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The Moldy Crow

Guest Vagabond

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Guest Krayt Tion
Originally posted by bsbuckeye21:

<STRONG>But why don't you like the idea of getting dropped off, Krayt? Just curious.</STRONG>


I don't want to go back to the ol' Dark Forces bit: Drop off---> Blow up/Get info/Play Solitaire---> Fly away back to rebels---> Repeat. That was perfectly suited for the original Dark Forces but this is a new time and a new game, it is time for something new. Jumping worlds is exciting and allows for new scenary and dangers, and I suppose he'll have to get there some how, but who says he has to keep getting dropped off by his closet-honeybunny Jan. I think it would allow for a silkier plot if he wound up catching a ride on am Imp Star Deuce which he had to explore/fight his way through or something of the like. Tranportation in JK2 can be a more exciting part of the story if they want, instead of just an afterthought.


[ June 12, 2001: Message edited by: Krayt Tion ]

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I see what you mean, Krayt. I wouldn't like it if Kyle's dropped off every mission as well. But a scenario involving Kyle getting dropped off to do a quick and covert infilitration mission with him stealing something, and then running like hell for his life back to the Moldier Crow at the end would work nicely.

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I agree...the Moldy Crow needs to make a reappearance. I would feel pretty violated as a DF/JK fan to see another, lamer ship take it's place. Surely it is not 100% unique. Kyle and Jan must be able to find another one and bring it into action. I would like to see the hyperspace launch into space, and maybe even an intricate cut-scene dogfight that forces the Moldy Crow to land on some moon or world that has not been explored in any SW materials. Niether DF or JK explored the Moldy Crow in any detail...I hope JKII will do that. We'll see...



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I dunno, the concept of having a bigger ship you can walk around in between missions is kind of neat (a bit like the playstation Megaman Legends games for the 2 people here who've played them, two highly underrated games IMHO) but I vote the Moldy Crow makes a re-appearance. I don't give a damn how banged up it was at the end of JK, it's a video game for crying out loud. BTW, how destroyed did the crow look in JK anyway, my memory is a bit hazy, for suchj a small ship if Kyle survived the crash, it couldn't have been THAT totaled.

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Guest Vagabond

In fact, I remember reading an expanded-universe Star Wars novel where the Millenium Falcon nearly gets eviscerated, yet it still gets repaired. And even if they can't repair the same ship, they could get one like it and fix it up.


I want to reiterate that being able to wander around inside your ship before/after missions, where appropriate, would be incredibly cool.

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Guest Vagabond

Darth Lunatic, that's a good idea for a cinematic sequence using the game engine. Imagine if you were sitting in the co-pilot seat as Jan piloted, and shot down some enemy fighters, or flew along the side of an Imperial Star Destroyer. That would be amazing! Great idea :)


This might even be a good segue into the previous idea of setting the Moldy Crow down and breaching the hull of a Star Destroyer as the start of a mission.

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The Crow is completely destroyed in the crash at the Valley of the Jedi.


But Moldier Crow needs to make an appearance. However, I say leave the space combat to the next X-Wing Alliance. JKO should stick to its FPS roots.


But I do like the idea of using the Moldier Crow as a base of operations. From the Crow, Katarn can review the mission maps and briefings, use onboard analytic equipment, and outfit himself with weapons and equipment. Hey, he could even heal up in the Moldier Crow's built-in Bacta Tank.


It would be cool if Kyle could return to the Crow mid-mission. Katarn could heal up in-mission, provided that the Crow could remain secure within the mission area. You could even use the Crow as an interface for meta-game functions such as viewing game demos. (JKO will ship with demorecording, right?)


Raven should make the Crow a bit more persistent (e.g., the game doesn't end just because you enter the Crow. The game continues on.). That would make the game a lot more immersive, as has been said.


So, for example, Katarn and Orrs fly the Crow to the landing zone, and Orrs dusts off. Kyle would roundezvous with the Crow for equipment resuit, ammo reload, healing, analysis, or evacuation as required.


