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The Moldy Crow

Guest Vagabond

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Guest Vagabond

I'd really like to see the Moldy Crow in exquisite detail this time around. Even better, it would be excellent if we were able to wander around inside it, inspecting all the secrets that have thus far been concealed beneath her rusting hull.


Maybe there's a turbo-laser battery we could man and shoot enemies with.


Maybe there are secret smuggling compartments, holding ancient Jedi artifacts.


Maybe there's a Jedi training remote where you can hone your skills.


Even better, it would be cool if going inside the Moldy Crow and sitting at the cockpit was the mechanism to move between several of the missions, where applicable of course. I think that would make the game truly immersive.


Questions? Comments?


[ June 12, 2001: Message edited by: Vagabond ]

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Ah the moldy crow, one of the things I most loved about the original DF was seeing the cut scene with the moldy crow flying to the rebels after the first mission. Remember this line "kyle delivers the plans to the rebel alliance...", so many times I heard that playing the demo before I got the full game.



Not seen quite as much in JK as was in DF, the start of most DF missions had the moldy crow lifting off, a nice addition to the game back in those days. I would point out the fact of scale, it would have to be made bigger. When you looked at you model, kyle, and walked next to the ship it looked as though he wouldnt even fit in there, let a lone Jan as well. Like excalibur to Arthur, The crow would be a great addition this time around to help kyle, maybe even a level where you anchor yourself to an enemy ship trying to escape and burn through thier hull only to have to fight the enemy crew all the way up to the cockpit.


[ June 12, 2001: Message edited by: Syndrix ]

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Guest Vagabond

Excellent idea, Syndrix, burning through the hull of a ship and boarding her. Kind of like the start of Episode IV in reverse...this time Kyle would do the boarding.

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All of this would be great in-game. Having you go into the cockpit as a transfer to the next mission would provide for excellent immersion. I believe you mean turbo-laser battery Vagabond. I don't think we'll see one, 'cause only capital-ships or gunships carry those. However, we may see laser turrets like on the Millenium Falcon. That is probably what you meant, but I love to correct people. ;)

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Yeah the Crow is toast. It crashed and burned at the Valley of the Jedi. Last I saw, Kyle was using a Tyderium class shuttle in Mysteries of the Sith.


But, still, the Crow is cool and Kyle should just buy a new one.


I like that breach, board and commandeer mission idea.

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So would you guys prefer the same design or a whole new ship? I'm not sure yet.


It would be fun to walk around inside of it, or start a mission by collecting ammo there and then stepping off and have Jan meet you at the end. I don't really think it'd work for the player to be shooting, though. Just short of switching to a joystick for that short time, it could feel a little too Rebel Assultish. (Which would offer as much gameplay as Minesweeper, IMO. :))

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Guest Vagabond

Hmmm, good question bucky. I think they should take the Star Trek movie approach, whenver the latest incarnation of the Enterprise gets destroyed. So, I think they should update and modernize the Moldy Crow, but keep the same basic structure, and then call it the Moldy Crow II ;)

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Guest Krayt Tion

Not to be a punk ass but the Federation uses letters instead of numbers as the main distinction for the latest incarnation of vessels like the Enterprise, for example, the Enterprise E was destroyed when they self destructed to nail the Borg in First Contact. Watch me in turn get busted by a Trekie for false info. :p


As much as I liked the Moldy Crow, might I also suggest that we not use the old Jan drops kyle off bit for missions in JK2. I'm all for the next generation Moldy Crow making an appearance though. Perhaps it can be the.. uh... Moldier Crow... hmmm how about no on that actually.

