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Shadows in JK2

Tre Lightshadow

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I dunno if there is a post on this yet, but anyways. I noticed that in the screen shots, the shadows of the characters are just dark circles underneath them. I know that in Quake 3 they have silhouette shadows of the people which looks much cooler and realistic. Even Obi-Wan (in it's late stages) had the silhouette shadows. It might just be too early in game development to worry about that, but I just think that would be a cool addition to the game.

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I'm pretty sure that the Q3 engine can do stencil style shadows and I'm pretty sure you could still do it in EF. So, it follows that there shouldn't be any reason why JKO and SoF2 can't do it...that is, unless they decided to deliberately remove the feature.


One problem with stencil shadows though ( that I've seen in Q3 ), they sometimes draw over things that they shouldn't. Maybe such a thing is fixable though? Maybe no one cares? :)

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I played EF today, but things like shadows you just dont notice once you get into the game anyway, but its still an important feature these days, so i really hope that Raven get it right. Im pleased with everything else so far though, especially reflective surfaces :), which look very good, especially in the E3 preview.

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The Quake 3 projected shadows still work just fine.


Originally posted by CaptainRAVE:

<STRONG>Yea, I noticed that aswell. Also the lightsabre just leaves a circle glow under them. It is early days, but if the game comes out with these flaws then it'll get really bad reviews :(</STRONG>


Do you really think that circle shadows would have earned bad reviews??


[ August 07, 2001: Message edited by: Vertigon [RAVEN] ]

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The stencil shadows would have to be fixed if they made them a standard feature. They just don't look right. Because it's a stencil shadow, it draws on top of *everything*, including exposions and lights and, I would imagine, lightsabers. I think that's why it wasn't a standard feature in EF, just doesn't look right. Plus the stencil shadows requires the card to have a stencil buffer... I guess most new cards have them (not voodoo's?) but if it doesn't, you either wouldn't see them or GL would try to simulate it in software and chug the game... anyway, point is, it doesn't work fine as-is...



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voodoo 4/5 can doem, just 3 and earlier.. and the lack of 32bit color dosn't letem do it in Q3, but they could do the basic shadows in Q2, They look kinda good but they do draw over everything, even standing at the edge of a cliff u'll c ure shawdow in mid air, Anyone check out how Tribes2 does shawdos? They look really good and don't have that clipping problem as mutch.

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill:

<STRONG>he didnt mean you capt, in fact, i cant even see your pic. its just an 'x'</STRONG>


Yea, dont know why that is. If I press back then forward it shows up. Someone please tell me WHY??


Originally posted by Vertigon [RAVEN]:

<STRONG>Do you really think that circle shadows would have earned bad reviews??

[ August 07, 2001: Message edited </STRONG>


Yes. With the technology we have do day there is no need to have circle shadows.

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Originally posted by Vertigon [RAVEN]:

<STRONG>Do you really think that circle shadows would have earned bad reviews??</STRONG>

Originally posted by CaptainRAVE:

<STRONG>Yes. With the technology we have do day there is no need to have circle shadows.</STRONG>


That's silly, I've never seen a bad review simply because of a circle shadow under an enemy. There's also more to shadowing correctly than you seem to realize, that is, there still is no "give me shadows" command in OpenGL.

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