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"Save the Lightsaber !"

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I think his first defense should be force powers until he picks up his next weapon being a saber, or a stormtrooper blaster, or bryar, If Jan is to return maybe Jan will have the old bryar on board the moldy crow. I don't know, wtf, who brought this up?

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Obi Wan:

this cant be asw fan at all


Could you be any more ignorant? He said that he thought the saber sucked in JK. He didn't say he didn't like lightsabers. Even if he did say he didn't like lightsabers, he could very well be a huge fan of SW. You don't have to like lightsabers to like SW.



When you went out to buy Dark Forces 2 did you read the full name of the game "Jedi Knight"? If you did why didn't you think that there would be lightsabers in the gameif the title says Jedi Knight?


Where exactly did wutang say that he didn't think there would be lightsabers in the game? I fail to see any point whatsoever, as C.H.A.S. did...


Good point grezzer.
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it'd be like any other sci-fi without the sabers???? Aliens?????? are you nuts or just blind?


Christ, one of the best Star Wars book out there, The Paradise Snare contains not one single Jedi. How many lightsabers were there in the X-wing games?


In DF1 Kyle was a NON-force using sabature, and I liked that game more than JK in a lot of ways


Tie Fighter was only, eh, one of the best games of ALL time. (before Half Life it WAS PC Gamer's best game of all time)


[ July 10, 2001: Message edited by: The Wanderer ]

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um in case you didn't know both luke and vader were both very great pilots and i hate to breat it to you but they were both "Jedi" you might have missed that part. but if you're not into true starwars then keep reading those jediless books and go watch some babylon 5 lmao

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Can you please explain to me what the hell Luke and Vader being good pilots have ANYTHING to do with what I said to you? are you just an idiot, or did I miss something.


Are you trying to say that... Because Luke and Vader are good pilots, then therefore Tie Fighter (in which your character was neither Luke, Vader, or a Jedi, just a regular tie fighter pilot) was a bad game? Or because Luke and Vader were good pilots... so OBVIOUSLY the Paradise Snare was a bad book???


You do realize that "the force" is just a bad made-up pseudo-religion whose tenets as far as I can tell are just to "feel the force" (whatever the hell that means) and to pick up objects with your mind.


And how exactly is Star Wars without the jedi just like Aliens???? and you honestly can't tell the difference between Babylon 5 ans Star Wars without Jedi??? are you sure? because, for me it's rather easy.


Help me out here, because I'm trying real hard to follow you. is this the new math I've been hearing about? 2+2 = Florida. lmao :)


[ July 14, 2001: Message edited by: The Wanderer ]

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lol, no you fool, I don't even think you've played Tie Fighter all the way through. Tie Fighter is indeed one of the best games ever. I love it. Let me refresh your memory. 2+2 = Vader is in the Tie Fighter game. knock on wood... anyone home? You know who else is in Tie Fighter? a regular pilot at first who seeks the emperor's assistance later and joins the "inner circle". Please try to mention something without Jedi in it that you say is good and starwars related to back yourself up other than a book that no one has heard of.


Your arguments are way out of line here. You have no room to speak. If you reply again I will be entertained by what you have to say once again.


Let's see new one : "I'll bet you 5$ this guy is gonna watch Final Fantasy." *cackle*


[ July 14, 2001: Message edited by: Bart-=[JCS]=- ]

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look, dork, Vader was in Tie Fighter for like 2 Damn missions. thats about a damn microfraction of the game. You join the inner circle, you do not become a jedi. And if for one second you say the coolest thing about that game was "becoming a jedi" or that there are Jedi in it and not that you're able to fly in and against ships in the Star Wars universe, you are either a bad liar or more of a moron than I gave you credit for new math kid. The game was Tie Fighter, not "Jedi Adventure With a Few Minor Piloting Elements".


And you also have a bad memory because I gave you more examples than just Tie Fighter. And please don't try to tell me Dark Forces was cool just because Darth Vader had a cameo in it, you'll have to do better than that.


