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Using the lighstaber...


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The only real flaw in JK I thought was the effects the saber had on enemies. Once in a while, you could slice their arm off, but that was it. The saber just made sparks on the enemy when you hit them, it killed the use of the saber. I know Lucasarts doesn't like to release overly-violent games (which is commendable) but they need to show the real effects of a saber cutting through enemies.

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I don't think we will see anything beyond the removal of an arm or two in JKII. LucasArts and Raven are keeping true to the films and they don't want to risk the possibility of getting an "M" rating. I'd say it's a safe bet that there will be burning of armor at impact points and maybe even some sparks when a lightsaber hits a stormtrooper...but you never really know. We do know that walls will be scortched if the lightsaber touches them, so I'm assuming something similar will happen when an enemy gets hit as well.



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they probably dont want to go back to all yesterdays posts, so they dont see the old topics, and with the rate that new topics are appearing, topics from 5 huours ago are on the previous page.......



we should keep it to 10 threads a day :)

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I think leaving burn trails on walls/ slicing off bits of scenery is good when the lightsaber is being used - i.e. blocking or attacks, but if you are just walking around Kyle should angle the blade to avoid hitting things - although this would proably be too complicated for Raven to program.

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