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JKII.Net Championships?

Darth Simpson

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I am speaking up for a DoD event. I would absolutely love to play with you guys, even if it is a one time thing. I know Krayt plays it, or at least he did a few weeks ago. That's four already. I know that Simpson has it because I sent a CD to Norway with most of the good HL mods on it. If he enjoys it, that could be 5.


Then at TF.N's Boards I know a few people that would play. DUM4 (Krayt and Simpson know him, he's a good guy), and AlienAcid (Krayt knows him) who is a lunatic but is great once you get to know him.


So that's 7, plus any other people who decide to speak up. We might be able to get a decent game going. If not we could keep it without a password and let other people join... whatever.

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Ok for DoD our list is:


1. Krayt Tion

2. Darth Simpson

3. ZeroXcape

4. Wilhuf

5. OnlyOneCanoli

6. DUM4

7. AlienAcid


Anyone else want in?


Now for setting a time to play DoD: how about next Tuesday Sept. 4th starting at 6PM EST. Will leave the server up for the night, people can come and go as they wish.


BTW can anyone recommend a stat parser that supports DoD? If so, provide a link. Thanks.


[ August 30, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

6pm EST is too early for me, I sometimes don't return home from work until 6:30. Generally speaking 6pm is probably too early for anyone in a regular-ish east coast work routine, plus some of those West Coast punks might not be off school yet. ;) Any west coast workers are probably out of luck too, and those not in US, well that's a whole seperate mess.


I'd much rather join another server we know is going to fill up for sure if we are going to have a handful or two of people. I can recommend a few where the people are less childish and the play is always a challenge. The Killing Grounds main server is good server where people will play it to the bone on a map like dod_omaha.


Inteli-Stats work for DoD though there page seems to be down at the moment. I haven't paid much attn to DoD stats as I have for other games, its more of a team effort...

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Two issues to resolve for DoD. When? and Where?


The 6pm is a recommendation for the benefit of our European gamers who even starting then would still have to wait until midnight their time. There is no way to make a time suitable for the US West coast all the way to Europe, unless it is on a weekend where everyone has time off.


At best we can make a suggested range of time at which to meet. Say between 6pm to midnight Tuesday. Come and go as you wish.


Or we could go with a weekend time, say the Sunday after next during the day, say from noon to 6 pm EST. This might work better for the European segment.


Which do you guys prefer for a time? Speak up.


Next question is where. This is the easy part. If we know that Killing Grounds will fill up, will we be able to secure slots to play? I recommend we join in on my server. If we cant get enough players then we can jump to Killing Grounds if given the space.


Meanwhile, I found Psychostats. Looks like it could be a good stat parser that supports DoD. Here's a sample.


[ August 30, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

So it sounds like you are proposing to make a place to play where people can expect (especially given time zone mismatches) to run into two or three of each other during a given evening?


Well I would comment then that it really isn't that hard to get into most already established servers including TKG. Sometimes I can join right away, sometimes I might refresh for a few minutes on the server broswer or retry a bit in the console. The most I think I've waited to get in for the last couple months is about 5 minutes...


What player number would you be safely able to set your server to anyways with decent pings?


Ah, pyscho stats. You might remember I linked to that in your AE stats thread, my comments are there. One of the better ones imo.


[ August 30, 2001: Message edited by: Krayt Tion ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

Well I'm going in now to play on TKG.


The Killing Grounds DoD 1.3b


You won't see me using this name as it is generally a SW RP name. Look near the top of the scores for a really non sensical, humourous, or offensively zaney name and that will probably be me. I change it often. Just give a shout out to JKii.net and hopefully I won't be too fixated to not notice.

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I am good for any of the suggestions. At this point I have pretty good flexibility over my schedule, especially on weekdays.


How about Wilhuf sets up the server tomorrow and keep it open to the public from about 6-12 or whatever he thinks would be good. If it doesn't work out, we can try it on the TKG server next weekend.

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