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What really gets me hot and bothered about JK2


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Well, besides the fact that the game is the sequel to probably my favorite Star Wars game of all time, I am really turned on to the idea co-op multiplayer action. I bought System Shock 2 for this purpose, because a friend and I just liked the idea of playing through a cool story together, instead of fighting against each other like in most other games.


When I read that JK2 was going to include this feature, I first wet myself, then right after that I called my friend to tell him about what I had read. I pray to the Force every night that this feature will be kept in the final version.


So, what turns you on about JK2 so far?

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w0w, you get turned on rather easily. I'd hate to see what happens when you make contact with a member of the opposite sex.


What "turns me on" the most is the multiplayer options that will be in the game. I can't imagine anything better than having Q3/EF's MP features in JO.

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I don't really get turned on by video games much :p But the thing Im gonna love most about it is the fact that I love those old Star Wars original trilogy type games.. Imperials and everything.. Star Wars Episode 1 was a great movie and game, but nothing can top the style, gameplay, and unlimited story's of the original trilogy and its based games. I hope its just reminicent of the old Star Wars.. Like JK was.

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The original trilogy easily beats Episode 1 in my opinion. The original trilogy just had a "feel" to it that was so engrossing. The Phantom Menace was pretty cool, but it didn't have that same "feel" that brought me in to the other movies. I too hope that JK2 stays close to its roots.

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I'm not sure that there will be co-op for SP. I think it's going to be an MP feature only - a bit like team deathmatch or something similar. I've re-read what was posted, and that's how it seems to me.


As far as the films go, my favourite is ESB because it was more varied and grittier than all the others. ROTJ was okay, but they had three battles going on at the same time, which I felt detracted from the story somewhat. It was a shame they decided to do the same thing for Episode I. No doubt they'll do the same thing in Episode II (although I hope not).


A major battle and a duel would be more than enough for the finale...just like a lot of the old movies, such as Robin Hood etc. They worked well. ROTJ and TPM didn't.


I'm hoping they bring back more of the sarcastic banter in Episode II as well, and focus less on the slapstick humour of Jar-Jar the Gungan Menace. :p

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I'm not sure that there will be co-op for SP. I think it's going to be an MP feature only - a bit like team deathmatch or something similar. I've re-read what was posted, and that's how it seems to me.


As far as the films go, my favourite is ESB because it was more varied and grittier than all the others. ROTJ was okay, but they had three battles going on at the same time, which I felt detracted from the story somewhat. It was a shame they decided to do the same thing for Episode I. No doubt they'll do the same thing in Episode II (although I hope not).


A major battle and a duel would be more than enough for the finale...just like a lot of the old movies, such as Robin Hood etc. They worked well. ROTJ and TPM didn't.


I'm hoping they bring back more of the sarcastic banter in Episode II as well, and focus less on the slapstick humour of Jar-Jar the Gungan Menace. :p

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Co-op SP would be brilliant, it allows for the fun of the story with another person. Imagin the stratergy you could employ! And combining your Force powers with another persons! I really hope that this is a feature of the game.


Another feature they should include is a SP room that spawns Jar Jar in the middle and you have unlimited ammo and your Saber to kill him how you like over and over again! :mad:

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forget 'protect the queen' what we really need is 'assasinate jar jar binks'. Whoever does it first wins, howevr, he is protected by his loyal gungan friends, and the harder the setting, the more\harder they are to kill. AHH, I can hear his squealing already...



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forget 'protect the queen' what we really need is 'assasinate jar jar binks'. Whoever does it first wins, howevr, he is protected by his loyal gungan friends, and the harder the setting, the more\harder they are to kill. AHH, I can hear his squealing already...



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