In some cases Kyle has to search for the Crow. Since Jan cannot safely land in the same landing zone, which is now covered by Stormies, she had to land in a different section of the mission area. JK basically did this, but the missions would always end when reaching the crow.


For instance, perhaps Kyle finds a Jedi Relic during his mission. He must return the Relic to the Crow, which has on-board analytical equipment that can decipher the strange symbols etched upon it. Once he's done that, the mission isn't over yet. Kyle must debark the Crow again, and continue on with updated mission parameters. This is much more persistent and immersive.


Perhaps Kyle may have to pilot as well, if Jan is captured by the Dark Jedi and their 'Dark Jedi Technology' for instance.

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Guest Vagabond

That's a good idea, Wilhuf. Just for clarification, I wasn't meaning that JKII should let us conduct any space combat. Merely that a cintematic sequence with Jan doing a small bit of space combat might add some dramatic flair as a precursor to the next episode.


And let me reinforce the idea that many of us came up with at OWK.net, that using the Moldy-ish Crow as a base of operations would be very cool. As you said, the built-in bacta tanks, visiting the ship throughout the mission, all those things would really add to the immersion and JKII lots more fun. A way of signalling the "end" of a mission might be to walk go into the cockpit and flip a switch (presumably the ignition sequence).

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Yeah, some really cool ideas flying around here.


Personally, I'd also like to be able to beat a hasty retreat to the Crow while under fire, and be firing through an opening while it takes off. It might also be good if you had to Force Jump to reach the Crow because it can't land.


And Jan wouldn't even have to be piloting the ship - you could do that via remote. Come to think of it, how cool would it be if you were trapped, surrounded by a lot of stormies or other enemies, with little ammo...and then you call on the Crow, which comes in guns blazing, sets down, and you run inside?


There are just so many possibilities. I hope Raven feel they can implement some of these ideas.

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Guest Vagabond

Ya, great idea,StormHammer. I'd love to have a mission where I had to beat a hasty retreat to the Crow, with it's laser batteries providing covering fire as I ran up the ramp.


I love the idea of shooting out the open hatch as we live off, as the boarding-ramp slowly seals itself against the hull. Very cinematic :cool:

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Guest Krayt Tion
Originally posted by Wilhuf:

<STRONG>But I do like the idea of using the Moldier Crow as a base of operations. From the Crow, Katarn can review the mission maps and briefings, use onboard analytic equipment, and outfit himself with weapons and equipment. Hey, he could even heal up in the Moldier Crow's built-in Bacta Tank.



Kind of like a Swat Van. :)

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Guest Vagabond

Or the Mystery Machine.


...Rruh-oh Rraggy!


Maybe when Kyle gets scared, he can go into the Moldier Crow and get a Jedi Snack<sup><font size="-3">TM</font></sup> to rejuvenate his courage.

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Or the Mystery Machine.



Uh-oh I think I can here that T.V special "When good idea's go bad" sneaking up on you Vag. Just kidding. Some good idea's getting thrown around, I'd like to see the flying throught the canyon and then getting dropped off to complete your objectives cinematic/mission idea.

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Originally posted by Wilhuf:

<STRONG>Or perhaps the van from The A-Team.</STRONG>


All together now, *sings* "da-da-dum-dum da-da-dum-da..." etc. :)


Anyway... some excellent ideas. I think it would be possible to have a bit of combat onboard the Crow (or whatever it's called). Anyone remember the first level from Sin? You sat in a helicopter which someone else - an NPC - was flying, with a machine gun, shooting at criminals on the roof of a bank. The game was pretty crap, but it was an excellent set-piece to start the game with. Something like that wouldn't go amiss in Outcast.

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Guest Vagabond

ed_silvergun, yes, I agree. Whether you're standing in the open hatch as Jan pilots you away or toward the action, or whether you're actually sitting in a gunwell on the Crow as you approach your landing zone, that would be really fun to me. Once you reach the LZ, Jan will yell at you to get out, and so the mission begins.


I'd love that :cool:

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