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How much would you give to be a Beta Testor of JK2 ?


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I don't think that I would be interested in in Beta Testing Jedi Knight II unless it IS going to be a game aimed more at the hardcore gamers(at least in mp). If it's aimed more towards the movie fans than it is at the hardcore gamers, I feel that my opinions would be discarded. I'm still hoping that this game will balance out nicely for the hardcore gamers and the movie fans alike. Give them their storyline, but give us our hardcore gameplay.


nothing, I'd much rather wait till I get my hands on the finished product.


There's something to be said for that. Alot of Alpha/Beta tests have seriously turned alot of people off in certain games. Anyone remember the Q3 testing phase? That was god-awful, but the game turned out to be 10 times better.


Seeing an unfinished version of the game, seems like it could possibly take some of the fun out of the game. It would be like having a pair of Fila's a year before anyone else heard of them. Of course, you wouldn't get made fun of for having JK2 early, LIKE I DID WITH MY FILA's!


/me has bad flashback from junior high.



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Guest Kurgan

It would be really cool, and I'd do it for free, but then I wouldn't be as excited about seeing the game for the first time on release day. So I guess not, but hey, if anyone is offering I'm all ears!


; )





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