some weight with their in-game actions as far as the rest of the EU is concerned.

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Guest Krayt Tion

PS- For those of wondering where I've been or haven't read the latest announcment (New Mod), I'm not going to be able to actively post around the forums for quite some time due to some pressing circumstances. I'll be stopping in every once in a while like I have today. Take care.

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Or maybe a cut scene has you playing a game of Sabaac with Lando in some fancy, exotic casino, as he gives you some vital tip you need to complete your next mission.


It would be cool to meet Lando in Cloud City. Unlike Luke or Boba Fett, he hasn't shown himself too often in SW games; he could at least make short cameo and throw there some humour.


Lando(shakes hands with Kyle): Kyle, you old mercenary! How you been?!


Kyle(angrily): Hello, friend...


Lando(smiling charmingly): Are you still angry because Jan left with me after our last game of Sabaac?


[ October 10, 2001: Message edited by: Lord_FinnSon ]

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The only probelm with including original SW characters is that the voices always sound wrong (see Alliance and Rogue Sq)


I guess that is why they like using EU characters instead.


I like they way they have TRIED to keep all the EU stories consistent with each other...but it is getting pretty confused right now.

It has also got to the stage where if you don't read all the books and play all the games you miss out huge sections.


I only got around to reading the thrawn quintet in the last month, and so i had no read idea about Nogrhi, MAra, Thrawn etc that appear in Jk, Rebellion, Tie Fighter etc... It makes more sense now i have read the book, but i don't intend to read them all (especially not those stupid sounding "Evil Alien Menace Invades" books). Keep it to main EU characters.


Out of interest who did thrawn first?

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They should include Yuzzhan Vong.... i don't care if the time line isn't right. They were in Rogue Planet! 3 years after Episode 1 methinks.




Qui Gon Jinn - Obi-wan, i never introduced you to my brother.... Qui Gon Bob!


Qui Gon Bob - Thats right Obi-wan, I'm gonna rape you and that small boy!! Because i'm a god damn hillbilly HEH HEH HEH!!!!



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Originally posted by Krayt Tion:

In summary, if they are going to put any big-time movie or novel characters in, they must be well thought out and linked with the rest of the Star Wars EU better than they have in the past; otherwise they lose some of their appeal to me and are made laughing stalks by others. If not, I would be more than happy to only play around with new characters exlusive to the video game, as these will always be the most dear to me. Either way I recon we will still see some exclusive new video game foes, which is great- even better if they can throw in some already established and popular characters that actually carry some weight with their in-game actions as far as the rest of the EU is concerned.


Krayt, I agree with pretty much everything you just said, especially that last part.


As you said, where mainstream SW characters are used, they need to fit into the EU, while fitting into the context of the game.


I tend to prefer new characters, though. Not only because there is less of an issue with the established EU, but because the stories of the characters in the EU are already being told.


New characters can introduce new elements, and new threads to the EU, which I heartily welcome. The Dark Forces series has managed better than any other FPSs to convey a real sense of depth and emotion in the main characters, and thereby made you care about what happened to them.


Integrating new characters in the established universe is also important, and can be accomplished in the same way the original Dark Forces handled it...by having Kyle meet with Mon Mothma, stealing the Deathstar plans, and rescuing Crix Madine. As long as such events tie-in with where characters are in the timeline, and even flesh out parts of the EU, I can't really see a problem.


From that viewpoint, the story, depth of characters and character development in JK2 should remain as strong elements of the SP game.

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Guest Rogue15



i wanna go up against one and be one in mp!!!!!!! that would SO rock.


hey, perhaps the final boss is prince xizor himself? maybe not. perhaps jerec was really a clone that got killed in that last part of jedi knight 1...i think jerec would've been ALOT harder than that.


As for ones from books/movies, i'd like to see perhaps a non-enemy imperial, perhaps he'd be gambling at one of cloud city's casino's, and u can play sabaac with him.


ok, now for real:


I'd like to see Borsk Feyla, Dash Rendar, Leebo, LOBOT (now that would rock), and i'd like to see maybe a gungan or 2 (not jar jar binks though).


For alien species:


Falleen definetely would be awesome.


Cyborrean Battle Dog (i REALLY want to see what one of those looks like)




Mon Calamari




Gamorrean Guards (those were so cool)


that guard that looked like a gamorrean, but talked in the tpm game.


Matt Rags, as an old guy, of course, wearing lots of cyborg implants from being wounded severely from a krayt dragon, maybe he could even brag about knowing one of the greatest jedi that ever lived? cmon, there's gotta be some tpm references in some of these newer games. hehe

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I think the best approach is to allow any characters from the movies and novels to appear in the games, and for game characters to appear in movies and books as well. Continuity really isn't important; as long as there are good stories, no one will care what colour Kyle's temples should be... (hehhehe).


Just enjoy the stories, and accept the fact that there will be contradictions. The graphic novels for the games (SOLDIER FOR THE EMPIRE, REBEL AGENT, and JEDI KNIGHT) all contradict the game in some form. There are continuity errors between DARK FORCES and JEDI KNIGHT, mainly the backstory about the death of Kyle's father. The important thing is to just have fun.


I wonder if Lucasarts' marketing department was behind deciding to make their JEDI KNIGHT game a sequel to DARK FORCES, actually...


- Ibrahim Ng

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