JCS? what is that a "clan"? you're a bigger dork than I thought.

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Originally posted by The Wanderer:

<STRONG>Can you please explain to me what the hell Luke and Vader being good pilots have ANYTHING to do with what I said to you? are you just an idiot, or did I miss something.


Are you trying to say that... Because Luke and Vader are good pilots, then therefore Tie Fighter (in which your character was neither Luke, Vader, or a Jedi, just a regular tie fighter pilot) was a bad game? Or because Luke and Vader were good pilots... so OBVIOUSLY the Paradise Snare was a bad book???


You do realize that "the force" is just a bad made-up pseudo-religion whose tenets as far as I can tell are just to "feel the force" (whatever the hell that means) and to pick up objects with your mind.


And how exactly is Star Wars without the jedi just like Aliens???? and you honestly can't tell the difference between Babylon 5 ans Star Wars without Jedi??? are you sure? because, for me it's rather easy.


Help me out here, because I'm trying real hard to follow you. is this the new math I've been hearing about? 2+2 = Florida. lmao :)


[ July 14, 2001: Message edited by: The Wanderer ]</STRONG>


I have a brilliant idea. SHUTUP.LOL


STar Wars would be nothing without us Jedi's and wtf are u on about the force is a bad made up thing. Like hell the whole star wars thing revolves around the jedi, the force and the sith!!


So therefore i think u should go home.


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wow, quite a fight we have here.


Obi Wan does have a point, but its not 100% true. oh hails yes the jedi helped SW become the big thing it is now, but it wasn't the only thing, atleast for me.


now, i do agree w/ wanderer, there are a lot of cool things in the SW universe other than Jedi(droids, X-Wings, blasters, all the alien species, HAN FRIGGIN SOLO!, to name a few of many).


but, i also disagree w/ wanderer about the force... to a point. now, when GL first wrote SW, he got many of the ideas about the force from mythology and whatnot. so, the force was made up, but from mythology. so it seems its up to us to figure out if the myths are true, and if there is a

mystical force controlling everything


oh, by the way wanderer, i know what your thinking...

theres no mystical force controlling my destiny


i think this thread has taken a whole new direction, dont you?

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lol. Nice post Jimi, nice post.


and you're more or less right about me with your quote. but that's not entierly my reason for finding fault in the force.


Ok, my reason for calling the force a "bad" pseudo religion is that the force seems to have no revlance to ANYBODY in the SW galaxy except for that one person in 6 billion who has a high midiclorine (however the heck you're supposed to spell it) counts.


And even for them the forces only pourpose for existing seems to be for granting these handful of a handful of a handful of people superpowers.


The force doesn't seem to have any guidelines showing people how they can live a better life, or even attain any kind of a spiritual enlightenment (although I suppose I could argue the same thing about Christianity). No messages such as "possesions are fleeting" just that there's a weird "force" everywhere, and if you're one of those VERY lucky one in 6 billion people with a lot of a special microbe in your blood, and you feel "it" you'll gain superpowers.


And that is why I call it a bad pseudo-religion.

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<font color=cbcbff> Hey, Don't diss clans. I'm a proud member of the Jedi Order(JK clan) on the zone. Just because you choose to be with friends in a clan doesn't mean you are a dork. Anyway the lightsaber is a must in this game, regardless of its relevence in other Star Wars games. Kyle simply HAS to kick butt. I don't understand though. If he turned evil in MotS and he had an orange bladed lightsaber, then gave up being a Jedi directly after. When did he make this blue-bladed lightsaber?

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This is my opinion. It may be wrong. But i dont think so.


Kyle got Rahns saber.Green? Rite? Then as a light jedi he got Yuns in JK.Yellow? Correct? i believe it changed color in MotS because he made his own.Orange. Then he gave it to Luke Skywalker cause he didnt want to go to the darkside.(symbolism?) Then somehow he manages to find or make a blue one. :cool:

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I think the whole issue could be avoided quite easily by simply letting you choose your lightsaber color at the begining of a new SP game. Heck, maybe they could even let you choose a different outfit/skin for kyle. And BIG DEAL if it doesn't match up with the cutscenes. We're all intelligent enough to know what's going on, or if it bothers us that much we merely stick to the default skin/lightsaber. Seeing as a lot of this game will doubtlessly be played in 3rd person, the look of your character is a bit more important than quake, and custimizing is a GREAT option then IMHO.


