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My new PC in 2 weeks....


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1.5Ghz Athlon

512Mb DDR Ram

Geforce 2 32Mb

5 Speaker Surround Sound

Creative Live 1024 soundcard = ENVIROMENTAL AUDIO....Raven always support that :)

Probably forgotten the rest, but it should run JK2 :).....actually im only upgrading it for JK2, but dont tell ym parents cause they think its for second year A level and university :)

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Looks like a nice rig u r building there.


Personally, I'd go for a GeForce 3 Titanium (think Ultra) when they come out - or maybe an ATI Radeon 8500 (which is technically an improvement over the GeForce 3), if they can sort out the driver problems by the time it ships. That would give your system a lot more elbow room when all the new games come out next year.


That's going to be my next upgrade, anyway. ;)

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Etch-A-Sketch "MAGIC" Screen (15")

Typewriter (with both black AND red ink!)

tin can phone (with extra long cord)

4 "AA" batteries

hand-held paddle (stolen from nearby frat house)

tin foil helmut

suction cups

fort built from couch cushions

chicken wire &

good intentions

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Guest Krayt Tion

If this is primarily a JK2 upgrade, I would hold out till closer to the Spring when the game will be released. Save some money, and get yourself the latest graphics card on top of all that instead of a GeForce 2.


I probably will not be upgrading anything on my computer which is now a little over 1 year old for JO. It was top of the line though at that time and my goal is to still have her run in 1024x768x32 rez with 50+ fps. I will be formating my HD and doing a fresh install of windows before the game arrives but that is about it, aside from a little OCing which won't get me too many extra mhz anyways.


I don't upgrade, I buy new systems, basically. I'm thinking of buying a new rig sometime after JO and before Galaxies. My current rig is getting old, but she'll hold.

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I just got the RAM this morning....512Mb, not bad for £60 :)...next weekend i'll be getteing the 1.5Ghz Athlon, i'll probably put 7 fans on it to get it to 5 degrees like my friends :)


So...the computer I now will have in two weeks as I have changed it a bit...

Athlon 1.5Ghz

512Mb Ram

64Mb GeForce 2

Soundblaster Live 1024

40Gb HDD

52x CD-Rom

.....not bad I think.....should run JK2 easily :)


[ September 23, 2001: Message edited by: CaptainRAVE ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

I've never considered overclocking my ram, but PC2400 is not an industry standard, it's just PC2100 that has been overclocked and tested to do 2400 MB/sec data rate at 150 FSB (double-pumped to 300mhz of course). So it would make sense to me to snag the ram that has already been proven to go at least a certain bit higher.


However, PC2100 ram from quality places like Crucial has been known to overclock quite nicely past 150 even though Crucial refuses to sell PC2400. :)


Beyond that, I don't know.

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Im going to get it all tommorow. Hopefully they'll have it all in stock. Yesterday they didnt and I could only get my 52x CD ROM. If they do have it in stock I should be up and running again by the weekend. Unfortunatly the 1.5Ghz has been delayed until January, too far away to wait im afraid (just for an extra 100Mhz anyway), so i'll have to settle for the 1.4Ghz :(

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