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Should someone ever make a WTC movie?

Dagobahn Eagle

Do you think someone ever should make a movie on the WTC?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think someone ever should make a movie on the WTC?

    • Nah, can't hurt.
    • If it is informative, maybe. Not if it's a fake like Pearl Harbour!
    • Don't think so.
    • The very idea that any company would make money on a terrorist attack that way makes me feel bad..

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What do you think about games and movies based on real life events, such as Pearl Harbour and Titanic? Personally, my view has been changed after the WTC tragedy. There is a 70% chance that in 60-80 years, there will be a movie named "NYC2001", "World Trade Center", or "Twin Towers", about the events at 9/11. And people will watch the movie without remembering that it is based on a real life event more than we did (okay, I didn't ;)) when watching Titanic.


What almost scares me is the fact that someone might make a romantic movie like the above mentioned ones, with two lovers being stuck on the 100th floor, or an action movie about the passengers who fought the hijackers in the fourth plane. And kids will watch the posters for the movie or the movie itself, and thus distancing themselves from the event's real-life origin..


Should such a movie be made? What is your opinion?

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Guest DSEmperor Viper

i DISAGREE i THINk we will be saddend by a movie, plus if they do make a movie iit will probably end with the moral crime doesn't pay


I voted nah its ok

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Guest xwing guy

I voted if its informative and not like pearl harbour, because if they make a movie out of it and they show the tragic events of what really happened and not some cheesy love story, then it'll be okay.

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Guest Admiral Odin

I think a movie is inevitable. however it won't be anytime soon. Some time in the furture you will see a movie. The key is though that the movie does show the tragedy of the attack. Certain things should never be forgotten. Like the Holocaust, and the WTC.

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Yeah, maybe years and years from now I'd be entirely okay with it, but if it turns into Titanic in falling building I will weep openly and gouge out the eyes of all involved.


I think i stole eye gouging from like the post directly above me.

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Guest Darth G

U know how's Hollywood like... they almost certainly never give an approriate protrayal of what went on...


think that it's gonna turn out to another sappy love story.


The only hope is that they show the sequence of evenst leading the tragedy and the actual hunting down of the Laden's organisation.


I think that it will be better than some chick flick

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Saving Private Ryan was one of those movies that had me torn. On the one hand i was touched by what REALLY went on on a battlefield, instead of the always o so clean hero-stories.

On the other hand... are events a warranty to make money out of them ?

If someone would decide to make a WTC-movie and have ALL PROCEEDS go to family-victims, i would say yes; go for it. But if not... i voted for no.

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Why can we make movies about Titanic, Pearl Harbor, Appollo 13, WW II, Vietnam war, Gulf War, or what historic fact ever ... and why shouldn't we make a movie about the WTC.


sept 11th 2001 is marked in the history books ... history makes good movies ... history learns the next gneration.


I see no reason why not

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Originally posted by jesseg88

How about a movie with the war as the main subject and the WTC and Pentagon events as an intro.


Yeah and having like a Tom Clancy book...a Sec. Ops. Team goes in and takes out objectives in Afganistan and towards the end they accidentally find *bum bum bum* Osama himself...heavily gaurded in his bad guy bunker.

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Guest Admiral Odin
Originally posted by Young David

Why can we make movies about Titanic, Pearl Harbor, Appollo 13, WW II, Vietnam war, Gulf War, or what historic fact ever ... and why shouldn't we make a movie about the WTC.


sept 11th 2001 is marked in the history books ... history makes good movies ... history learns the next gneration.


I see no reason why not


Exactly. However having a movie that makes the WTC attack look minor is wrong. When a movie is made on the subject it should be done to show the tragedy of what happened. Also the movie shouldn't be made right away. that is in poor taste.

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Guest Tie Guy

I don't see much of a problem with a movie being made down the road, but i can't seem to think of a plot. A plane crashes into a building, and then everyone is sad. end of story. That would be an excellent movie. :rolleyes:


However, they might make it work if thing escalate in Afganistan. They could say someone survied the attack, then went over to fight the war and got captured but escaped or something like that.


Might make a decent documentary though.

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