I hope this is an option, because I find the yellowish/Orangish lightsaber to be fairly ugly.


And Obi, maybe WD Torment on these boards here has colored my view of clans with all of his constant egotistical bragging self-serving "elite" crap, so in the favor of maintaining peace on these boards I retract my infamous clan comment. cool?


And I didn't say Kyle shouldn't have a lightsaber. I've even went on in other posts on how to make saber control better. I was just pointing out to someone who said without the Jedi SW is just like ANY other SF that that's just bugus, there are a ton of other things that make SW unique.


[ July 16, 2001: Message edited by: The Wanderer ]

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Originally posted by Jimi-Wan:

<STRONG>wow, quite a fight we have here.


Obi Wan does have a point, but its not 100% true. oh hails yes the jedi helped SW become the big thing it is now, but it wasn't the only thing, atleast for me.


now, i do agree w/ wanderer, there are a lot of cool things in the SW universe other than Jedi(droids, X-Wings, blasters, all the alien species, HAN FRIGGIN SOLO!, to name a few of many).


but, i also disagree w/ wanderer about the force... to a point. now, when GL first wrote SW, he got many of the ideas about the force from mythology and whatnot. so, the force was made up, but from mythology. so it seems its up to us to figure out if the myths are true, and if there is a



i think this thread has taken a whole new direction, dont you?</STRONG>


Hmmmm.....This sounds good about the force being an ancient myth thing that our good friend mr Lucas created this all from. Tel me more tell me more!! :)

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Ok, you want more Obi Wan? I'll give you all i got, or all i can remember. Now, I dont know much of what and where GL got this stuff from, but i know a little.


Midichlorians- obvious. You see, all living things have cells, and in those cells they have these energy-producing micro-organisms called mitochondria. This is actually a fact, but GL did add some stuff to it, as you may know.


Telekinesis- another obvious one, ever heard of Uri Geller (or however you spell it)? in case you havent heard, he's the guy a few decades ago that said that he could bend spoons w/ his mind. Fact, he said this, whether or not he actually did it or not, is up to you and your imagination.


Ability to see the future- again, obvious. i can sum this up into one word.... Psychics.


Those are the powers that actually have an obvious backstory. These, however, dont...

superhuman speed, superhuman jump, and the ability to "have a strong influence on the weak minded".


I know Im forgetting a lot of powers, and im also not even mentioning others, because im going by the films only, and not the EU stuff.


Man, i think we need to move this into Yoda's Swamp, what was the original topic? oh yeah, "Save the Lightsaber".

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Ok *cracks knuckles* I'll try and make this short (I do have a tendency to be long winded)


Midichlorines... yes, everybody has mitochondria. it's a scientific fact. But,uh.. what's so mystical spiritual or religious about that? Don't you feel that the inclusion of "midichlorines" watered down the force, changing what was a mystical thing into bad Sci-Fi pseudo science better suited to star trek?


Uri Geller and telekinesis and seeing the future...



Also there's a rather infamous incident with Uri Geller that I don't remember reading there. Years ago Uri Geller went on the tonight show, and Johnny Carson (a skeptic) replaced uri's spoons with other spoons. Oddly enough Uri found himself unable to preform any of his tricks. Psychic impotence if you will :)


I think that Lucas didn't do any reasearch into myths to create specific force ability as much as he just chose some rather common "superpowers" that were "neat"


And as far as getting off topic... hey, I tried to talk about lightsabers and skins and whatnot :)

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there is an actual mythological SW class that they held somewhere where they covered each mythological reference that George Lucas used I'm sure others out there know of this. If you don't beleive us or me then I suggest you email the G. Lucas yourself. hehe

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