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Kyle Vr. Luke


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Any Jedi could kill a Dark Trooper easily. Luke never killed one 'cause he never came across one. And having killed more Jedi (yes that is the correct plural) says nothing about one's skill. All the Jedi could have been very weak.


For Syndrix: It's very easy to use force destruction in a positive way. For example: If some Stormtroopers are shooting at some civilians, and there are too many too get all in time, you could use force destruction and be protecting all the civilians lives, and your own by removing the threat. Being a Jedi on the Light side doesn't mean you can't kill, it just means that you have to use your powers wisely, never kill with vengeance, or out of anger or hatred or any evil. When Yoda says only kill or use the force in defense, you can be defending anything, whether it's a person's future, or their life.

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the wisest???? dude, because of Obiwan, the Jedi nearly became EXTINCT. what are you smoking? And then for an oncore after he gets all of the other Jedi murdered, he hides and takes anakin's kid with him, to of all places, on Anakin's homeworld!!!! By what miriacle Vader never decided to look there I do not know. I'll attribute it to more bad writing on TMP's part :) And killing Darth Maul only means that he's slightly less of a wuss :)


As far as luke vs. Kyle goes... I'd have to vote Luke. Luke's had quite a bit of experience with the force thing, Kyle has not.


On a side note, does anyone else find it interesting how little training it takes to become a Jedi?? Luke Spent all of a day with Obiwan, and about a day with Yoda. And Kyle didn't get ANY training (spirit rahn merely told him to save the valley of the jedi in a vision or what-not, he didn't train him). those 7 dark Jedi really should've been able to tear him to pieces.


Now, what REALLY would have been neat would've been Kyle trying to find a way to save the valley of the Jedi without the benefit of being a jedi. having to outsmart them would've been cool.

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Originally posted by Finalnight:

<STRONG>saving cats from trees??? ;)




um yeah....


Luke- Don't worry maam, I'll get him down.... Here kitty kitty kitty... Hold on...



*Force Destruction Noise*





*noise of flesh and fur sizzling...*

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OK, here goes.....

Vader could not have destroyed Luke,

Vader COULD have destroyed the emperor, the emperor just trained Vader to Fear him and think he was more powerful.

Yoda AND/Or Obi-Wan could have easily defeated Vader and/or the Emperor, they just knew the only way to turn Anakin back to the Lightside was throught his son.

Luke would rip the beard of off Katarn.

It was stated that Katarn destroyed seven Dark Jedi, in all the books and all the comics, how many did Luke destroy... and how many times did he save the galaxy, how many times did Katarn, but anyways, why would they fight? They wouldn't. They'd be happy little Yavin 4 forest Fairires and trade nice "happy" ;) stories of Jan and Mara.... *sigh* to be a Jedi (Knight(II)) :D

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Ok all you Kyle lovers, drop your complete ignorance now, Luke would kick Kyle's sorry ass. Are you actually forgeting that he is the son of the chosen one? That he is stronger than Yoda? So you are saying this sorry ***** is stronger then Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker , and YODA?? What a bunch of dumbasses, sheesh!

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Kenobi Kyle would be better because WE trained him gave him our strengths and made him stronger than any Jedi before him. Luke's lineage gave him an advantage yes, made him strong in the force yes, but could he ever defeat one who has been trained by a thousand masters all over this world.. I think, NO I KNOW that Kyle could defeat this weakling Luke Skywalker anyday. Period.

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Kyle would win if it was the Dark Kyle, the only Sith to have been killed by a light jedi was Maul and he was a sorry git( also Jeric and Co. By Kyle),Luke didn't Kill the Empoerer , Vader did and in Mysteries of the Sith Nothing could beat the Evil Kyle,





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Kyle would win if it was the Dark Kyle, the only Sith to have been killed by a light jedi was Maul and he was a sorry git( also Jeric and Co. By Kyle),Luke didn't Kill the Empoerer , Vader did and in Mysteries of the Sith Nothing could beat the Evil Kyle.


Yes, I have to agree that Darth Maul was possibly killed a little too easily for a Sith apprentice. My understanding is that the Sith Lords are supposed to be more powerful than other Dark Jedi.


Jerec was simply a more powerful Dark Jedi - I don't think he was a Sith Lord, although he was probably well on the way to becoming one. Therefore, in those terms, Kyle only tackled Dark Jedi, whereas Luke tackled actual Sith Lords - the Emperor and Vader. Having said that, Luke would have lost his battle if Vader had not turned back to the Light to save his son.


And on a technical point, it could be argued that Vader did not physically kill the Emperor - he simply threw him down that shaft, which killed him. In a face-to-face battle, Vader would have lost against the Emperor - and in fact, he did, because he died as a result of the Emperor's Force Lightning in his weakened state. Luke certainly would never have prevailed against the Emperor if Vader had not intervened. ;)

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another thing Kyle defeated the Dark troopers before he was a Jedi ( i'd like to see farm boy Luke do that ) so by my reckoning if the was more powerful than Luke before he was a Jedi he would have the edge in a fight even though Luke is stronger with the force,




Scott :D

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The diffrence is that a Dark Jedi is just someone who was training as a Jedi, and took the "easy way out", they wanted more power... There are many ways to become a Dark Jedi. The Sith is just one way to become one, it may be a more powerful one, but they usually start out with evil intended, and they follow guidelines, like the teachings of the Sith. Other Dark Jedi don't really follow guidelines, they just use the Force for negative effects.

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I think it should be more like highlander ware when you kill a guy you get all his powers and stuff. that would be an intresting twist.


and why dosen't the dark side just blow the s**t out of the light jedi with an army of guys with concution rifles and a few star destroyers. light jedi have to sleep some time hehehe.

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it would probably end up like the two dark jedi on the SW short Duality. they would kill each other. and then Mara and Jan would be pissed at each other, and then they would kill each other too. then Han would probably end up with both their sabers for toys, and sell them for extreem profit. remimber, theres no substitute for a good blaster at your side.

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Guest Boba Rhett

The Sith were an ancient race that the dark jedi conquered and made slaves long ago. That's why some are called sith lords. :)

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hey acdcfanbill


at the calgary show I got backstage passes to AC/DC. Brian sent them to my dad coz my dad use to roady for brian back when he was in a band in newcastle. sweet eh, I got picks of me and angus and ****.



now to get back on topic, do you guys think that jedi powers are going to be more popular for playing on the net, coz in JK there are very few FF games. everyone always playes NF, my self included.

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well, i wasnt lucky enough for backstage passes, but i saw them in minneapolis last sept. and it rocked anyway..



i never played w/o the force much, my favorite was just dueling it out with FF, and im hoping that they make it great for JO, with as many saber combos as its supposed to have, it should be cool, and i also thought that maybe with better blocking (whatever control it) sabers could always be one hit kill, which, in my opinion, should be. or if block behind you by goin over you head, like obi-wan did in Eps. I. of course, it would be difficult to kill jedi then, so maybe they would have to have a way to distract, or temporaryly stun jedi, like when maul hits them with his hilt. well, im whining for a lot of stuff now, and none of it will actually get into the game, so, i'll just shut up now.

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