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Game length


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Besides that screenshot I found in PCGamer, I should tell you guys that there was a brief comment on length. It says that Lucasarts promised that the game would be closer in length to JK, than it is to EF. How long is EF? Just so we have a reference point.

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EF is a fairly long game, 40 missions. However, it was broken up into smaller missions and roaming the Voyager ship. It took me a few days to beat. I liked the weapons and a few of the levels were memorable, but a lot of the levels had the same kind of feel. And they felt cramped. Based on the screens and videos of Outcast, i can definatley say that the levels look much bigger than EF(especially the backgrounds of mountains in the Kyle dueling screens and video). I'm sure they r going to make it just like JK1. I'd say they will have huge levels cause i think they said they will have around 14-15 levels (i could be wrong). JK1 had 21, but don't forget 7 of them were small boss levels. So does the 14-15 levels include the boss arenas too? And that leads to, how many boss fights?

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Elite Force has 12 missions which are broken down into sub-missions, I believe. JK has 21, but like Slowbie said, 6 were from Dark Jedi duels. So I'd think they're talking about 15 good missions in JK2.


But for me, I don't care too much about the amount of missions in a game. If a game takes 15-20 hours to complete, that's fine with me.


MP matters more to me anyway in the long run.

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It depends on what kind of levels you are talking about. 14-15 DF/JK size (pretty big) would be good, but they already said Itd be shorter than JK

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Long levels are good, so long as they're not monotonous. There's nothing worse than 'more of the same'. With some variety and interest, a long game is always a good game. Cutscenes provide good incentive! ;)

Or at least automated actions, which happen randomly depending on your actions.

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Never underestimate quantity my friend, 24 double gosh darn good levels beat out 3 tripple gosh darn levels any day.


The SP is my main concearn with this game. Like myself, the vast majority of gamers aren't blessed with broadband, and may not be anytime soon. So I'd really like the singleplayer game to be a rich wholesome and NOT too short experience.

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Guest Boba Rhett

I have to agree with you about that but I certainly didn't mind that there were more levels.

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Nah, HL wasn't too long. Ok, maybe the Xen world wasn't as fun as the realistic areas, but it could have been intended. It really gave you a sense of "I have to push forward because it's my job." And since we're all curious anyway, it's not like we gave up on it; we had to see the ending.


(But I'll admit, they probably made those maps hastely to get the product out. :))

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