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Training Level??


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I would like there to be a training level option in JKO. Not because I want to learn the gameplay so much, but I think this would help new players to JK concept. Altough previous players will have to get used to the new features, and we all will find a training level useful, I think it would be cool to have a training level, were maybe you start of carrying yoda on your back( although this wouldn't fall into the story line, but would be totally fun!), taking you through the swamp, practicing jumping and showing you how to move objects with the force....then, you could fight a training jedi, either with sabers or guns, force or no force....something like that any way, but I would enjoy hearing everyones thoughts on this, andd why they may or may not want this....and if they have ideas for something similar, creative or just different.....thanks

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Could be


And a section of it should be like in JK when you get a saber, a thing to practice saber hits in differents parts of the body, and some remotes to practice blocking


Anyone played a DF level where you choose how many enemies you wanted, how many stormies, DTs, etc, and then you entered the arena?Something like that would be cool

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I agree, this training level thing would be sweet. I love the Yoda-on-back idea, but that wont work w/ he timeline and storyline(possibly someone could make a SP level like this). So, how about he gets trained by Luke? I guess this would work w/ the time & storylines somewhat, but im not too clear on the timeline, so, im just giving my thoughts hya. Now that I'm thinking about it more, wouldn't it be awesome to be trained by Luke at his Jedi Academy on Yavin? You would be going through all different training sessions, like the remote, running around and jumping(like in ESB), and maybe even a quick lightsaber training with Luke.


Kyle would be learning all this stuff all over again, and he'll be learning from a master this time, possibly making it faster to learn over again. Therefore, having more force powers early in the game and used to the gameplay (although playing the actual levels would learn ya the gameplay).


Chewie, i just wanted to say this was an awesome idea. And digl, that last idea of yours is sweet, i would love to see this in JO.

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neat ideas. with Luke training kyle, it'd be cool to spar with look for a bit. But I have a great idea on how to end the level. Luke could bring Kyle to a place very simmilar to "the cave" from ESB where Kyle meets up with either a dark version of himself (cheesy and somewhat obvious) or he meets whoever ends up being the big threat in the game. In any case it's a great opportunity for foreshadowing.

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GUYS....Kyle doesn't need to be trained he is a well trained JEDI.So I doubt he'll be learning something new [ maybe practising old stuff 'cos he hadn't done it for years ] .So I don't think Luke or Yoda will teach him something. :)

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don't be so anal. for one, I think we were all thinking it was a practice session for a Kyle who'd been neglecting his studies. And secons, since when the **** has Kyle been a "well trained" Jedi???? I played JK, and not for a second do I remember anyone actually training him. He just picked up the damn saber and POOF. Instant Jedi, just add water.

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I think the idea is a good one and would be quite fun. Firstly Jimi-Wan, Chewie_Rips actually mentions the fact that it does not fit in with the timeline himself, and SELYA I think Chewie was refering to a practice level for new players, you know in that thing called real life.


Obviously whether people believe Kyle has trained or not (not by a master, but if you beat seven jedi you come out of it with some skills and training) newbies may not be familiar with the game. Perhaps they are new to FPS all together.


I assume you will be able to start practice games (like in UT and others) off the net other than entering the SP missions. It would be like that except with objects and interaction, independent of the timeline. This is how I read chewies post anyway, not everything has to fit to the timeline, well if its not in the SP storyline anyway.

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i think its a really cool idea : both the 'yoda on back' and 'Luke Jedi Academy', but i think the academy would obviuosly fit better. (Yoda sucks green balls anyway :rolleyes: )

I reckon it would be cool if there was a holoroom though, where you could 'load' up situations, and choose what enemies to fight and how many of them etc... (sorta like Star Trek - and yes ... i know Star Trek sucks so dont say anything) :D

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Cool training idea. Too bad Yoda is dead by the time we reach Jedi Outcast. Just use Luke Skywalker as the trainer. He shows you the ropes: how to move around, use items, activate force powers, etc.


Makes sense too, Kyle's been neglecting his Force powers, and needs a refresher from Luke.


And no, you won't carry Luke on your back. ;)

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Everyone has great ideas, and yes my "yoda" scenerio was more of a funny thought( althouh It still would be cool to have a yoda-swamp training session...maybe someone will do this MOD later... :) ),I think something that falls into the timeline and story maybe be better overall, but either way it will be cool...I like the ideas you guys had about choosing, or creating the scenerio of enemies, ect, as I think that would be fun also.... I'm just hoping and assuming, that the gameplay will have allot of variety, with multiple moves, jumps, attacks, etc, thus creating a need to make a training level. Something that will creative and differnt from other training levels for various other games......

