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Jedi Knight 2 or Dark Forces 3?


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This may be a controversial one. Personally I think it should've been Dark Forces 3.

To deny Dark Forces the credit it deserves would be a crime. It is the game that started it all - the Star Wars 3D shooter and the story of Kyle Katarn and associates.

It even paved the way for JK ("The Force is strong with Katarn...") and is in my opinion one of the finest games of it's time.


As a matter of fact I wish LucasArts had done another game after DF before Jedi, with Kyle still as the rogue he was. After JK we could never have another SW FPS without Lightsabers and The Force being involved.

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I think a StarWars FPS shooter without JediKnights and lightsabers wont be as big hit then a game WITH them. Everybody (except you(Jedi_Tyrael) for some reason seemed to like the idea to be able to control and use force powers and lightsabers.


Older SW FPS games before JediKnight didn't really use lightsabers (other then arcade games) because the technology couldn't really allow it.


But don't take me wrong! I'm sure a "stromtrooper" only FPS game would be great! Like a Half-Life single player aspect story line for a stormtrooper and a Counter-Strike multiplayer side of it would just make the game perfect!


In fact. I wish LucasArts makes such a game. You play Stormtrooper (a smart one with a good aim) and there's a really good kick ass single player story line (and please for once, make it so you have the choice if you want to continue to work for the Empire or become a Rebel. I hate being forced to join the Rebllion like in ForceCommander). But most importantly the multiplayer aspect should be a mix of Quake III and Counter-Strike.


...........okay I dont remember the point of my post anymore. So I'm just gonna click reply now and leave this thread alone.

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I'm not against using Force Powers or Lightsabers. I like them. I just find it hard to believe that LucasArts will ever make another SW FPS without them again, which I find a shame - because it means they have to use the 'Jedi' storylines for everything. And while Jedi are a very big part of the Star Wars mythology, there is so much more to explore as well.


A Stormie game sound cool as well.

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I'll always think of it as being Dark Forces 3 myself. can't help it, I'm old school. Am I the only one who thinks that Dark Forces was a better game than JK? Not that I ddin't like JK, but despite it only being 2.5D DF had a better story, and wicked atmosphere. Dark Forces was very, well, Dark. Kyle was a bitter Jaded mercenery who trusted neither the imperials, nor the rebels. Then suddenly, in JK, despite having absolutely NO foce training whatsoever Kyle becomes this goody goody Jedi??? I'm gone for awhile, and everybody's having delusions of grandure. (that cheesy actor they dug up didn't help matters much either)


ANYWAY, and this may be a bit off topic, but I'm not sure. But what I'm hoping for Jedi Outcast is that they bring back that Darker atmosphere. I think they need to play up the fact that Kyle's afraid of turning to the dark side, make him a darker, close to the edge character again. It could make for some sweet characterization.


Oh, and that same vein, Kyle needs to lose that white tunic with the silly looping pointless shoulder pad on his shoulder. They should go with that cool looking outfit from that one picture they're using on the Lucasarts site (I'm assuming it's supposed to be Kyle). he's looking of to the side holding his lighsaber wearing that black shirt with the jacket.

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Actually guys! This has already been answered by the peeps from Raven themselves! Just check out some of the news posts at JediKnight.net and Massassi.Net, and Jedi Nights.com, and StarWarsSource.Net for the links to the threads where the devs posted explaining a few of these things.


I hate to 'rain on your parade' Jedi Tyrael, but this topic is kind of pointless.

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Huh? Ok, the pointless didn't have to get in there, but I just wanted to make my point clear. Now that sounds contradicting. :D


Is the long face thing a joke (ya know Ki-Adi-Mundi has a tall head, so you could say he has a long face.) or what? I don't understand what you are saying.

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well i actually think 'dark forces' as a name for a series sounds a bit corny. i mean, noone called jediknight 'dark forces 2'. they called it jediknight. jediknight may have been a continuation of dark forces, but jediknight 2 is a continuation of jediknight, not of dark forces. maybe we'll have a 'jedi outcast 2' years from now :)

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Yes, this debate has raged for a while. Personally, I prefer Jedi Knight II. Everyone else refers to DF2 as JK anyway, so it makes sense to me. And the names of these sites pretty much says it all too... Jediknight.net...Jediknightii.net...


