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If you like MP3s read this.


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Weird. Why would RIAA ever have the right to actual corrective law enforcement? I don't see how the amendment could even be constitutional.


Should be a lotta 'fun' to watch RIAA hack AOL/Time Warner customer ISP accounts to get rid of .mp3s ... watch the lawsuits go flying.


I wonder if this amendment passes (it's already been 'altered'), will I be held immune if I hack someone's PC in order to protect my own copyright interests?


Oh well, the amendment probably benefits organizations/companies, rather than individuals.

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I just read it on slashdot.

Actually it's not illegal to have mp3s (or movies) on your computer, even if they are copyrighted. You are allowed to have one backup copy of any copyrighted materials you own. So if you have a CD and have mp3s of the songs that are on that CD, it's NOT illegal.

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Good point. They really don't have any way of knowing whether you do or do not have the origional CD. They'd prolly just delete them all anways. If they have protection (as in the poposed bill) of any date loss, you couldn't do a thing about it, even if they fried your entire hard disc.


The fact that some one even tried to get this bill through really scares me. It's also another reason to think seriously about linux. But then there are even worse proposals out there. Imagine you being required to have "policeware" installed and active. Any move you'd make could (and would) be monitored. I think there is another topic on this though.

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