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JK didnt use the DF engine

I dont remember the name, but it was a different engine.

Indy Infernal does use the JK engine, so Its right It has been used for (at least) 3 games, im not sure if more

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No match for....


WTF, I ought to slap you


You're ignorant. The DF/JK/MOTS engine is the greatest thing since sex! That engine ran the best game ever: JK! When you play JK, are you complaining? No, so shut up. I think Raven should have stuck to the JK1 engine, becaause it is a classic, and the JK feel shouldn't be lost. The Q3A engine is great, but the JK engine should be used again. Or how about if they make 2 versions, one with each engine?

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it wont sell better, but a JK engine version or a JK mod that makes JK into JK2 but with the same JK engine would be great. They did 3 games with that engine, (well, 2, and DF's engine was almost the same but lower resolution, and suckier). JK2 in JK1 engine would be great. A JK1 engine version would be great for remimicing

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Three games yeah and they where and are good games. But they are using old and outdated engines that cant out perform even the kruddiest looking games produced in the year 2001. The Jedi Knight engine is atleast 4 years old rite? even with modifications and huge overhauls it cant begin to compare with the beutiful curves and wonderful structures of the Q3A engine or the UT engine. But i speak from little knowledge and little experiance working with these tools so please discount me if my assumptions are way off the mark.

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Didn't they use the 'Sith Engine' to create JK and MotS?


The engine was and is a great engine, but why would they create a game using an outdated engine? That's bad business. No one in their right mind would want to have JK2 on the 'Sith Engine' when it could be using the likes of Q3. The 'Sith Engine' was nice while it lasted, but let's keep it where it belongs...in the past. I open up JED every day and am always working on 3-4 levels at a time, but even I am looking forward to working with an engine that is less limited.

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Yeah I think it was called Sith

other engine was called Phantom, not sure if the DF or the OW engine


DF's engine was almost the same but lower resolution, and suckier


Not at all

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You're ignorant. The DF/JK/MOTS engine is the greatest thing since sex! That engine ran the best game ever: JK! When you play JK, are you complaining? No, so shut up.


Just reading that makes me think you have no idea what it feels like to have sex :). The engine may have been good for its time, but its an old dinosaur, its extinct.


[ July 01, 2001: Message edited by: [HEL]Diablos ]

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