As for them not being able to make another SW FPS without lightsabers and the Force, I think you're wrong about that. I've already stated elsewhere that I wouldn't mind an SW FPS about Bounty Hunters or Rebel Commandos. And as stated above, don't forget the Empire...playing a Stormtrooper could be a lot of fun.


The Star Wars universe has so much potential to be used in so many different ways. The three titles mentioned above could be very successful if developed in the right way.

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Please can we just leave it at JK2, LEC have decided to use that - J K 2.. not DF3.


DF is an appropriate title for when he was a merc, now he is a Jedi Knight so its surprisingly called JK2..


Should they ever decide to make a Bounty Hunter game, then they even may decide to re use the DF title.. Its a possibility..



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Yep another repeated thread


I prefer DF3, but it doesnt matter as long as the game is good


Im 99.9% sure that LEC decided the name

They are in charge of the story and marketing of the game.

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Guest Vagabond

Me, I prefer Jedi Knight II.


And as to having to do all future FPS games with Jedi, it's not true. As was said previously, a Bounty Hunter game would be an excellent FPS ;)

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noone called jediknight 'dark forces 2'. they called it jediknight. - GonkH8er



Actually, Jedi Knight was called Dark Forces 2. If you look at the title on the box, CD, or even on the LEC web site under products, it states; Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2. :p

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As always I'm late, and I think Sith Warrior may have misread GonkH8aters post about JK and DF2, If you read it, Gonk mean no-one refered to it as dark forces 2, not that it didnt actually have dark forces 2 in the title.


ANYWAY, as nearly everyone has said and I believe Jedi_Tyrael has apologised for, but if people are going to start threads at least look for old threads on the same topic. :mad:

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Well I'm glad you see the contradiction of posting to an old topic to say stop amuses you letalis. But if no one posted then it would continue and a trickle down affect would happen where every new member posted old subjects.

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Originally posted by TheJackal:

<STRONG>I think a StarWars FPS shooter without JediKnights and lightsabers wont be as big hit then a game WITH them. Everybody (except you(Jedi_Tyrael) for some reason seemed to like the idea to be able to control and use force powers and lightsabers.</STRONG>


Sure people like the idea, but that doesn't mean that's all you can do in a game. Many people who liked JK went on to play newer games like UT and Deus Ex, and liked them too without any of that stuff. So I agree completely with Jedi_Tyrael. There was an interesting post by GAdRS on DF21 about this, but I can't seem to find it now—I think the admin might have deleted it.


Personally, I'm going to keep calling it DF3, just like Blue Ghost is.


<STRONG>In fact. I wish LucasArts makes such a game. You play Stormtrooper (a smart one with a good aim) and there's a really good kick ass single player story line (and please for once, make it so you have the choice if you want to continue to work for the Empire or become a Rebel. I hate being forced to join the Rebllion like in ForceCommander). But most importantly the multiplayer aspect should be a mix of Quake III and Counter-Strike.</STRONG>


I've never played Counter-Strike, so I can't comment on how closely its gameplay resembles Imperial tactics. But how the heck would Quake III fit in? I've got some ideas on that front, but I haven't gotten around to working them into a single coherent post yet.


I have this fantasy of a complete, massive Battle of Hoth netgame, out of the box. One guy commands stormtroopers clearing out the Rebel base, possibly from a Myth-like perspective. Several players are generic Rebels trying to reach transports or hold off the invaders, switching between perspectives when they die, like in Rainbow Six. Others can play famous ones like Han Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, Crix Madine, Kyle Katarn, Dash Rendar, R2-D2, and C-3PO, which are harder to kill, but when they're gone, they're gone. A few would be gunners on the Star Destroyer, and one would shoot at them with the ion cannon. AT-ATs, snowspeeders, and X-wings could all be manned. Finally, Luke Skywalker gets to mow down his enemies with JK-style gameplay, but has to start out flying a snowspeeder.

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