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Single player addtions


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Does the QIII:TA engine allow for single player add-on missions? One of the big things about JK and MotS was that you could make new single player levels, and some that have been made are very well done, rivaling LEC's work.


This would be avery sad ommision (sp??) from any Jedi Knight game...



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Personally, I'm hoping they are going to include the Random Mission Generator thingy that they have promised for Soldier Of Fortune 2. It's supposed to generate a level with a mission objective, which is different each time. That would add a lot to the extended play of JKII...

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It's not DF3 silly red. It's jk2. hehe


Isn't SOF2 supposed to be Single Player only when it's released? If so, I'll bet that JkII has a weak to average single player and a strong Multiplayer.


If that's so, then there should be a lot of good single player missions to come out. Eventually. I hope anyway.

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Every game nowadays needs a multiplay mode.


That's very true, but Aragorn, put your fears to rest, with the history of the Star Wars universe at their finger tips, even if they tried they couldn't make a bad SP. The story line will be awesome! :)

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Ok, sure you can get by without MP, but how many would want to?

Almost entirely these days replayability is based upon MP. Yes, I know there's exceptions, you'll probably make a huge list too :) But think about how many games you play, and how many do you play online or MP? ;)

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Not at all, I was talking about replayability. ;)

But seeing that you mention it, Heroes I, II, III, all hot-seat, all brilliant. Also Warlords I, II, III, and Darklord Rising were hot-seat, and very populour! :D


As for split screen, ever play Settlers 2?

Oh, the geologists were so cute! :)

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