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Guest Vagabond

Yes, he jumps into it at the end of the very first mission at Mysteries of the Sith. I doubt that an Imperial shuttle is Kyle's first choice as his main ride. It's not casual enough ;) He needs something that may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts ;)

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Originally posted by Vagabond:

<STRONG>Hmmm, good question bucky. I think they should take the Star Trek movie approach, whenver the latest incarnation of the Enterprise gets destroyed. So, I think they should update and modernize the Moldy Crow, but keep the same basic structure, and then call it the Moldy Crow II ;)</STRONG>



Yeah, that makes sense. The good ol' Crow really doesn't have that much room to walk around in it, but I have to admit that the basic design is pretty fierce looking, and not too similar to any other ship in the SW universe! (Correct me if I'm wrong, because I really don't know that much about the SW universe. :))

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Kyle's too old to be trapsing around the galaxy in a junker hotrod. He needs to ramp up the style a bit, something roomier with space for the wife, kids, soccer team, ancient Jedi Relics, and 'stuff' that he will doubtless need to 'haul.'


Seinar Systems is having a sale on their Galactic Minivan line of personal transport. Although I think Kyle as more of an SUV type of Jedi.


Maybe graduate to a Corellian corvette class ship: the Nasty Nerfherder or Rotting Bantha. Maybe he could buy Dash Rendar's Outrider?

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Guest Vagabond

I like the thought of a Corellian Corvette - I've always had a soft spot for them. They just look so cool :)

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Why the heck does everyone think Kyle is so old? He's only 5 years older than he was in MOTS tops. I know that because in the most recent chat with LEC, Haden Blackman said JK2 took place 13-14 years after the Battle of Yavin, which converts to 9-10 years after the Battle of Endor. MOTS took place somewhere in between JK2 and the Thrawn trilogy, because it couldn't be after JK2 and Mara Jade only became good after the Thrawn trilogy. So for all we know, Kyle could only be one year older!

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Originally posted by En Taro Taldarin:

<STRONG>Why the heck does everyone think Kyle is so old? He's only 5 years older than he was in MOTS tops. I know that because in the most recent chat with LEC, Haden Blackman said JK2 took place 13-14 years after the Battle of Yavin, which converts to 9-10 years after the Battle of Endor. MOTS took place somewhere in between JK2 and the Thrawn trilogy, because it couldn't be after JK2 and Mara Jade only became good after the Thrawn trilogy. So for all we know, Kyle could only be one year older!</STRONG>


Yeah, you're right. According to the official EU timeline (as in that included on the Behind The Magic CD), MotS takes place 10 years after the Battle of Yavin - just before Luke sets up the Jedi Academy (ie, the Jedi Academy trilogy). So if JKII is 13-14 years after ANH, it's only up to 4 years post-MotS. I can't remember how old Kyle was supposed to be in DF - maybe in his early twenties? That would put him around his mid-thirties in JKII (I'm nearly that myself), so he's not that old.



As for the Moldy Crow...yeah, I agree that it should be another ship, not the original which crashed. Call it the Moldy Crow II, just for consistency - like Boba Fett has Slave I and then Slave II in the novels (I think). Damn these Jedi Mind Tricks - my memory is going. :D


Anyway, I liked the look of the Moldy Crow, so I think his new ship should be something similar. And I don't think he bought it. He should be a real Jedi Outcast, down on his luck, struggling to make ends meet as a non-Jedi. Maybe he wins the ship in a game of Sabacc...like good ol' Han won the MF.


Or maybe...just maybe...Jan Ors used her l337 skills to get the old Crow put back together... After all, where was she during MotS? She had connections, technical ability, and she could have been painstakingly rebuilding the ship, piece by piece... :D


Then again, maybe not. ;)

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Originally posted by Wilhuf:

<STRONG>...something roomier with space for the wife, kids, soccer team, ancient Jedi Relics, and 'stuff' that he will doubtless need to 'haul.'


Seinar Systems is having a sale on their Galactic Minivan line of personal transport. Although I think Kyle as more of an SUV type of Jedi.</STRONG>




Looks like he'll be too busy on Tuesdays hauling the soccer team around to get medival on some stormie ass! ;)

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