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JK2 Superclan


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Games (yes, Jedi Knight IS just a game) are meant as entertainment. My experience is that "elite" clans take the game to seriously. I'd rather be in a clan where you don't have to worry about beating everybody, but just having clean fun with friends (killing and pissing off newbies isn't clean fun, killing them and then teaching them a few ways they could get better is). I would never join a clan if I had to be "a good enough player" for them.

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Personaly, I do everything I can to teach newbies. I do get annoyed when the call me a hacker though.


Now Saryl, you basicaly restated what I have said in the past. Mixing casual and hardcore gamers is really not a good idea. Because of the popularity SWs, you have a far more causual (movie fan) players the you are likely to find in a game like quake.


That is why there is such a huge gap in skill and knowleadge. It is also why there is an "elite" community seperate from the general JK population.


Now wouldn't it be nice if all the hardcore kept to fighting other hardcores and left you move fans alone? This superclan is based in part on that idea.

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1 Super clan would suck for a game, competition leads to improvement in the level of play, it happens at an individual level, but the clan gives players added incentive to improve. I doubt the top players would be as good as they are now, if there hadnt been clan rivalry to help the improvement of players


Also people who play quake and other games at a similar level to the top jkers play jk will also be in the comunity, and many of them might be keen to stay in their own clans.


(and ff guns is the only way to play jk!!!)

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hey torment, ease up man, i know you have your beliefs, and your jk2 superclan would be elite, but dont get mad at these guys ok? i try to be nice to everyone on the zone unless they piss me off, then i go off on em, but dont be so mean, not here, this is a friendly place...

and in case you are wondering, no im not a newbie, and no im not against you...WD and DSbr are elite (so is SLDR)

there, dont get mad now...

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Guest Vagabond

It makes me laugh when someone calls themself elite. Maybe they are or maybe they're not. The point is that doing so is the epitome of what the best players are not.


Let's look at Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, Joe Montanna, or perhaps Derek Jeter. They are, arguably, among the best to play in their respective games, yet they are also the most humble and well-liked. Yes, they are good, and yes they know it. However, rather than boastfully singing praises about their own accomplishments, they instead practice humility, crediting the effort of the entire team.


The true so-called elites are leaders both on and off the field. Some people would do well to follow their example.


But hey, I recognize that we all have a part to play in this wacky play called life, and someone has to play the part of the braggart that nobody likes. They just shouldn't expect to be called elite by anyone but themselves :cool:


Carry on ;)

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Torment, don't puff out your chest to quickly, I'm not looking for, nor do I need your approval. Just because my posts have been in support of your ideas does not mean I don't think you're arrogant, you are, and that's what people are getting annoyed at!


My experience is that "elite" clans take the game to seriously.

I can see what you're getting at, but you said it yourself, Seryl, it's just a game, and 'elite' clans are simply another way to go about playing it. They're having fun, that's just what the game designers wanted (besides money) so how can that be taking it too seriously?


Now wouldn't it be nice if all the hardcore kept to fighting other hardcores and left you move fans alone?

No, it wouldn't, how would one be able to enter the 'elite' if they couldn't play against them? The community needs to mix it up, that's why it is a community. Sure, there needs to opportunities in which those 'elites' can challenge each other, but they can't be completely isolated from the rest of the community!


but dont get mad at these guys ok?

He's not, he's simply passionately expressing his point of view. If he starts abusing people, then tell him off!


The true so-called elites are leaders both on and off the field. Some people would do well to follow their example.


Mmm, well said, basic translation: Torment, don't be so up yourself, then you'll have more respect and possibly some success in your ideas.


*Deep breath*

That really takes it out of you... ;)


[ July 11, 2001: Message edited by: Letalis ]

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hmmmm I spoke to WD-torment on the zone and he didn;t see like an ass there. however just try posting on the WD board and you will find that it's the same as it is here. must be something about message boards that get's these guys worked up.

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There are so many "elite" NFers but they just have bad connectionss that lag and drop packets. That isn't gonna work in JK2.


