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Uutont Fær Uulion...


maybe the force isn't the only religion


The Force isn't a religion at all. It could be argued that the Jedi are a form of religion, who are practitioners of the Force. I know what you meant, though. ;)


I don't know if any of you have read any of the EU novels, but other religions are mentioned.


Having said that, the reference to Hell is a bit out of place in the Star Wars universe. Then again, if he had said anything else, would we have immediately taken his meaning?


Personally, I think this would have been better...


"I'll see you in the festering bowels of the almight Sarlacc!" ;)

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I also noticed that Obi Kwan ages ago when they first released the SE, it stuck out because I remember in a star trek movie where they are trying to negotiate peace with klingons the pact says "human beings" and they took offence to that. And no I'm not a huge trekkie, I just remember that for some odd reason.....

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