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Kyle Vr. Luke


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No im not suggesting that Kyle and Luke are going to fight in jk2. but just for aruments sake who do u think would win?


Personaly even tho Luke has come a long way since he was that ***** little farmboy he still is a loser. Even tho he defeated Darth Vader it was after he was trained by Obi-Wan and Yoda. Not to mention the first time he tried he got his ass kicked in the end he sorta prevailed.


Then again Kyle had no traing (aside from killing 5 dark jedi, yes 5 because he didn't kill Yun) befor he went up againnst Jerec whos powers were suposed to rival those of Darth Vader.


well any comment or questions?

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Luke would win. He may have looked like a wuss in the movies...but he becomes the man after vader is gone. Luke taught all the new Jedi, and therefore he is superior to all of them...especially Kyle who received no training.



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Kyle would pull all the chicks with a porn star beard like that which makes him look TUFF, Luke looks like a little weasel,


Who needs a lightsaber, Kyle has the power of the mach3 :)




[ June 14, 2001: Message edited by: wardz ]

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youre damn right. kyles a regular chick magnet. he's got mara, jan, sariss for about 10 seconds, and all those civilian women who say 'leave me alone' are just playing hard to get. but he has his way with them all in the end.... if he just pulls out his saber and swings it round a bit right near em, they love that.... they just go 'ehhhhhhhhhh' and swoon and fall down.... they love it :)


kyles real smooth.... the women arent even aware that he's coming in for the kill, as evidenced by their cries of 'whats happening?'



he's one 'tee yuu double eff' TUFF stud :cool:

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Originally posted by Xanthus:

<STRONG>No im not suggesting that Kyle and Luke are going to fight in jk2. but just for aruments sake who do u think would win?


Personaly even tho Luke has come a long way since he was that ***** little farmboy he still is a loser. Even tho he defeated Darth Vader it was after he was trained by Obi-Wan and Yoda. Not to mention the first time he tried he got his ass kicked in the end he sorta prevailed.


Then again Kyle had no traing (aside from killing 5 dark jedi, yes 5 because he didn't kill Yun) befor he went up againnst Jerec whos powers were suposed to rival those of Darth Vader.


well any comment or questions?</STRONG>


I think, Luke Skywalker is the strongest Jedi in the Galaxy, maximum he can help Kyle..

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I think Luke would win

not cuz I've got the name (well...it IS a good reason ;))

but because Luke can resist the dark-side.

Like cptRAVE said, Light side would definetly win, and well...Kyle isn't that secure :)

Luke can resist the Emperor!!

Kyle..well, we all played MotS :D


[ June 15, 2001: Message edited by: GE_Luke ]

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I think, Luke's the best. He can develop a great force. He is the one. Nowadays he is much stronger than Palpatine used to be...


You know it well, this is a star wars story where you can play with Luke's apprentice, Kyle Katarn.

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ahhh but you see, that could work in kyles advantage, as he has delved into the dark side and can work from both sides of the ball park....


he's a little bit of this and a little bit of that. he has experience in things that luke doesnt..... POWERFUL things :)

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If Darth Vader really wanted to kill Luke, he'd have torn him apart. The Emperor wanted Luke to kill Vader, because Luke had the potential (emphasis on potential) to become stronger than Vader, and killing him would help turn him to the dark side. Luke, at the time, was not stronger than Vader. Also, currently (in the New Jedi Order series), Luke, while very powerful, is still not as powerful as the emperor was. I say this, because he'd have to be a bit older to become as powerful as the emperor. Remember, the jedi he trained could become more powerul than him easily (well, not so easily, but they could). However, there are still no jedi who are stronger than he. Kyle actually did have training, Rahn as a spirit trained him, although he had no physical lightsaber training. So, Luke would win.


Also, before someone brings this up on the forum, which I know they will eventually, Qui-Gon was right about Anakin being the chosen one. Think about it, if Anakin hadn't turned to the dark side, he'd have been hunted down with all the other Jedi by the emperor who was the most powerful force user at the time (other than Yoda & Co.). Turning to the dark side allowed him to survive long enough to kill the emperor. While I admitt that without Luke to prompt his return to the lightside, he would not have done it, Luke was not powerful enough himself to kill the emperor. Without Darth Vader, Luke would be dead. So, in the end, Qui-Gon was right, and Anakin was the chosen one.

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Originally posted by GonkH8er:

<STRONG>ahhh but you see, that could work in kyles advantage, as he has delved into the dark side and can work from both sides of the ball park....


he's a little bit of this and a little bit of that. he has experience in things that luke doesnt..... POWERFUL things :)</STRONG>


Didn't Luke get turned to the Dark Side in one of the books? And Leia turned him back? In which case Gonk, you'd be wrong, but that's not so infrequent, is it!? :D


You know i luv ya... ;)

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Rubble clearing, saving cats from trees??? ;)

My votes with Kyle, Luke is still doing this s**t I DONT WANNA FIGHT ANYONE MOMMY routine.

But then again that is Kyle's Story at the start of JK II, hmmm....

Kyle should go pimping and have Jan and all the civilians be his whores, :cool: J/K...

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hahaha, "You can't win Darth" he totally let's darth kill him so Luke can go on. Obi-Wan is not only the best jedi to live he made the wisest decisions. Except for continuing to train anakin. That might have been a bad decision. Other than that he is the man.

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Just to point a few things out when you wre talking about Kyle getting all the Girls, Luke actully got Married to Mara Jade ( i think ) and Kyle would win because he is the Only man to have Killed a Dark Trooper and he's killed more Jedi's.


Do you think Luke will be in Jedi Knight 2, he could help you.


a good mission in it would be you build a time machine and go and Kill Jar Jar in the most painful way possible






Scott :p

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