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Will jk2 run on my computer?

Guest Rogue15

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these are the specs:


Compaq Presario

600 MHZ

63 megs of ram

Intel® 810e Chipset Graphics Driver


The elite force demo runs on my computer, so, wouldn't jk2 run on my computer? if not, what would i need to upgrade?

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Sorry, didnt notice the graphics, that could be a problem. You might not be able to run it at all with that. With a graphics card though u'll be able to run at a quater fine. An upgrade of ram to 128Mb might mean running fine at half graphics. You wont have 63Mb though, it would definatly be 64, thats just an error with your computer reading it. Mine has the same problem, but it will still work as 64Mb.


[ September 19, 2001: Message edited by: CaptainRAVE ]

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My question is if this game will run on 56k.


I was talking to Simpson earlier about this. The FPS genre is pretty much already near unplayable on a 56k modem. I'd say a year from now, most games will be unplayable with 56k. Even in SWG, I doubt that I will be able to play it.


1.10 Can I play with a modem, or will I need a broadband connection?


Our goal is to allow you to be able to play with a modem.

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Yes, 56k modems just doesn't cut it anymore, not for FPS games anyway. This is sad, because there are still lots of gamers out there who still can't get broadband. Either the telecompanies must rapidly speed up their network expansion, which I don't see happening, or 56k'ers will have to stick to older games on the internet.


On a lighter note, I will have DSL in 3 weeks. :D

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There is a LAN place nearby in Schaumburg ,IL called GameWorks or something. It's cool, like $5 first hour, $2 every additional hour. They do quite well too, I hope it spreads as well and replaces arcades. There is only 1 problem I have with them, NO JEDI KNIGHT THERE! Darn lamer Quakers. Are there places like this elsewhere? I would really like it to grow.

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