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Feeling the force in JKII


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Hey all,


I have an idea that I think would not only look cool, but could actually add a lot to the overall gameplay of JKII.


When we play Jedi Knight, we don't actually have the feeling that we are a seeing through a jedi's eyes. Sure, there's the blocking of blasts coming directly towards you and the force powers, but what would a jedi see when he "hears" the force guide his actions?


I always pictured the now over-spoofed "bullet-time" effect even before that "M" movie came out, and I think it would work well in the game. I propose that when Kyle is overcome by blaster fire, the force automatically "kicks in" (i.e. this would be sort of an innate power, not user-selectable). Under this circumstance, he begins to see everything slow down around him while he is still able to move at the same speed so that he can better block his attacks.


Obviously this could make Kyle maybe a little bit too powerfull even for a legion of stormtroopers, but if the intensity of the ability were to be very low until Kyle levels up in later stages. Another balancing factor could be that this power could be made to not become active except under the most extreme condtions until later levels. What does everyone else think?


Jeff "Action" Hill

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not to shoot down you idea, but that would really f things up for MP if it was used there too, just look at "smart" slo-mo in Perfict Dark. i was really annoing, and it took, FOREVER to die in slo-mo, you could drive downtown for a soda during your death throes. ...but it could be implimented in SP...

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Sounds like force speed.


I thought (from the title of your subject) that you were going to propose a kind of "spider-sense", like when one jedi senses the presence of another. I think that would be pretty cool, to have Kyle sense enemies and imminent danger...

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I almost think that you should choose a 'player mode' (i.e. Light Kyle, Dark Kyle, Mercenary Kyle, etc) and get an arsenal based on that. The Jedi modes would focus on Saber and a couple other needed weapons (perhaps Bryer with scope and some detonators), whereas Mercenary Kyle would get a small armory. Force balance would shift accordingly. Light Kyle would get 'knowledge and events', things like that spider-sense (you are about to be shot), and perhaps also ability to 'know' the path to follow (e.g. Kyp Duron into the Maw ;-) Dark side is pure power ...


As for the spider-sense, I think it should be a one-shot sense - in other words, the screen would flash and you would either see or be direted to a oncoming bullet. You'd be given a second or so to react, but then be on your own.


All abilities grow with experience, of course.

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hey Letalis, dont argue with the freeking force!. it can have what ever name it wants for it's powers. only my hair can argue with the force coz it's just as powerful




The Force Vs. Joe's Fro!



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Not to shoot down Sifl in all his "spidey" glory, but to be fair someone else did suggest this on a topic a while ago. And no, I dont expect everyone to remember this, just being correct for the sake of it.


Anyway, it is still a good idea and could be quite helpful in SP. The ramifacations of it in MP troubles me though. For continuity I would assume that if in SP it would be MP, now imagine in MP that you possess this skill (which I assume everyone would have because every Jedi can sense changes in the force, cant they?). You run upto a door and perhaps instead of opening it and being surprised by a guy on the other side, your "sense" shows you a warning arrow (or some other sign) straight ahead. You get ready, but if my assumtion is followed, so is he and the culminating effect is that its as if the door was never there to begin with.


Perhaps you say thats a poor example and it would still be fun if you could be warned of someone blind sighting you and at the last minute turn to face him just in time to block as he strikes. Sounds cool. Maybe, but it would make it very hard, but not impossible, to sneak up on someone.


Of course then there is the possibility that it is a passive force skill, you have to have stars in the skill but it activates itself when needed. If that is the case and someone does not have it, then there would have to be another force power to balance it. But then that force power must have uses beyond just its "anti-sense", and it would need to in turn be balanced.


On the Matrix bullet effect, I may be wrong but wasnt something like this going to be in the Obi Wan game. When you used force speed instead of you speeding up everything slows down, so you get the same kind of ability, you just have more control because you are not going super fast.


Of course this is in no way meant to be an argument against the kind of idea of "sense", just some things to think about and how it would have to be designed to be fair. :)

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