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troopers to wimpy looking? (possible spoiler)


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What ever are you talking about? I'm sure they'll be tweaked out before the game ships, but they look a hundred fold better than how they looked in the old JK. But even then, the gameplay was fun so I really didn't care. In the end, if the game is fun, I'd take the stormtroopers how they look right now...well, assuming those 3000 polys each don't slow my computer down to a crawl.

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Why haven't you been banned? You're intentions here are clear... You have nothing worth while to contribute - we are fortunate to have a site specifically for JK2 and YOU and your little friends are ruining it.


PISS OFF! :mad:




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Guest Vagabond

Wade Vox's Battle Droid Army, you need to stop posting all of those pointless images in your messages. Your messages are needlessly slowing the page load-times for people with slower connection speeds.


The JKII staff is rapidly finalizing plans for assigning forums admins and moderators to address problems such as these.

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Guest Boba Rhett

Holy hell. They just start doing this over here and they already have people pouncing on them. I really could have used you guys at the jk forums a few days ago.

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Guest Vagabond

I had a great time in Florida...the vacation was a blast. Visited Seaworld, Downtown Disney, Daytonna Beach, saw Ray Ramano do stand-up, and went to the Kennedy Space Center. A good time was had by all ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Kurgan

Not exactly, the weapon it is based on is hardly "pistol sized" unless it's a pistol for ten foot tall people... (watch the scenes in ANH where Luke, Leia and Han are trading shots with the Stormtroopers, and see what I mean).


There are other weapons that you may see Troopers use that are smaller, but the blaster rifle we all know and love isn't that big, true, but it's bigger than a one-handed pistol (or revolver, etc). It's certainly bigger than the fat Bryar (which is just a sawed off rifle with a new handle anyway)


Personally, I think that having all (or most) weapons be one-shot kill is problematic (unless of course you're going for a "realistic" type of strategic shooter like say Rainbow6). For gameplay balance/challange/fun issues, they made Stormies in JK take 3 shots to kill (1 if you have a saber or super powerful weapon hit them). In SW terms, you could just say that they finally upgraded that wimpy ST armor. ; )




[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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I see alot of people saying how easy it was to kill a storm trooper in the movies, witch was true. but not only is this not a movie, but it takes place sometime after ROTJ, meaning that the empire will have had time to change/upgrade somethings such has armore, weapons, and how they train thier army. now they might have some sort of jedi hunting/killing force sepret from the storm troopers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Stormtroopers aren't the best trained or bravest of military stock, especially when they're going up against a Jedi, so sometimes they may start running from you in hopes of rallying a few buddies to help them taken from the new preview.

I totally disagree with this. I think it will be a down point in the game. Also This guy doesnt know anything about starwars it wasnt obi wan and q-gon who put the the lightsaber in the balster doors in ep1. It was only q-gon jinn. They have someone who knows starwars rather than someone who gets paid by the hour to write a preview about the best saga known to man! :mad:

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This message is in relation to the clone conversation on page one.


I agree Stormtroopers should be tougher, as I would love to feel the adrenaline that the heroes from the trilogy felt while hiding behind every possible obstacle to avoid the laser fire.


So, to implement this intelligently, I suggest that Raven/Lucasarts asy that the Empire cloned one of the Empiror's royal guards, and put the clones in Stormtrooper armour. If the ERG is as tough as they are cracked up to be, it would explain the extra toughness of the troops.

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I hope the Stormies have a total of 5 "hit-points". Shots in the limbs taking 1 HP, front torso 2 HP, back torso 3 HP, and the head an auto kill ( these would be the equivlents for the normal blaster bolt).


I don't see what so bad about the appearence of the Stormies in the JK2 screens.


P.S. The pics don't slow down my thread loading. The threads still load in less than two seconds but it still not nice. ;)

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