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A lightsaber is more of a heating implement than it is a cutting tool. It "cuts" by making things really really hot. There's no proof of this until TPM, though... but melting through the blast doors is pretty compelling evidence. :)


So the question is, is the payload of a TD a combustible or something that needs an electrical charge?


My money's on combustible. Thermal detonator, after all. :D

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umm, i seem to remimber in shadows that thermal detonators were minature thermonuclear devices. but, those (like leia had in RotJ) had a deadmans switch (goes off once you let go, like right in your hand...) and a five minute delay (get this, it delays, five minutes). of course, this varity wipes out a lot more area than the ones in jk/mots. so, maybe these thermal detonators are something different, and dont conform to what we know about the other thermal detonators.

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Hmm so Darth was using his 'healing implement' to 'heal' Lukes hand at Bespin? And likewise, Luke was really just trying to 'Heal' the AT-AT so that he could lob a friendly healing explosive inside. And who could forget the way Darth Maul 'healed' Qui Gonn through the back. ;)

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T, not L. :)

Heat. As in "OUCH that's hot!" ;)


I was just stating the obvious in that a lightsaber doesn't have the same properties as a conventional bladed weapon (which would not set off ANY form of explosive) and is more like cutting with a laser than a sharp edge. :p


"Healing implement" indeed... do I really seem that daft? Wait, don't answer that. :D


[ August 02, 2001: Message edited by: Denise ]

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Oh, no problem. I'm just never going to let you live it down... :D


As to the "heat" thing, it's a minimalization to be sure, but it's the basic principle behind what's going on. That door melts, and Luke's hand is rather obviously cauterized (else it would be just gushing with blood in a manner more appropriate to RoboCop than Star Wars).


Of course, if we're to believe the TPM evidence (specifically the speed with which the metal was reduced to a molten state) clothing should burst into flame with near-misses and even holding a saber should prove unpleasant at best. But that's another issue entirely... :)

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hey hey, guess what, this thermal detonator takl got me thinking, and i consulted my SW encyclopedia, and guess what, it says TD's are minature fission devices, set off when the circut is complete... so, i doubt that it would go off by sliceing it... oh, that is of course the TD's in RotJ are the same as in DF/JK/JKii.

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