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Will there be another PATCH COMMANDER?


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I wouldn't be surprised if someone developed a mod launcher similar to Patch Commander for Jedi Outcast.


Launching a game with a mod is pretty easy in Q3. Just type quake3 +game gamename


Or you can store the command to a shortcut. Very easy to do. All you have to do is click the menu item and Q3 launches, automatically running your mod.


Of course a mod launcher would automate the setup.


Actually quake3 has a 'game' button you can press in-game that automatically loads the mod. Nothin' to it.


I would expect Jedi Outcast to support mods as well, but since we haven't heard official word, noone but Raven and LEC know for certain, yet.


[ July 20, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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Well, if you want to load a mod in UT, you select it from a pull-down menu. They might do something similarly simple for JK2, and if they don't, someone or other'll make a mod launcher type program. It won't be the same person who made it for JK, though.

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I agree a little with acdcfanbill. Mods, levels, skins, textures, weapons and the like, made JK what it is today sort of (I know because, well, I have been around here since the begining. Under different internet names of course :) ). And that's what might have been holding it's community together too. But also the clans of JK have been holding it together. I've seen many games on the Zone without using mods, just normal games! Anyway, LEC and Raven, I hope, will make an easy to use interface (in-game) to activate mods, ect. and be able to read the .**whatever files that will be included with their editor (If there is an editor). Hope LEC and Raven are really listening to these forums and websites!


-Mike "sketch"


[ July 21, 2001: Message edited by: sketch ]

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Guest Kurgan

Speaking of which, UWindows, for UT was a great idea, it works very well and it's a familiar setup.



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