There are skilled players in all categories of Jedi Knight. There are plenty of people who have conquered Cases Ladder in the past, that had very good connections and didn't drop packets.


Well there are certain people who will be the ones who discover all the tricks, tactics, what works and what doesn't for JK2 (MaReZ, Shinji, Luke18...). Most likely, these people will be the same ones who did it in JK.


And the entire time that those above were discovering tricks/tactics, there were dozens of other players that were doing the same thing.


Then there are those (that's you, me, and the people this post was meant for) who don't care what's in the movie, they want to WIN and be the best.


And then there are those of us who are all of the above. Some of us enjoy being immersed in the Star Wars universe, but at the same time, we enjoy practicing for hundreds upon hundreds of hours to become the best that we can be.


We could really push the limits faster, train each other, DOMINTATE JK2 hehe.


There are dozens of other good clans that are thinking the same thing. Some of which no longer play JK, but used to be top clans. Just because your clan may have an edge in some areas of JK, doesn't mean that you will in JK2.


this whole "elite" thing really is getting ridiculous.. why would you stick around to PLAY a game that's (nearly) 4 years old? I can understand editing it, because I do it myself.. but playing straight JK? blech.


There are tons of reasons that people continue to play JK/MotS instead of other games. Some play because their connections don't allow them to play anything else effectively. Some play because nothing else can immerse them in the Star Wars universe like these games can. Some people like myself play, because we still consider JK/MotS to be the best game around, even after all of these years.


hehe I still think tho that older clans like DH and IRN are going to come right up behind and knock you guys on your asses..


I was thinking the same thing. ;)


The only purpose for a clan is, like already mentioned, to know something about who you're playing with so you can team up instead of playing on your own with real skills.


I take it you're not familiar with tournaments, ladders or clanwars?


A real elite Jedi Knight player walks alone.


Actually, if you would look at gaming from a realistic standpoint, without being biased, you would come to the conclusion that there are elite players in clans and out. Making generalizations such as the ones you have made usually show that you are biased towards the subject. Remember that clan members can play both in clan matches and lone matches.


Also people who play quake and other games at a similar level to the top jkers play jk will also be in the comunity, and many of them might be keen to stay in their own clans.


Exactly. There will be players from all walks of life coming to JK2. Just because you play JK doesn't mean that you will be better than someone who was an elite EF or Q3 player. You could actually argue that they have an edge with the netcode, being that it will definitely be more similar to EF/Q3 than it will be to JK.


Let's look at Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, Joe Montanna, or perhaps Derek Jeter. They are, arguably, among the best to play in their respective games, yet they are also the most humble and well-liked. Yes, they are good, and yes they know it. However, rather than boastfully singing praises about their own accomplishments, they instead practice humility, crediting the effort of the entire team.


The true so-called elites are leaders both on and off the field. Some people would do well to follow their example.


Well stated. That is basically the way that I myself have always felt about the subject. There is nothing wrong with being confident, but boasting just shows weakness in my opinion. It's sad that the majority of skilled players in most games are jerks. That was my main reason for not joining any of the top clans and continuing to this day to avoid playing with people who act like jerks. Sure, they are usually somewhat nice to those who are in their clans, but it's how they treat EVERYONE that really matters.


however just try posting on the WD board and you will find that it's the same as it is here.


Poor guy sounds like he's speaking from experience. WD and DSbr are as famous for their hardcore attitudes/flaming as they are for being skilled players. ;)


I'm not sure of why this post wasn't posted on the Clan Forum, but that's not my concern.


I think that the major point here is that there are plenty of other people who are planning the same type of deal. I know that my clan plans on getting an early start on JK2 CTF(if it is included) and we will definitely be figuring things out as fast as any other clan.


This is similar to what we saw with the release of Q3. Not all of the top Q2 clans became top Q3 clans. There are players that will be coming from everywhere, and to assume that just because you were one of the top JK clans, that you will be a top JK2 clan, is very premature.

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