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Guest SithSeeD

The AI should be pretty good, they have to make the enemies reasonably smart or else its too easy.


Also speaking of A.I. ... Am I the only one here who wants to give that Haley Joel Osment a swift kick to the gut... I despise that little bastard. hehe jk


But I don't like him !


SithSeeD :mad::mad:

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The only reason i dont like the acting of Haley Joel Osment is that he didnt do Ep.1 TPM i think that would make it a bit more soulful i think hes a pretty good child actor. Also about TPM is he deleted very good scenes. What the F*@!( was George Lucas thinkin? The shrooms must have finally affected him. :mad::mad:

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hey, in regard to stormies doing strategies like cover fire, leap frogging, etc. i notieced that stormtroopers in fact do NOT just stand still and fire - they take cover in scenes like RotJ behind a log fighting ewoks, and in the ESB right after bobba fett flies off with solo as cargo two stormies attack leia, chewie and after one of them gets shot, the other one takes cover behind a statue or something. so i think we can hope for intelligent stormies that do take cover and hopefully even might leap frog, lay down cover fire, try flanking maneuvers, and so on

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Yes, the DM bot AI in Elite Force is pretty impressive. I'm not sure it's as good as Unreal Tournament bot AI, but it will definitely give you a run of it.


Will be interesting to see how Raven handles melee AI. For instance, how effective will a Jedi be at selecting the right weapon for the job? When will it draw the saber, opposed to a blaster? Will the AI be able to do force jumpshots? How effective at melee fighting will they be? Fortunately Raven has some good experience in melee AI through Heretic II.

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Yeah, that would be probable. I hope that JKII has some creatures such as those cat things in MOTS. Those things freaked me out!


It would also be cool if there were creatures like those found in Quake I. Those things were agressive and deadly.

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