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"Save the Lightsaber !"

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Don't you feel that the inclusion of "midichlorines" watered down the force, changing what was a mystical thing into bad Sci-Fi pseudo science better suited to star trek?


Hell yes. They should've left it more vague and mystical. Instead of analyzing and measuring force potential through science, it would've been far more philosophical if they were to leave you pondering about the source of the force and the reasons certain individuals have higher potential than others.

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it was never meant to be vague and mystikal

the Jedi had devoted their lives to learning about and studying and living for the Force, they trained their students through that type of understanding....they only stopped making mention of it when all the Jedi were assassinated, i guess Yoda thought Luke should go in a different direction in a more intangible sense for future Jedi...i dunno

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whether its 'ok' with me or not..im gonna have to live with it

i can dig that they want to make it that, since those events did happen before in the course of the timeline, it was kinda supposed to be a science the whole time...

i can grasp where it could be headed, or what its purpose is...its not so far out if you think about it

its kinda easier to swallow when its from Georgie himself...i mean, EU i can understand if people raise eyebrows, but this is straight from the creators brain, we cant knock his world


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To touch base on what C.H.A.S. kind of said. I don't think Kyle is much of a Jedi. He trains himself, for the most part, uses someone elses lightsaber, never truely building his own lightsaber, then takes Yun's. I know he was off on a mission and couldn't build his own lightsaber so thats the real reason he took Yun's. But I guess hes just following the Jedi code which clearly states, "You must foolishly loose your lightsaber when in the heat of battle!". That is why Qui-Gon was such a rouge Jedi, the council was ticked cause he never lost his lightsaber! Unlike, Luke and Obi-Wan who have both lost about 20 lightsabers, lol. Anyhow, I think that a Jedi Knight style game from LA, can not go without a lightsaber for the simple reason that that is what makes the game so special, along with force powers and a good story line. Cause no other games have lightsabers. I think that would be cool if your first weapon was a belt! So you could wip the cra* out of anyone who came across you!


Well I didn't notice there were 3 pages, so my post kind of picks up where the first page left off.


[ July 18, 2001: Message edited by: Dr_Strangelove ]

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Originally posted by C.H.A.S.:

<STRONG>Good point grezzer.


My friends and I all liked the saber and i personally thought it added the Jedi aspect to the game even if he only had Force Powers. I mean a Jedi isn't a Jedi until he's passed the final test of constructing a lightsaber. Also how can you call yourself a Jedi if you've never deflected 100 lasers going 100mph from 100 stormtroopers back at the enemy and blew them up into 1,000 parts.




Whoa!! Thats a lot of lasers to deflect! :)


Although personaly the Saber system they had for JK wasn't really all that great but it gets the job done (meaning it makes it easy to use and fun). I play JK for the saber and the saber alone. I don't care about the guns. I' all Sith :)

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Getting back to the color of Kyle's lightsaber... I thought that Outcast takes place after JK but before MotS, this would nullify anything about Kyle turning evil or having an orange saber. Personally, I think the reason he has a blue saber is becuase he finally got around to building his own. Well, that, or the guys at Raven just like blue better then yellow! HA

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First of all, I'm anticipating a flame or few over this post. This is my first post here, so I might be starting out on the wrong foot. But anyway.


If somebody has an actually shred of proof the Kyle’s saber will actually be blue in the release, I will take this back, but it seems to me that since all the screenshots and previews are all basically made to give example. At E3, JK II was said to be only 3 months in. We don’t even know the whole story arc yet.


I admit that its nifty to brain storm, but to actually generate anger because somebody said they hated the Lightsaber is kind of foolish. That’s why games such as JK and Quake let you switch weapons. I for one am eternally fascinated by the Jedi/Sith/Force portions of the Star Wars Universe. It seems to me that EU allows Star Wars fans to become masters of the world that George Lucas created. They took up the challenge of writing books and storylines that expanded many different aspects. I’ve seen arguments and bickering over games that are no different then such books.


We have games that span from X-Wing to Jedi Knight, each having its own scope and span in the Universe. I think games like Jedi Knight are prime examples of great mixtures of these aspects. In JK, if you didn’t want to ambush the numerous enemies with your Lightsaber, you switched it off.


I know I’m responding late to many posts on this section, but I hope I’ve made some points. I can’t wait for this game to come out. It’s like waiting for the next movie. People say Episode I was just utterly terrible, and others say they loved it. But I both types will be back to see the next one. I’m straying far from the point, but I tend to do it, and I hope it will be accepted a bit.


I basically played, and still play JK because of the Jedi/Force/Lightsaber aspects of the game. I can honestly say there were better games out if you just wanted to blow something up. I’m hoping JK II will expand far beyond my hopes and dreams for these aspects.


But the game is still months from release, and lots will change. I think we need to hold on tight until then and not rip each other apart over speculations and ideals.


Anyway, I’ll keep a few band-aids around for when you people rip on me. But I hope to post back again soon and get involved in these discussions. :)

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I'm hoping for some good Lightsaber battles also. I've heard discussion of MP Co-op around other boards and that would be the greatest thing. Once in a while death after death after death would get old, and I'd crave a team game. That would be better then JK team games by far.


I liked the fact that a Lightsaber forces you to be up close and personal, and not just be pecking at somebody with a laser from the other corner of the world. I'm beginning to be fearful of the saber throw. Destruction was cool, but it got everybody into the habit of waiting until there were two or three people fighting, and a single blast would toast all of them. A saber throw sounds like a good replacement for this.


I hope there is a better balance between the Forces too. I've heard there won't be a light or a dark side and I think this may be better if its true. I don't think it was possible for somebody using the Light side to win in a DM with 3 or more dark Jedi blasting around. Sure, you can protect yourself, keep yourself from dieing, but the others were using grip and destruction to waste each other 100's of times a piece, and I just could never score high enough against that.


I sure hope that there is better protection from cheaters in JK II. It got really old when you were having a good time with some friends, and some moron decided it would be fun to fly around Canyon Oasis with repeating Force destruction.


I like what I've seen about the Lightsaber in the levels leaving streaks and gashes. I think the more realistic all the weapons are, the better the game will be. I also liked the way the lightning surged and flowed.


Now that I have a system good enough to handle games like this, I can't wait for Outcast... I actually wouldn't mind it not being a lot different then JK except the realism. JK kept me coming back no matter how many times I beat a level. Probably because I just liked killing things with a Lightsaber. Give Quake III or UT a Lightsaber and I'll buy that game too. I'd rather fragg people in ROTT if I'm there for the guns and the blood. I mean...who doesn't like to Filch a Flamewall? But THIS is Star Wars.


[ July 26, 2001: Message edited by: Uber ]

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