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JKII.Net Championships?

Darth Simpson

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Guest Sherack Nhar

I don't have Day of Defeat... it's a Half Life mod, isn't it?


I don't mind a new tournament! XWA, XWA, XWA, XWA!!!


UT sounds good too... I wasn't there when you did the last one.

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Yeah, excellent HL mod. If you haven't played it, give it a shot. Official DoD Website. I actually prefer it to CS.


And I understand that we may not have enough people for a team-based tourney, so DoD may not be a good choice (though I'd love it).


And I'd much rather play UT than XWA, mostly because XWA's netcode is a joke. I'd have to play UT to get used to it again. But whatever is good for everyone else.

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I had talked about JKii.net torunaments some time ago too but didnt get any reply


If any of you had noted my absence, Its because since I got cable my life is being sucked by UT :)

Maybe if you have a good server I could get a decent enough ping to play

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Count me in for Unreal Tournament. I will make a server available and run the tournament. I recommend we play 1 on 1 deathmatch. (Although I prefer 2 v 2 teamplay, there are just too many forfeitures to make reliable teams.)


We should start the tournament after the Labor Day Weekend. Will you all be available to play at least once every night (EST) Tuesday through Friday of next week?


Here's a prelimminary list of participants:


1. Darth Simpson

2. OnlyOneCanoli

3. Sherack Nhar

4. digl

5. Wilhuf


digl, send me an ICQ (nickname=Wilhuf) and we can check what kind of ping you get to my server.


Anyone else want in?

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Exactly when is Labor Day again?


Also, could we run the tournament bouts a little earlier, considering I'm in Norway now. That's a 6-hour difference, and the 9 EST time we've used before is just too late for a school-night.


Hopefully I can arrange for my bouts to be played a little earlier, say around 6 EST.

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Guest Kurgan

Sounds like fun, but I'll probably be too busy until friday afternoon. ; p


How about some Rune:HOV as well? Doesn't have to be tournies, maybe just a few friendly games...



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Sure just drop me an icq for Rune HOV gaming Kurg.


Matt I'll add you to the Roster, tentative.


1. Darth Simpson

2. OnlyOneCanoli

3. Sherack Nhar

4. digl

5. Wilhuf

6. matt-windu


Digl and matt-windu, please email me your icq #s. I'll need them to coordinate the tournament.

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Guest Krayt Tion

When JK is released I can see a lot more of this happening on a really official scale if some of you seek only to play Star Wars related games with your fellow forum members.


There was some talk about JKii.net members forming a clan to represent JKii.net as far as JK2 is concerned. Aristotle suggested it I believe but I couldn't find a link to it on the jk.net forums.

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Guest Krayt Tion

Uh, the official jkii clan thing doesn't have anything directly to do with any UT tournaments, JK tournies or something of that sort. If that is what you are implying, Wilhuf. icon5.gif


Just a reminder to everyone that there will probably to be an official competition in these parts to determine membership to a real jkii.net-sponsored Clan if Aristotle is still willing and people are still interested. It makes sense that anyone already doing these kind of tournies with all of us here who is also interested in a clan would like to know.


Btw I am not in for this tourney as you guys might have quessed, or else I would have said something. UT has collected too much dust and I'd rather not sub like the last owk.net UT match if I'm really not playing the game even semi-regularly.

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Uh, the official jkii clan thing doesn't have anything directly to do with any UT tournaments, JK tournies or something of that sort. If that is what you are implying, Wilhuf.


No such implication in what I wrote.


Although I was explicit that this little UT-A-Thon is unofficial, meaning not endorsed or sponsored by JediKnightII.net. I wouldn't want to mislead anyone into thinking this is somehow official JKIInet biz or opinion.


[ August 29, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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Guest ZeroXcape

If we got a few 5on5 or even 3on3 teams for DoD, that'd be quite fun. As a former DoD team member, I'd sign up for sure. If we're going to talk about HL mods, we can even play CS if we feel like it. Looks like UT seems popular.

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It would be great to do DoD, it's an excellent mod.


But I'm in favor of 1 on 1 UT deathmatch tournament simply because of logistics. The experience with these little tournaments so far is that not everyone will show up to form a team as needed.


1-on-1 doesn't eliminate the problem but at least it doesn't have other problems of teamplay: for instance no need for a standin and no forfeitures because a teammate didn't show up.


Rather than (or in addition to) a tournament, the five or so of us could just login to a DoD server and play on the same team against other players who also login.


Who would be interested in some DoD even if it weren't an organized tournament? Speak up!


[ August 29, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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