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M$ Xbox crashes LMAO!


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Guest Boba Rhett



Looks like it's going to be a two console market afterall, if they're having such severe problems already.

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Yes, judging by that article, Microsoft is off to a pretty bad start.


I'm just wondering what might be causing these lockups. Is the OS or something stored on the hard-disk, or on a ROM chip? If the software is on the HDD, it could be a sign of HDD failure. I mean, with the density of data, and proximity of the R/W heads to the disk surface, etc., you can't go banging these things around.


I know. I think I figured out why my PC had so many HDD crashes in such a short period of time last year. I had my PC upstairs, in a cabinet, sitting on floorboards. Now, there's not much flexibility with those floorboards, but there's a little give in them. My son used to go hopping around upstairs...and one day I saw that cabinet shuddering. I moved the PC downstairs, so it's now sitting on a concrete (carpeted) floor, and hey presto, no more hard disk failures. At all.


Personally, I think it was an extremely stupid move to put a hard disk in a console system that is going to have to put up with rough handling as a matter of course. I expect a high percentage of those drives to fail in the first 6 months of use.


Other than that, the only other thing that comes to mind is that the systems are overheating - I mean, what is the cooling like in a box that size? I mean they've packed in a PIII and a GF3, etc., and as we all know they're great heat generators.


I think Microsoft are cursed to release faulty products.

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"The in-store demo units are believed to be actual finalized hardware that consumers will see at launch."


We all know many consol types won't know/care about heat and stick them in a tight shelf next to thier TVs and maybe Have stuff sitting on top of them. This could be a disaster for M$ (WOOHOO!!!). A consol crashing is differant than a PC crashing, since people are much more likey to return it to the store.


The problem may not even be entirely related to heat. It could be all the $hit code M$ writes.


M$ does buinsess by making crappy products but making them sell with heavy handed and often questionable (sometimes blatently immoral) buisness practices. Welp that, an existing monopoly, lots of cash to buy politicians, and media/hype always helps to.


Im wondering what tatics M$ will use to make software companies develop games for it...


The consol buisness is much differant then the computer buisness though, I'm hoping M$ fails horribly.

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Hmmm...I don't necessarily want to see Microsoft utterly fail, regardless of some questionable past practices. I view competition as a good thing, and while I don't necessarily agree with the specification of the X-Box or how it is marketed, it is trying to raise the bar in terms of graphics performance and flexibility in the console market.


Whether it succeeds or fails in it's intentions is irrelevant - it is simply a matter of increasing consumer choice, and driving the whole console market forward.


Having said all of that...I'm still not buying one. :D


And yes, it could very well be a coding problem - or a combination of everything mentioned so far.

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Actually consols tend to be pretty solid because they are dedicated for just one thing. In M$'s infinate wisdome :rolleyes: they basicaly took a PIII, a hdd, and a nvidia graphics chip, put it in a little box and called it a game consol. It runs on a modified win 2k kernal.


Now win 2k is prolly the only M$-OS that I have any respect for whatsoever as far as stability goes, but it's only got part of that kernal. From what I was told much of what made win 2k reasonaly stable was left out of the xbox version.


Gamecube uses specialy made hardware, and I'd reason they had heat in mind when they designed it.


Heh I wonder if M$ will use the xbox to make people sign up for a passport.


I still think people under the age of 14 (that's my picture of the average consol user) would rather just take a crashing xbox back to the store and buy a gamecube or PS2 then mess with patching it. I dunno though, depends on how easy (or perhaps even automatic) they make the update process.


A patch won't fix a hardware problem though




Remember the article did say that that it was believed the systems used for the demos were the final version of the xbox. If that is true they're gonna have lots of problems (and I'm gonna LMAO).

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A patch won't fix a hardware problem though

True enough, but it might be possible to update xbox firmware. Some component DVD players have this capability for instance. Just pop in a DVD or CDROM to your set-top component DVD player and press the 'play' button. This updates the firmware. Any consumer, including 14 year olds, can do it.


Interesting how the articles don't really say anything about how many demo xboxes actually work well. Oh well I guess it wouldn't be 'news' if they reported that the majority of demo xboxes work just fine...


[ October 24, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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Not surprisingly, Microsoft has replied to the two articles.


An official Microsoft Xbox representative this afternoon told the Adrenaline Vault that a few issues were bound to crop up with over 10,000 playable Xbox kiosks at retail over a month before launch: “Microsoft representatives are currently following up with retailers across the country to ensure proper functionality of kiosks. Overall, the displays are working great and we are on track to achieve our goal of having 100 percent of the Xbox interactive displays working correctly and demonstrating the Xbox difference.”


From the Adrenaline Vault.

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