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Star Wars EPII Trailer


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Well it was only a teaser. I laugh at anyone who spent actual money to see it though (the trailer). ; )


Check out the "real" trailer Nov 9th.



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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

The teaser has this really ominous feel to it with them just showing brief clips of the movie with no sound except for Vader's breathing.


Oh, Monsters Inc. rocked! That movie is just hilarious. Even if you hate animated movies, you won't be able to help but laugh your A$$ off. Just see it, and the teaser is just a great perk of it.

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

It was a great teaser. Geez talk about hard to please. Had they shown any more, you guys would have been griping that they gave away the movie or some such crap. Just be happy with what you got, since it is the first real scenes of Ep II we have ever seen. It perfectly perked my interest and excitement about the movie for when it's released.

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Guest Boba Rhett

The one attached to Monsters Inc. is not the same as the one coming out tomorrow. And yes, it's only available for dl if you have the dvd in your dvd-rom.

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Well, I don't like this so called "protection" they're using, but I'm downloading that verify script. I'll have a look and set some properties in javascript and we'll be set.


UPDATE: I've got the detect.js which i thought was the actual script...it isn't the actual script is something called video.js, i think. Im too lazy, besides, i just thought of something real cool. :cool:


[ November 09, 2001: Message edited by: matt-windu ]

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Originally posted by matt-windu:

<STRONG>Well, I don't like this so called "protection" they're using, but I'm downloading that verify script. I'll have a look and set some properties in javascript and we'll be set.


UPDATE: I've got the detect.js which i thought was the actual script...it isn't the actual script is something called video.js, i think. Im too lazy, besides, i just thought of something real cool. :cool:


[ November 09, 2001: Message edited by: matt-windu ]</STRONG>


I think that they are using a server-side "protection", 'cos I checked the scripts as you did, I found nothing of interest.

Do you have the url where the dvd is sending you?

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