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Multiplayer Maps

Guest Vagabond

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Guest Vagabond

What multiplayer maps would you like to see in Jedi Knight II? Here's a quick list of things I'd like to see:


  • Coruscant
  • Tatooine (Mos Eisley)
  • Bespin
  • Nar Shadda
  • Kessel
  • Yavin IV
  • Kashyyyk
  • Hoth
  • Mon Calamari
  • Byss


[ June 11, 2001: Message edited by: Vagabond ]

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Personally, I'd like to see a map similar to Canyon Oasis. I like having maps that are wide open where all can be seen.


I also would like to see in depth cities from the star wars universe.



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My favourite is alerady going to be included - Cloud city, its gonna rock! Also, Imperial throne room.


Hey Vag, in some other thread you said moderators are being sorted out at some point, who actually selects 'the chosen ones' or do people have to show an interest or do you lot pick someone who you think may be able to help out?



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I really hope Raven puts a lot of effort into the mp maps. Good multiplayer maps make the mp experience while weak ones just make me frustrated. Hopefully LEC will have a patch system in which they release new maps often. Maybe they can include some user made levels too! Even if they don't, it will be a lot easier to distribute levels with dedicated servers. If you don't have the level the server is using, a quick-automatic download will take care of the problem. I would really like to see a map on Endor and of course Tatooine. Hopefully we can et a bunch of classical trilogy locations...that would be awesome!



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Guest Vagabond

wardz, the person calling the shots with regard to forum admins/moderators is ZeroXcape.


My favorite kinds of multiplayer maps fall into two general catagories:


1. Familiar locales from the movies.

2. Urban settings.


For example, in MotS, I loved the Throne Room, Gantry, and Carbon Freeze maps, which were familiar from the movies.


I also liked the Spaceport map, mainly because it felt like Star Wars - it had that civilized-yet-alien atmosphere that also had a really good flow to it. I'm thinking that a Coruscant version of the Spaceport map would be incredible ;)

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Guest Krayt Tion

There are a few ways that I've noticed you can successfuly get a good Star Wars theme into your map.


[*]Familiar locations from the movie themselves. This is the most obvious way. Grab that location you see in the films and duplicate it down to each inch of transparisteel.


[*]Certain places in the movies are reflective of cultural settings or standards of groups of people. Note the most prominent features in this area and use them to make a new, completely fresh place in the Star Wars universe for us to play in, this will keep the feel of Star Wars quite nicely.


[*]Map out actual Star Wars locations mentioned in the movies or in the Expanded Universe Literature. These places have already been at least roughly described (but never seen) and it is up to you the interpret these descriptions and make your 3D level come alive.


[*]Finally we have the places that have never been mentioned even in the EU to this point, like many of the settings in Dark Forces. The designer has liberty to pull out of his arse almost whatever he can think up.


My ideal settings for JK2 levels include all of these approaches to map theme, even a mix of them every which way. :) Specifically I don't have any places I can mention right now but some good names have already been thrown out. I'll get back to you.

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Guest Vagabond

After thinking about this some more, wouldn't visiting Alderaan entail navigating an asteroid field? It is destroyed during this time period, is it not?


But perhaps in another game, set in another time, when Alderaan's inviting landscapes were available for the intrepid explorer. That would be excellent :)

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Guest Vagabond

Actually, yes, I do recall one of the novels mentioning a New Alderaan, but I don't know what it's supposed to look like. Presumably similar to the original.

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Guest Vagabond

It might be kind of cool to have a map inside the hangar of a Star Destroyer. You could see TIE's hanging in their berths; you could look out past the magnetic field door, out into the main hangar where the Corellian Corvette was captured in Episode IV; there could be a really good weapon spawn inside of an airlock that could be triggered from a secret room, so that if someone tried to get that good weapon, you could eject them into space ;)

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Yes, I think the game MUST have some star destroyer or super class cruiser levels. The DF levels in the Arc Hammer and SD were, in my opinion, two of the best in the series. Having some SD levels would put people into an environment they could connect with from the films. Or even some type of space platform would be cool. Terrain and environment diversity are a must for multiplayer maps, even if all the single player levels are the same.



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I'd love to see some cooperative multiplayer.


They could use the regular single player levels as a base to use for the co-op levels.


Two jedi working together besides regular CTF sounds fun, to me at least.


The more multiplayer levels, the better.

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