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I like these ideas, but personally I've never been a fan of stand-alone training levels. I like the training to be integrated into the gameplay and the storyline. JK was a great example of this for me: when you got your saber, you had the opportunity to practice against a remote. The saber "training" (such as it was) fitted seamlessly into the storyline, which was great.


The training level in Elite Force was pretty good too, with Tuvok guiding you around a training session on the holodeck. This also gelled quite well into the story. What I'd rather not see is a Half-Life style Hazard Course or similar. To me, this has always seemed like a bit of a clunky and obvious way to show a player the controls.


The idea which somebody brought up of Kyle being trained by Luke sounds excellent. As Kyle has entrusted his saber to Luke anyway, it would make sense that, after the opening cutscenes, Kyle would travel to see Luke to take his saber back. The two of them could easily then do a bit of training (as Kyle was training Mara in the opening cutscene of MotS). This would be a good way of familiarising the player with the interface as it would also merge seamlessly into the game's storyline. This would be much better than a standalone training mission with little or no relevance to the main storyline, IMO.

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Yes, I agree more with the "story line" continuity aspect, and traveling to see Luke and then training, would be sweat....and since Yoda trained Luke, maybe his presence is there somehow, or you see his siloute and his voice guides you through aspects of the game, however, having just typed that, i realize I just like yoda too much...lol..and this wouldn't be practical, in terms of the story line......but the Luke idea totaly rocks.... :D

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Guest Home_Sliced

If Luke is the trainer, than we would start out immediately with the lightsaber in the SP game. Otherwise Kyle would be training with Luke, fighting for x# of levels, then going back to Luke and saying, "By the way, can I have my lightsaber back now?" :)

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Why are you worrying about the plot so much if its a training level?! I hope it will be like a seperate section where if you want you can go and fry loads of stuff like Perfect Dark...


Chewie, do you mean a training thing like Tomb Raider, because thats what i think would work best, you can go around and move a load of stuff with the force and practice against a person. (etc)



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You see me personally, i would like to have a training level seperate from the plot...but my mind sometimes agrees with the "business" aspect of things, do to the fact I'm a business person...and If I was developing the game( to appeal to the majority), I would have a trainng level that started and worked with the story line...my own preference: I think it would be cool to keep the training level seperate and creative, not having to relate with the games plot....and yes wardz( you know me and Tomb Raider), this was exactly my thought behind this, as Tomb Raider is one of my all time favorite series( and is how I got this idea)...your insight was dead on, but the majority seems to disagree and I happen to think "either or" would be great...cause they are all good ideas

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As was said, some games integrate training as part of the plot. I think these are sometimes more successful than those games that have artificial separation between training and the actual game campaign.


For instance, Battlezone had basic training integrated right into the story. You felt involved in the game from the very beginning, since you had to fight a light enemy squad while learning the basics. It didn't really feel like training, although you were in fact being trained to play. MechWarrior 4 also took that approach, for instance.


Hopefully JKO will take this approach.

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some people seem to get a little worked up about the plot, saying "no he can't do this because Luke has to say so.." It seems stupid to me that we can't have an otherwise good training level because some people get agitated at it leaving the SW canon..


hope that makes sense..



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Well, having Yoda train Kyle would seem a bit odd, considering that he would be dead.


Although who cares really? After dying, Ben Kenobi shows up as a spirit in two other films. He even gives Luke some advice. Hell, Yoda and Anakin get some on-screen ghost-time too.


How about we have a Ghost Yoda that you carry around on your back for training? Is Frank Oz available to do voiceovers?





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I don't think the training level would work if it was integrated into the game and not a separate "section." Why? Well, it has been believed that the first few levels will be Kyle's trip to Yavin 4 to get back his saber. This would mean that if we were going to be trained as to how to use the force and lightsaber, that would have to wait until 2 or 3 levels into the game. I believe going that far in a game would first defeat the purpose of a training level and second really break the pace of the game if it was a true training level. By having a training level separate, all of these problems could be avoided and a much more creative level could be created. But, if done right, an in-game training level *could* work.



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I wasn't talking about having yoda with you. I would just like a seperate section where you can travel around yavin and do some exploring and work out the best config without getting nuked in the levels..



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