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What Forcepowers would you like to see


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anyone remember the "Team force powers" discussion from the old OB1 forums?


I still think that would be a cool idea for multiplayer. Being able to bolster another person's force power with yours, creating either chains or branches of players leading to one Uber player, and the other team would have to knock out his supporting teammates to weaken him.


Team heal would be handy too.


A meditate power (defenseless, on your knees with your saber before you) that would boost your force power for a period (if you weren't disturbed) would be cool and in keeping with the films too.

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Yes, it is I.


I am mid way round the world, in a hostel in San Francisco. (Since i started in the UK that is about mid way. )


I have done mexico, the US and canada, and i am just chillin here with free (slow) internet access waiting for my flight to New Zealand in a few days.

Just trying to catch up with the news... but it is nice someone remembers little old me....

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My favorite powers were probably push and pull followed by the other agility powers.


I think it would be best to make agility powers use a "Force Mod" key and the others be hotkeyed.


I'd like to keep all previous powers but add about ten more. Saberthrow was fun to use in MotS. also one power I think would be cool would be:

Force-Strength: which would boost your speed, your jumping, (ect)(though not as much as the Force powers for those specific abilities) and increace your saber attack. :)

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Guest Kurgan

Hmm, chain force powers.. sort of like the combo attacks in Gauntlet Legends?


That could be cool... ; )



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Team Force Powers for Multiplayer sounds like a great idea. All of the force powers that I've mentioned so far plus the ones from Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith should be included, with the ability to "multi-target" allies or enemies.


Here is another Force Power that I'd like to see:


Storm: A VERY powerful attack, more powerful than Destruction from Jedi Knight, with the ability to inflict damage on all opponents around you.

This power should be variable to create such things as Fire Storm, Lightning Storm etc.


By the way, Have a good trip around the world, TomS. Hope you enjoy it and that everything goes well. Good Luck!


:D (This is an Eddie Murphy grin)

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is the saber throw they have implemented already controlable once in flight? it would be cool if it followed the crosshairs (like the disk in Alien vs Predator) so you could use the force to send it around corners and the like...


i always liked force throw.. it was a shame they took it out of MotS. It would be cool if it was more targetable/controllable though. Ie.. you look at an item and press force throw (it starts to shake or something) then you look at a target and release force throw and the item would fly at them....

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Well, TomS, that sounds like a good way to use Force Throw, but we should also be able to pick up enemies and throw them around or at other enemies using your method. And not just one by one; this power, like the others, should also have the ability to be "multi-targeted" on different enemies, items, and piles of junk.


Here is another Force power that would be cool:


Defensive Saber: When enemies draw near to you, your saber automatically turns on itself, floats out and slices the enemies into sushi.


Well, I'll be back! :rolleyes:

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<font color=cbcbff> Many of you seem to be missing some very important things about force powers. Balance and Vulnerability are key to make the game playable and fun. I know some of you darkies might have a good time if you can point at Jedi and they burst into flames. But how would that be countered by the Jedi? Remember, the dark side is not more powerful than the light side, only easier and more seductive. Conducive to impatience. The powers would be easier to use, but not stronger. In Jedi Knight it was pretty unfairly balanced because grip was too strong. Jedi aren't gods, the powers should be there to assist, but not draw attention away from the lightsaber duel. This isn't some juvenille show like Dragon Ball Z, it's Star Wars. It's no fun sitting across from each other shooting fireballs and beams of light. Anakin said when he first met Qui-Gon that no one could kill a Jedi. Qui-Gon had to remind him that Jedi are not invulnerable. This should be reflected in JKII.

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what? grip is too strong?

ever hear of absorb man????

in bgj ff...if the lightie is good enough, he might actually win

now, if you fight someone like jza, you probably wouldnt win because he will kill you when you are recharging your absorb or destruct you off the elevations with blasts and force you to kill yourself...something like that

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no, even JZA would be beatable by someone who knows how to use the lightside. While you're recharging and they try to stop you, they often leave themselves more open to saber attack..


me and logicbomb nearly won a CWT tourney going double protection(which was stupid - the best set up is one absorb/protection and one absorb/neutral. In fact the only reason we didn't win was because my dad kicked me off the pc so we had to forfeit ugh..


I agree with Obi on force tho... Elaborate saber duels with force to supplement the matches is how it should be in Jk2 seeing that lag won't be a big of issue as it was in JK..

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with team force powers, you should be able to heal non-jedi too, right? i dont remimber it being done in the EU, but still, a Jedi probly would be able to. so that way, if you had a team that contained a few jedi, you could heal members of you team, which might be handy, or it might not, depending on how they impliment it. they would then have to use an aiming system, so, healing yourself would mean you would have to not aim at anything, which would be annoing espically during a fight, so, maybe team heal should be a totally different force power... i dunno, just throwing out some ideas..

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Personally I think that Lucasarts got the force powers pretty much right in JK2 and MOTS, but there are a few changes I think would be good.


Remove Deadly Sight, it is just far too nasty a power, or limit it to a portion of the viewable screen, and also make other players be able to see someone who has it active so can keep out of his way.


The Grip, shouldn't stop you dead, should slow you but you should get a constant rate of movement.


Sabre Throw, should be enhanced by using a lock reticle, however should only home a little bit and its path should be more unpredictable, so if you're not having it thrown at you but a guy nearby is it may hit you on its course anyway. Make the sabre blockable. If it is blocked it should just drop to the ground. Also make it return a lot faster, but not home.


Force Push, I like the idea of an aftertouch function if you push someone and snap the mouse so you look up the guy being pushed should go up rather than backwards.


Can't actually think of anything new, really happy with the set already done.



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<font color=cbcbff> Not necessarily Pretzel. I've been using the force for a long time(not really, I mean in the game...I'm stopping that one before it comes)and I'm fairly good with it. Absorb will stop you from being directly damaged by dark force energy, but it doesn't stop grip from stopping you dead in your tracks, which isn't fair. I agree that it should slow you down, but stopping you dead is too high of an advantage. Because of that fact and the fact that sight cancels out every mildly offensive power that the light side has in JK, it takes far greater skill to be effective without protection(newbie power) as a Jedi. It is true, however, that someone who really rocks other darkies can be caught off guard by someone armed with light force.

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ive been both lightside and darkside in my day...

and what ive concluded too, lightside is harder to wield because it makes you rely on your saber more, but darkside is more agressive, and at a disadvantage because their attacks can be neutralized...

but with proper distance, the darkside pretty much has the upper hand in JK ( at least ff sabs)

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I,ve read the most of your opinions about the force powers fates but and I don't agree with these saying it's a nuisance, yes someone told it was a nuisance.


The force powers is the little extra making that game special, so we should keep them and add some new.


ps: I think that force destruction should be withdrawn or make less damage cause it's breaking the fun side in a MP game. the grip should make less damage too... for the same reasons.

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Guest Tie Guy

I'd like to see a levitate where you could control your opponent. You could move them around with the arrows and up and down with crouch and jump. Then it would let go when you push space or something. You could live them up and drop them or move them off cliffs.


The counter: You are vulnerable to attack while doing this because you can't move or jump or anything else. Also, you can control only one person at a time.

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